- Учителю
- Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке Масленица
Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке Масленица
Разработка интегрированного внеклассного занятия по английскому языку
</ «Shrovetide Party» в 8- классе.
Тема: Обрядовые праздники. Масленица
Цель занятия: Познакомить с обрядовыми праздниками Донских казаков.
На занятии решались следующие задачи:
Английский язык
Задачи мероприятия:
Обобщить изученный материал по темам «Праздники», «Ярмарка», «Масленица»;
Проконтролировать уровень сформированности у учащихся навыков монологической и диалогической речи, навыков аудирования;
Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, речевой догадки, ассоциативного мышления;
Прививать интерес к истории и традициям Родного края;
Способствовать воспитанию интереса к иностранному языку, повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
Ход мероприятия:
T:Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our annual festival "Shrovetide Party". "Shrovetide Party" is a traditional holiday of Don Cossacks. You will learn about customs and traditional meals of this holiday. Today we have many guests from different English - speaking countries.
Звучит музыка: Владимира Дашкевича, из фильма « Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон» .Заходят гости из Великобритании
T: This is Helen. She is from Scotland. This is Della. She is from England. We are glad to see you at our party.
P:1 "Shrovetide" is one of the ancient holidays of farmers. During the Pagan Times "Shrovetide" was celebrated in the day of spring equinox. This ancient public holiday had not the regular date of a calendar.
The symbols of "Shrovetide" are "Marena", made of straw and cloth, and pancakes, of course.
"Shrovetide" is celebrated on the last week before the great fast, which lasts 7 weeks and ends with the Easter.
This holiday is called "Shrovetide" because people couldn't eat meat during this week. But they could eat milk products, so they made pancakes.
P2: Monday means "meeting". On Monday people make ice - hills. Children bring pancakes to those people, whom their parents want to see on the last day of "Shrovetide". Help yourselves to the pancakes.
P3: Tuesday is "zaigrysh". Since morning boys and girls toboggan. The boys look for brides and the girls look for grooms. Merry games begin on this day.
Oh, games! In England races are very popular, especially races with a spoon and an egg. Let's play. We devide into 2 groups. Each group must run with a spoon and an egg in it. Who will do it faster, will be the winner. (игра).
P4: Wednesday is called "a sweet tooth". On this day the housewives use the proverb.People make many delicious meals. On the first place are pancakes of course.
P5: ©Thursday is called «walking». Young boys and man compete with each other. Women and children support them.
P6: © Friday is called "parties of mother in law". On this day a mother - in - law comes to her son - in - law. The son - in - law treats her to many delicious things. We'd like to show you their meeting.
Cценка: Стук в дверь. Зять открывает дверь. На пороге - теща)
S - Oh, mother. I haven't seen you for ages. Hello.
M - Hi, my dear son! How are you?
S - I'm fine thank you. Mother, would you like to have a snack? I baked pancakes myself.
M - Really? Of course, I'd like to try them.
M - m - m. Delicious! Thank you very much, but I must go. Good- bye.
S - Bye.
P7: © Saturday is called «daughter- in-law parties». People visit their friends and relatives on Saturday. The main dish is numerous pancakes.
P8:Sunday is the last day of "Shrovetide". Sunday is called «прощёный день». On this day people beg their pardon to many relatives and friends. People organize food - fairs, where craftsmen may show their works or even sell them.
T: Let's see the film «Сибирский цирюльник»
T: There are many recipes of making pancakes
P1: Here is the recipe, which is very simple. Take some flout, sugar and milk. Add 2-3 eggs and mix everything. Oil the pan and bake pancakes as usual. The pancakes are very tasty.
P2: You know, you can make pancakes with different stuffings. Stuffings may be from meat, fruit, and cheese and so on. First of all I put the stuffing on the pancake. Then I roll the pancake up. The pancake is ready.
2. Визитная карточка гостей из англо - говорящих стран.
What an interesting holiday. My name is Helen. I'm from Scotland. We have no such a holiday in our country. But sometimes we make pancakes. I'd like to notice that when we make pancakes, all the members of our family take part in it. One person oils the pan, the other - pours the dough into the pan, the third - turns the pancake.
How interesting tradition you have. I'm from England. My name is Della. We don't celebrate this holiday, but we also have some kind of tradition. Annually running competitions are held in England. Only women take part in this competition. They must run with a hot pan and a pancake. During the race they are to throw up the pancake for 3 times and catch it.
T: Thank you.
Просмотр фильма « Блинные бега в Лондоне»
Чтение стихов
P1: Magnificent celebrations Fair crowns. Good-bye, Shrovetide, come again! In a year the Beauty again we will meet. Let's celebrate again, with pancakes to treat!
P2: Shrovetide to us will come - messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be kind a year - messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be a crop - messes, messes, messes. There will be a happiness too much - messes, messes, messes.
Проведение итогов мероприятия.
T:Well, my dear friends. Our festival is over. Thank you for your work. All of you did well. I hope you liked this holiday. And I hope that our guests liked our holiday too.
Слова благодарности гостей из англо- говорящих стран.
I liked this holiday. I knew much information about "Shrovetide". Now I know the recipe of pancakes and of course I will bake them for my family.
We'd like to thank our guide and Russian children, who told us about this holiday. It was really very interesting.