- Учителю
- Разработка урока по теме “Going on holiday” (3 класс)
Разработка урока по теме “Going on holiday” (3 класс)
Разработка урока по теме "Going on holiday"
Работу выполнил (а): Лисица Анна Викторовна,
ГБОУ прогимназия №1644 г. Москвы
Цели урока:
Формировать умение воспринимать аудиотекст на слух, понимать его основное содержание с опорой на иллюстрации и контекст.
Ввести и активизировать использование новых слов.
Развивать языковую догадку при освоении новых слов.
Отрабатывать чтение текста по ролям, соблюдая правила чтения и интонацию.
Создать собственный диалог на основе образца.
Конечные задачи обучения данной группы:
Уметь прогнозировать содержание текста по иллюстрации;
Воспринимать на слух и зрительно содержание текста с некоторыми новыми словами;
Читать вслух текст за диктором с соблюдением норм произношения, ударения, интонации;
Кратко пересказывать содержание текста;
Задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, используя информацию из текста;
Участвовать в телефонном диалоге.
Класс: 3
Возраст: 9 лет
Количество человек в группе: 10
Уровень языковой подготовки учеников: 3-й год изучения английского
УМК: Forward. Английский язык. 3 класс. под ред. Вербицкой М.В. - М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2013.
Схема коммуникативного задания
что отрабатывается
Тип учебного
на выполнение
Providing the context. Eliciting the meaning of some new words. Practising pronunciation of new words.
My brother is going on holiday in Great Britain this Sunday.
What has he got for his trip?
He has got his passport, his ticket and his suitcase or case.
Teacher shows pictures and says the structure with new words. Kids repeat sentences in chorus.
He has got his passport.
He has got his ticket.
He has got his suitcase.
How can my brother go to Great Britain from Russia? By plane.
He needs to go to the airport.
How can he go to the airport?
Teacher elicits answers from the kids.
He can go by bus, by car or by taxi.
Kids repeat sentences in chorus.
the whole class
photos of my brother, his passport, ticket and a suitcase
4 min
Introducing the textbook story.
Listening to the story (part 1, p. 14) and answering the questions.
Predicting how the story ends.
Look at the pictures and tell me:
What is the boy's name? Who is this woman? Ben and his aunt.
Listen to the story and answer the questions:
Where is Aunt Kate going? (She is going to France.)
Is she ready? (Yes.)
What has she got? (She's got her case, passport and ticket.)
And who is not ready? (Mr Taylor. He can't start his car.)
So Aunt Kate can't go by car. What to do?
To go by taxi.
answering the questions in pairs, then checking with
the whole class
pictures of Ben and his aunt,
questions written on the board,
audio track
5 min
Listening to the story (part 2, p. 15)
You work in a taxi. Aunt Kate is calling you. Listen and write the information in your copybooks.
the chart to fill in
where to go
6 min
Listening and reading after the speaker
Look at the dialogue. Listen and repeat line by line.
the whole class
Practising pronunciation and intonation of questions and answes.
2 groups