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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему So many countries. so many customs(5 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему So many countries. so many customs(5 класс)

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По теме «So many countries, so many customs»

УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой для 5 класса с углубленным изучением английского языка

Практическая задача урока:

Обобщить материал по теме «So many countries, so many customs";

Развить лексико-грамматические навыки;

Повторение грамматического времени -Способы выражения будущего времени.

Воспитательная задача:

Воспитать у учащихся интерес к традициям своей страны и англоязычных государств;

Воспитать уважительного отношения к народу-носителю языка;

Развивающая задача:

Способствовать развитию логического мышления, памяти, воображения, наблюдательности


Учебник, рабочая тетрадь, звуковое пособие, раздаточный материал

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент и приветствие.

Good morning, children! Glad to see you again. I hope you are fine.

II.Беседа с дежурным по классу.

Введение в тему урока :цели и задачи, тема урока

The theme of our lesson (слайд)

«So many countries, so many customs»

III.Фонетическая разминка. (слайд) And now, children, we are having phonetic work(слайд)

[g] [ju] [∫]

Big Ben museum tradition

gallery monument traditional

Great Britain Union Jack national

eagle United States British

Trafalgar New York English

IV.Проверка домашнего задания. Let's check up your homework

Word test: arrival, departure, customs, to check in, booking office, fare.

V. Речевая разминка.

Учитель: By the way, children, what's the Russian for:

"So many countries, so many customs"

Ответы учащихся:

Сколько стран - столько и обычаев.

Учитель: What's the Russian for "country"?

Учащиеся: страна, сельская местность.

Учитель: And now, children, we are having phonetic work again (слайд)

Here you can see the poem "A question" by Edith Segal.

First, listen to the tape-recorder carefully, then say in chorus after the speaker line by line.

Учащиеся повторяют за диктором.

Учитель: Well done! In this poem you can see a question "Where would you rather live?" What does it mean?

Учащиеся: It means: "Would you live in the city or in the village?"

VI. Актуализация лексического материала (задание на карточках)

-Now you are getting sheets. The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns!

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, , safe(безопасно), quiet, dirty, noisy, , dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.


VII Страноведческая работа. (cлайды)

-What do you kno about The UK? Russia and USA

1. "The Union Jack" is the flag of…. .

a) Russia b) the USA c) England d) Great Britain e) Canada

2. The largest country in the world is…. .

a) Russia b) the USA c) England d) Great Britain e) Canada

3. The Great Fire in London was in …. .

a) 1666 b) 1766 c) 1756 d) 1566 e) 1676

4. The centre of London is….. .

a) the Tower b) the East End c) the City d) the West End e) the South End

5. In Trafalgar Square you can see a monument of…. .

a) Jeorge Washington b) John Kennedy c) William the Conqueror

d) Juri Dolgoruki e) Admiral Nelson

6. The name of the first ship that sailed from England to America was….. .

a) "Roseflower" b) "Mayflower" c) "Octoberflower" d) " Snowflower"

e) "Sunflower"

7. The first president of the USA was ….. .

a) Bush b) Dixon c) Kennedy d) Washington e) Nixon

8. The capital of the USA is….. .

a) New York b) Washington, D.C. c) Washington d) London e) Brighton

9. The Guy Fawkes day is on the ….of November .

a) 5th b) 6th c) 10th d) 1st e) 12th

10. The traditional food on Maslenitsa is…… .

a) porridge b) roast turkey c) bacon and eggs d) pancakes e) hamburgers

11. ………discovered America in 1492.

a) James Cook b) George Washington c) Admiral Nelson

d) Christopher Columbus e) John Kennedy

12. The symbol of England is….. .

a) a thistle b) a mayflower c) a rose d) a dragon e) a sunflower

13. The capital of Great Britain is….. .

a) Washington b) London c) Cardiff d) Belfast e) Edinburgh

14. The White Tower built….. .

a) William the Conqueror b) Christopher Columbus c) John Kennedy

d) James Cook e) Admiral Nelson

15. George Washington was born in America, state ….. .

a) Washington b) Virginia c) Vermont d) Texas e) Massachusetts

16.James Cook was …. .

a) a writer b) an actor c) a general d) a scientist e) a discoverer

17. Great Britain consists of ….parts.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 e) 3

18. The American flag is often called….. .

a) The Union Jack b) The Red Dragon c) The Stars and Stripes

d) The White Eagle e) The Black Eagle

19. The first colonists started the tradition of…. .

a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Memorial Day

d) Thanksgiving Day e) New Year's Day

20. The keepers of the Tower carefully look after……. .

a) ravens b) rats c) mice d) visitors e) crowsWell done!

VIII. Group the words into three categories (cлайд)

Money Places Symbols

Town, square, street, lake, land, birch, dollar, park,

red bus, pound, river, flag, museum, rouble, gallery, bridge, monument, eagle, penny.

IX. What can be TRADITIONAL in every country (cлайд)

XI .Will you help me to learn something about the symbols of America, Russia and Britain??? (cлайд)

XII.Traditional …food? (cлайд)

XIII. . Physical exercise Фонетическая разминка

XIV Достопримечательности (cлайд)

XV.Повторение грамматического материала Future Simple Cпособы выражения будущего времени

Open your books on page 62(правило)

Ex.7 p.64(У)

XVI. Заключение.

Учитель: Today at the lesson we've talked a lot about Russia, Great Britain, the USA. We are different and we can say: "So many countries, so many customs".

Homework-English books (p. 76 ex. 19).

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.

The task is to find the adjectives describing life in a city and life in the country. There are two columns

На листах дан перечень прилагательных:

Fast, cheap, slow, clean, unhealthy, safe, dirty, noisy, healthy, dangerous, modern, interesting, boring, expensive.


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