- Учителю
- The theme of the lesson: “We speak three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English”
The theme of the lesson: “We speak three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English”
Secondary school by Nursultan Alimkulov
"We speak three languages:Kazakh,Russian,English"
Prepeared by the teacher of English:Nagima Eskalieva
Kaskelen 2015
The theme of the lesson:"We speak three languages:Kazakh,Russian,English"
The aims of the lesson:
1) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.
2) Educational: Presentation of the game- lesson , to train new words and discussion an English language
3) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, Russian
The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers,
interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson
I.Organization moment:
Dear teachers and students! Welcome to our intellectual game. We are glad to see you and we hope that you will enjoy today's game.
Language is very important in our every day's life. We travel, we meet different people from different countries, and they speak different language, that's why we have to understand each other. Today we can speak and try to speak three languages: English, Kazakh and Russia, the languages of Pushkin, Abai and Shakespeare. And every day we develop our skills in these languages.
Well, we began our game and let's meet our teams. (Every team tells some words about their team's, about their hobbles, favorite subjects and motto).
Game "Polyglot"
.II. Main part of the gameThe first type:"" We speak three languages
Answer the questions in three languages:
1. How many letters are there in English language?
(There are 25 letters in English language).
Қазақ әліппесінде неше әріп бар?
(Қазақ әліппесінде 42 әріп бар).
Сколько букв в алфавите русского языка?
(В алфавите русского языка 33 буквы).
2. What city is the capital of the U.K?
(London is the capital of the U.K).
Қай қала Қазақстан Республикасының астана-қаласы? (Қазақстан Республикасының астана-қаласы-Астанa).
Какой город является столицей Р.Ф.?
(Москва - является столицей Р.Ф.)
3. Who is the Prime - minister of the U.K.?
(Tony Blair is the Prime - minister of the U.K.).
Қазақстан Республикасының призедентті - кім?
(Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев Қазақстан Республикасының призедентті).
Кто является призедентом Р.Ф.?
(Дмитрий Медведов является призедентом Р.Ф.).
4.The great English writer is ... (W. Shakespeare).
Ұлы қазақ жазушы ... - (Абай Құнанбаев).
Великий русский писатель ... (А. Пушкин).
5. What is the population of Great Britan?
(Fifty - six million people live in G.B).
Қазақстанның халық саны қанша?
(Қазақстанда 16 милион адам тұрады).
Каково население Р.Ф.?
(В Р.Ф. проживает 142 миллиона человек)
6. Name the countries which are in Asia.
Европадағы мемлекеттерді атандар.
Назовите символы городов : Лондон, Москва,Астана.
The second Type: "Polyglot".
1. Finish these problems in English, Kazakh, Russia.
а) Никогда не откладовай на завтра, то что ты можешь сделать... (сегодня, today, бүгін).
в) Нет дыма без... (огня, fire, от).
c) Без труда не вынешь и ... из труда (рыбку, fish, балық).
d) Куй железо, пока ... ( горячо, hot, ыстық).
e) На вкус и … товарищей нет. (цвет, color, түс).
f) Лучше поздно, чем … (никогда, never, ешқашан).
2. Finish these proverbs in one of 3 languages
War is the sports of … (kinds).
Nothing hurts more than … (truth).
Жақсы бастама - істің ... (жартысы).
Отпен ... (ойнама).
Две головы лучше чем ... (одна).
Без труда не вынешь и рыбку из ... (пруда).
3. (Finish). Choose English variant for ever Russian proverb:
I. 1. Меньше слов больше дела - а) Better late than never.
2. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе - b) East or west, home is best.
3. Лучше поздно, чем никогда - c) Better to do well than to say well.
4. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше - d) Better an egg today, than a hen tomorrow.
II. Choose English variant for every Kazakh proverb:
1. Аз сөз - алтын - a) There is no life without unity.
2. Уақыт қымбат - b) Art is long, life is shot.
3. Бірлік болмай, тірлік болмас - c) Time is money.
4. Өмір қысқа, өнер мәнгі - d) No wisdom like silence.
7. Riddles - жұмбақтар - загадки
1.Сидит девица в темнице, а коса на улице (морковь)
2 Сто одежек и все без застежек (капуста)
3.Екі қолы, екі аяғы, ортасында шеге (қайшы)
4 Ақ отау, аузы, мұрны жоқ отад (жұмыртқа)
5. What can fly but has no wings (time)
6.What has a face, but no head hands but no fingers (a clock)
IV. The fourth Type: Baiga
Translate into Kazakh and Russian.
Active to smoke
Hardworking to speak
A girl a mouse
A house a lake
North water
To see boring
To kill long
To cut a dog
To love reading
Happy tiring
Stressful to draw
IV. The End.
Dear teacher and students! We've finished our game. Now, we'll know our team's score and know what team is winner.