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- Making Laws In Gtreat Britain
Making Laws In Gtreat Britain
Күні: 25.12 Сынып:11
Тақырыбы: Step Three. MAKING LAWS. Заң шығару.
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың заң туралы білімдерін толықтыру
Сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту
Жаңа сөздерді үйрету
Сабақ барысы
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
1 Амандасу
2 Үй жұмысын тексеру
3 Жаңа тақырыппен таңыстыру
Ex 1. Talk to your partner / class.
• How many laws does Parliament pass every year?
• Do you know the process of making a law in Britain?
Ex 2. Read the text below and find the following words in the text. Mark the meanings which are used in the text.
Amend 1. make minor improvements in text
2.correct errors in a document
3.make better
implement 1. put (a plan a decision) into effect 2. complete
delay 1. postpone 2. make late
assent 1 formal agreement with or approval oi a plan or suggestion
assent 1 agree with or officially give permission for something
ex 3. Practise the pronunciation of the new words (exercise 2).
ex4. Read the text again and draw a chart.
Making New laws in Britain
The functions of Parliament are: making laws, providing money for the government through taxation; examining government policy, administratior and spendings, debating political questions.
Every year Parliament passes about a hundred laws directly, by making Acts of Parliament. Because this can be a long process, Parliament sometimes passes a very general law and leaves a minister to fill in the details. In this way, it indirectly passes about 2,000 additional rules and regulations.
No new law can be passed unless it has completed a number of stages in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The monarch also has to give a Bill the Royal Assent, which is now just a formality! There are two main types of Bills - Public Bills which deal with matters of public importance and Private which deal with local matters and individuals.
Public and Private Bills are passed through Parliament in much the same way. When a Bill is introduced in the House of Commons, it receives a formal first reading. It is then printed and read a second time, when it is debated but not amended. After the second reading the Bill is referred to a committee. Here it is discussed in details and amended, if necessary. The Bill is then presented for a third reading and is debated. If the Bill is passed by the Commons it goes to the Lords, and provided it is not rejected by them, it goes though the same procedure as in the Commons. After receiving the Royal Assent the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.
Ex 5. Compare your chart with your partner / class.
Ex 6. Read the text again and find the following words in the text:
a) (заң жобасын) кейінге қалдыру
b) салық салу (ісі)
c) (заң жобасына) өзгеріс енгізу
d) Патшаның (корольдің) санкциясы
e) (Үкімет) қажетін (ақшамен қамтамасыз ету)
f) егжей-тегжейлі (талқылау)
g) (Заң жобасын) талқылау
ex 7. a) Write out the phrases with the word "Bill" from the text and compare your list with your partner.
b) Discuss them as a class. What verbs are used with the word "Bill"?
ex 8. Talk to your partner /class.
• Speak about the difference of a Bill and an Act of Parliament
• Speak about readings of a Bill
• Speak about the role of the House of Lords in Law making process
• Your opinion about making laws in Britain
Үйге тапсырма:
Goodbye! I wish you luck!