- Учителю
- Разработка урока для 8 класса 'Inventions'
Разработка урока для 8 класса 'Inventions'
Класс: 8
Урок: английский язык
Тема урока: Изобретения
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием технологии развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся критического мышления
Цель: создание языковой среды способствующей развитию коммуникативных навыков учащихся через личностно - ориентированный подход, формирование лексических навыков, развитие умений трансактивной речи на основе предложенного текста,развитие языковых, познавательных способностей учащихся, развитие готовности к коммуникации на основе предложенного речевого материала.
создание условий для воспитания культуры общения, воспитание патриотизма.
Оборудование: наглядный материал, классная доска, учебник.
Этап урока
Содержание учебного материала
Pre - reading
While- reading
Post- reading
Comprehension check
Word formation
Home task
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you here.Now we're going to work in pairs. One of you is a reporter. You should ask your partner some questions about compliments
Make up dialogues. Making compliments: Well done, congratulations, it's really good news (in pairs)
Everything that you know about inventions
T: Some inventions can be made unexpectedly.
Archimedes principle - a scientific rule which says that an object placed in water will be affected by a force pushing upwards that is equal to the weight of the water moved by the object.
- 'This example shows that some inventions can be made unexpectedly, just by chance or because of someone's mistake. Can you give some examples proving the idea?
- Dmitry Mendeleyev saw the table of chemical elements in his dream and then he wrote it.
- There is such a legend that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity with the help of an apple. One day he was sitting in the garden under an apple tree and when an apple fell down and hit his head, he began thinking about the reason of the apple falling.
2. T - Look at the table. You can see a bowl covered with a napkin. Guess what is inside it. Ask me some questions about it.
P1 - What size is it?
T - It can be either small or large.
P2 - What colour is it?
T - It can be green, yellow, red.
P3 - Is it eatable?
T - Yes, it is. And it is very tasty.
P4 - Is it a fruit or a vegetable?
T - It's a fruit.
P5 - "Is it an apple?
T - Yes, my congratulations! And it has helped to make a discovery - the law of universal gravity as you have said
To make your own project and create the useful gadgets for people and describe the inventions
V. Осмысление. Получение и осмысление новой информации, соотнесение полученной информации с уже имеющимися знаниями.
T: What do you know about the Nobel prize?
The Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize was established by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor. Nobel was the man who invented dynamite. Nobel became a pacifist and established a fund to provide prize for scientists, writers and people who promoted international peace.
There are five areas in which a Nobel Prize can be won: chemistry, physics, medicine, literature and peace. The first Nobel prize was awarded in 1901.
Задания по тексту: одной группе составить вопросы по тексту другой пересказать текст.
VI. Развитие поискового чтения
T. : Here is the text about the first vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, some words are missed. Please, read the text carefully so that you can complete the text.
The vacuum …………. . was ……………. in …………. . in 1901 by Cecil Booth. It had a big petrol …………. and was placed on a cart. The cart was pulled by a ……………… and it was taken to a …………………. The window was opened and the long …………. . was pushed through into the room. The ……………. . was used to suck the …………. . and dirt out of the ………………… This is how …………. . were cleaned by a machine a …………… years ago.
VII. Первичный контроль изученного материала. Взаимоконтроль.
T. Circle the best answer in each sentence.
1. The first ……… was invented in 1897.
A. dishwasher b. washing machine c. computer
2. The first vacuum cleaner was placed …….
A. on a cart b. on a carpet c. on a lorry
3. The first computer was invented in ……. .
A. America b. Russia c. Egypt
At home you should do … What have we done today? Your marks for the lesson are…