- Учителю
- Разработка урока английского языка на тему Выходной день моей семьи
Разработка урока английского языка на тему Выходной день моей семьи
3 Бth Form Lesson 3 Date:
Org. moment:
The main part:
My working day
Weekend of my family
1) Знакомство с лексикой по теме «Weeken of my family»
2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.
3) Развивать навыки говорения.
usually, later, newspapers ,breakfast ,next, sleeps.
The procedure of the lesson:
T: Hello, children! Sit down! What is the date today? What day is it today?
Who is absent today?
Phonetic charging
[ t ]
"Tick," the clock says.
"Tick, tick, tick
What you have to do,
do quick!
Look at the whiteboard!
Let's make a calendar together.
How many days of the week are there?
Давайте вспомним названия дней недели:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that's the end .
Now let's say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!
Предлагает детям посчитать. Обращает внимание ребят на образование круглых чисел и чисел от 20 до 100.
Давайте поможем слонёнку Томасу посчитать от 20 до 30 .
What day of the week do you like?
I like Sunday!
I can do a lot on Sundays!
I read a book, ski, skate, play with a friend, play tennis, do homework, walk with a dog.
Presentation "Day of the week"
- Can you swim?
- Yes, I can.
- Can you dance? Relaxation
- Yes, I can.
- Can you read?
- Yes, I can.
- Can you fly?
- No, I cannot.
Ex 1. Act out the dialogue. Say to your partner.
P1 - What do you do on Sunday?
P2-I read a book!
P1 -Do you play tennis !
P2- Yes!
Ex 2. Reading
Попробуй прочитать!
On Sunday I get up later than usually, make my bed, go to the bathroom, wash my face and clean my teeth. Then we have breakfast all together. On Sunday my mother usually bakes pancakes. We drink tea or coffee and eat pancakes with jam. After breakfast I help my mother to wash the dishes.
At one o'clock we have dinner.
After dinner we have a short rest. My father goes to his study and reads newspapers. My mother watches TV, my younger sister sleeps. I usually go to my room, read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week.
Ex 3.WritingOn Sunday my family and I_______________________________________________________
Now remember and say all the words of Weekend of my family
red apple (+)
green apple(-)
Your marks for today___________
See you next time! Good bye!
Weekend of my family/Выходной день моей семьи 3_Б class
Выучи числа!
Английские числа 20-100Попробуй прочитать текст "Выходной день моей семьи". На английском языке!
On Sunday I get up later than usually, make my bed, go to the
bathroom, wash my face and clean my teeth. Then we have breakfast
all together. On Sunday my mother usually bakes pancakes. We drink
tea or coffee and eat pancakes with jam. After breakfast I help my
mother to wash the dishes.
At one o'clock we have a lunch.
After lunch we have a short rest. My father goes to his study and reads newspapers. My mother watches TV, my younger sister sleeps. I usually go to my room, read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week.
В воскресенье я встаю позже чем обычно, застилаю свою постель, иду в ванную, мою лицо и чищу зубы. Затем мы завтракаем всей семьей. В воскресенье моя мама обычно печет блины. Мы пьем чай или кофе и едим блины с вареньем. После завтрака я помогаю своей маме мыть посуду.
В час дня , мы обедаем.
После обеда нас есть короткий отдых. Мой папа идет в свой кабинет и читает газеты. Моя мама смотрит телевизор, моя младшая сестра спит. Я обычно иду в свою комнату, читаю книгу, слушаю музыку или делаю свою домашнюю работу заданную на следующюу неделю.
Тебе в помощь! Правила чтения английских букв и буквосочнтаний
ea -напоминает звук -и
ck-напоминает звук -к
ch - напоминает звук -ч
c- перед гласными e, i ,y читается как русская буква "с", в остальных случаях читается как русская буква "к"
THEME " Weekend"
Rules/ Правило
Выучи!Образование простого прошедшего времени у правильных глаголов осуществляется путем добавления к глаголу окончания ed
Dance - danced
Play - played
Skate - skated
Katya danced yesterday. - Катя танцевала вчера
Tom played football last Sunday. - Том играл в футбол в прошлое воскресенье.
Ex 2.Writing/Запиши
Выбери вариант: I read a book, skate, play with a friend, play tennis, do homework, walk with a dog.
I can do Sundays (Я делаю в воскресенье)________________________________________________________
Ex 3. Reading
Попробуй прочитать!
My day off
Мой выходной день
Walk with a dog
I read a book
I play with a friend
I play tennis
do homework
Тебе в помощь! Правила чтения английских букв и буквосочнтаний
оo -напоминает звук -у (I read a book-Ай рид э бук -Я читаю книгу)
w-напоминает звук в(Walk with a dog-Вок виз э дог-играю с собакой)
h - напоминает звук х (homework-хоумвок-домашняя работа)
th-межзубный звонкий (with-виз)
Form Lesson 1 Date:
Org. moment:
The main part:
Time of the rest
Знакомство с лексикой по теме «Время.Режим дня»
1) Научить учащихся английском языке.
2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.
3) Развивать навыки говорения.
o'clock, half past six, time
Present Simple of "to be":
The procedure of the lesson:
T: Hello, children! Sit down! What is the date today? What day is it today?
Who is absent today?
Phonetic charging
I have a hello in my hand and it just for you
I have a hello in my hand, my hello comes to you
I have a hello in my arms and it just for you
I have a hello in my arms, my hello comes to you
I have a hello in my cheeks and it just for you
I have a hello in my cheeks, my hello comes to you
- look at the picture, please
-What you see
-- All right!
Today we will study a time Open your books on page . Let's read the words under the pictures.
1.Look at the board and listen the words. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!
- Can you swim?
- Yes, I can.
- Can you dance? Relaxation
- Yes, I can.
- Can you read?
- Yes, I can.
- Can you fly?
- No, I cannot.
3. - I have got a mother, I have got a father, I have got a brother, I have got a grandfather, I have got a grandmother.
Ex. 1 p. 18 Listen and repeat after me.
Ex. 2 p. 19 Role play. Act out exercise 1 with your partner.
Ex. 3 p. 19 Say "Hello!" to your partner.
Ex. 4 p. 19 Listen and repeat
Ex. act out the dialogue. Say to your partner.
- I have got a father. Is it a father? =
- Who is it?
I have got a brother. Is it a brother? =
- Who is it?
I have got a mother
- Who is it?
Show me, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandfather, a grandmother, please!
Today we found out how to greet people and ask their name. Now remember and say all the words of greeting.
Your marks for today___________
See you next time! Good bye!