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- Урок в программе SMART по английскому языку в 4 классе на тему: Времена года и погода
Урок в программе SMART по английскому языку в 4 классе на тему: Времена года и погода
Theme: "Seasons and Weather"
Level: Form 4
Teacher: Bacioi Nina Fedorovna
To teach pupils to learn words about seasons and weather.
To develop pupils' skills and habits in using degrees of comparison of adjectives.
To teach pupils to compare the weather in different countries and speak about their favourite season.
Equipment: pupils' books, smart board, cards with degrees of comparison of adjectives, copy-books.
The beginning of the lesson. (1-3 min.)
Objective: to organize the class.
Teacher: "Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? (All are present.) What date is it today? (Today is the 9-th of February)."
"What day of the week is it today? (Today it is Monday). What is the weather like today? (Today it is cold, cloudy, it is a dull day). What was the weather like yesterday? (Yesterday it was cool, cloudy and rainy). Let's predict the weather. What will be the weather like tomorrow? (Tomorrow it will be sunny, warm and windy). What is the season outside today? (Today it is winter)."
"The theme of our lesson today is "Seasons and Weather". We will remember the words on this theme and will do some exercises on degrees of comparison of adjectives."
Phonetic Drill. (3-5 min.)
Objective: to teach pupils to pronounce sounds and words correctly.
Teacher: "Repeat after me the sounds and words: [w]-warm, winter, wet, weather; [ð] - the, that, whether, the weather; [o]- hot, foggy, not, frost."
"Let's remember the poem (Whether the weather), read this poem after me line by line."
Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not.
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot.
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!
Pupils read after the teacher and then 2-3 pupils try to read the poem and say what is the main word in it.
Speaking. (5-7 min.)
Objective: to develop pupils' skills in English speech.
Teacher: "Look at the screen, guess the riddles: 1) what goes up when the rain comes down? (umbrella); 2) it makes trees shake, it makes clouds run away? (wind); 3) the wind is blowing, the snow is falling. When all is white, short days and long night? (winter) 4) there is mist in the garden, the summer is over. The trees are bare, and frost in the air? (autumn). 4 pupils come to the smart board and guess these riddles.
Teacher: "Let's remember the words, read and translate them: cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, windy, frosty, cloudy, cool. (pupils raise their hands and teacher asks them.)
Checking home task. (5 min.)
Objective: to check pupils' homework and correct their mistakes.
Teacher: "Your home task was to answer the questions:
What is your favourite season?
Why do you like this season?
When were you born?
What season you don't like and why?
(teacher asks 4 pupils and gives them the leaves for their answers.)
Listening. (2 min.)
Objective: to teach pupils to understand English speech.
Teacher: "Watch the video and remember the words about weather." (the teacher shows the video).
Teacher: "Translate: дождливо, солнечно, ветрено, идет снег, облачно, жарко."
Game. (1-2 min.)
Objective: to remember months, seasons and adjectives.
Teacher: "Let's play the game: I will throw you the ball and you must say the months in the right order, then seasons." (pupils work in chain).
Teacher: "Let's have a rest: stand up and make an exercise for your body."
Hands up, hands down, hands on hips.
Sit down, stand up, stand still.
Shake your hands, shake your fingers.
Turn around your head slowly.
Bend left, bend right. Stand still.
Thank you. Sit down.
Reading. (5 min.)
Objective: to develop pupils' skills and habits in reading.
Teacher: "Look at the screen, read the texts and try to guess the seasons." (4 pupils come to the smart board and read and guess the seasons and push the bottom to check their answers.) SPRING, WINTER, AUTUMN, SUMMER.
Teacher: "Fill in the missing letters: COLD, RAINY, WARM, SKY, CLOUDY, SNOWY." (3 pupils come to the smart board)
Teacher: "Put the months in right word order. (January, March, April, June, August, September, November, December.)"
Writing. (10-15 min.)
Objective: to develop pupils' skills and habits in using degrees of comparison of adjectives.
Teacher: "Let's remember the theme about degrees of comparison of adjectives. (положительная, сравнительная, превосходная.)"
Teacher: "I'll give you out the sheets of paper with the task: put the right form of the adjectives and the verb to be."
Teacher: "Find the words: YEAR, SEASON, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, COLD, WARM, HOT, NIGHT. Some letters are not used. Make a word with the, (CLOUD).
Teacher: "make the words: SUMMER, SPRING, AUTUMN, WINTER, SEASONS.
Teacher: "Make the sentences and put the words using right word order." (Winter is the coldest season. July is hotter than April.) 2 pupils come to the smart board.
Home task. (1-3 min.)
Teacher: "Open you diaries, write down your homework: p 57. Ex. 3, 1 in writing. To solve the crossword about months."
"What have we learnt at our lesson today? Do you have any questions? I want you to put flowers which are on your desks into the boxes that you liked (EXCELLENT, GOOD, SATISFACTORY."
"The lesson is over. Good-bye!"