Secondary Education in Britain.

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

8 класс.

Secondary Education in



Совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков говорения и чтения.


1.Развивать диалогическую и полилогическую речь учащихся в парах и группах сменного состава.

2.Научить учащихся употреблять в речи структуру'' If I were you…''

3.Читать текст''Hampton School'' с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

4.Контроль домашнего задания ( составление рэп- рифмовок об образовании в Британии, песня''Yellow Submarine''

Ход урока.

1. Начало урока (оргмомент, приветствие)

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Звуки [r] и [w].''Rally Roll rolled a round roll round''

''Willy will never wear woolen underwear in winter''

3. Проблема урока.

- Today we'll talk about secondary education in Britain, compare it with education in Russia, and learn more about English schools. So, what will be the problem of the lesson? (Учащиеся - определяют проблему урока сами)

Eg:''Would you like to learn more about British education?

''They say that British education is the best. Do you agree?

4. Песня '' Yellow Submarine''.

- Let's begin with our favorite song just to be in a good mood.

5. Word - Webb.

- What do you think of when you speak about Secondary education in Britain?

Comprehensive Primary

Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary education education

in Britain Private schools

Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.

Putting Boarding

into sets Compulsory

6. Мозговой штурм. 2

- What do you know about primary education?

- What is compulsory education?

- Why are the students put into sets?

- How many children go to comprehensive schools?

7Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.. Работа в парах сменного состава.(2 lines) P1 P4

-Interview each other about secondary education in Gr. Br.

P2 P5

Результат - беседа в кругу.

''What have you learnt?'' P3 P6

8.''Coctail party.''

- You've come from Gr. Br. Share your information about British secondary education. (Свободное хождение) - выход на монологическую речь.

Secondary Education in Britain.

Частная школа в Оксфорде.

Compare it with our schools.

9.Контроль домашнего задания.

-Рэп - рифмовки об образовании в Британии (см. приложение)

10.Введение структуры''If I were you, I would…''

-Teacher:''If I were you, I would visit British schools and learn more about its education.''

(Отработка в кругу «паук»)

-If I were a teacher I would help children.

-If I were a President I would make people happy.

-If I were a gardener I would take care of flowers. etc.

Упражнение выполняется с помощью клубка ниток.


Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.P2

Secondary Education in Britain.P8 P3

Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.

P7 P4



11. Рефлексия. 3

Choose one of different photos that matches your mood during our lesson.

a b c d

Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.Secondary Education in Britain.

  • Explain why.

12. Итоги урока.

13. Home task : the text 'Hampton school'(to answer the questions)


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