- Учителю
- Secondary Education in Britain.
Secondary Education in Britain.
8 класс.
Secondary Education in
Совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков говорения и чтения.
1.Развивать диалогическую и полилогическую речь учащихся в парах и группах сменного состава.
2.Научить учащихся употреблять в речи структуру'' If I were you…''
3.Читать текст''Hampton School'' с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
4.Контроль домашнего задания ( составление рэп- рифмовок об образовании в Британии, песня''Yellow Submarine''
Ход урока.
1. Начало урока (оргмомент, приветствие)
2. Фонетическая зарядка. Звуки [r] и [w].''Rally Roll rolled a round roll round''
''Willy will never wear woolen underwear in winter''
3. Проблема урока.
- Today we'll talk about secondary education in Britain, compare it with education in Russia, and learn more about English schools. So, what will be the problem of the lesson? (Учащиеся - определяют проблему урока сами)
Eg:''Would you like to learn more about British education?
''They say that British education is the best. Do you agree?
4. Песня '' Yellow Submarine''.
- Let's begin with our favorite song just to be in a good mood.
5. Word - Webb.
- What do you think of when you speak about Secondary education in Britain?
Comprehensive Primary
Secondary education education
in Britain Private schools
Putting Boarding
into sets Compulsory
6. Мозговой штурм. 2
- What do you know about primary education?
- What is compulsory education?
- Why are the students put into sets?
- How many children go to comprehensive schools?
Работа в парах сменного состава.(2 lines) P1 P4
-Interview each other about secondary education in Gr. Br.
P2 P5
Результат - беседа в кругу.
''What have you learnt?'' P3 P6
8.''Coctail party.''
- You've come from Gr. Br. Share your information about British secondary education. (Свободное хождение) - выход на монологическую речь.
Частная школа в Оксфорде.
Compare it with our schools.
9.Контроль домашнего задания.
-Рэп - рифмовки об образовании в Британии (см. приложение)
10.Введение структуры''If I were you, I would…''
-Teacher:''If I were you, I would visit British schools and learn more about its education.''
(Отработка в кругу «паук»)
-If I were a teacher I would help children.
-If I were a President I would make people happy.
-If I were a gardener I would take care of flowers. etc.
Упражнение выполняется с помощью клубка ниток.
P8 P3
P7 P4
11. Рефлексия. 3
Choose one of different photos that matches your mood during our lesson.
a b c d
Explain why.
12. Итоги урока.
13. Home task : the text 'Hampton school'(to answer the questions)