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- План открытого урока Our achievements
План открытого урока Our achievements
Demo class plan
Warming Up:
Greeting, some general questions (What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? Who is absent today? How are you today? etc)
Targets of the lesson:
Show the guests of our demo class what the students have learnt during this term, what they know and can do at the English lessons.
Pets (Teacher throws the ball to the student and says the word in Russian, the student throws it back saying this word in English; then we can play the game 'Snowball' where the students repeat the words after the previous players in the correct order and add their own words on the topic; the student who remembers everything and says all the words without any mistakes is the winner).
Learning supplies (e.g. a pen, a ruler, a textbook etc) (Teacher shows different objects to the students, they name these objects; then we train our memory again: we play the game 'The Missing One' where the students should look at the things on Teacher's table for some time, then they close their eyes, and Teacher hides one of the objects from his table; the students open their eyes and that one who says what is missing wins).
School Subjects and Days of the Week (the students one by one say which subjects they have got on different days of the week).
Time (Teacher shows some cards with clocks on them and asks the students what time it is in these cards; then Teacher gives the students some other cards and the students should write down the time by themselves).
The main topic of the lesson is 'My Day':
(Teacher asks to translate some word combinations on topic 'Daily Routine'; then we invent a story about someone sentence by sentence (e.g. 'He gets up at 6 o'clock and takes a shower. Then he…').
New Grammar: Present Simple (negative)
(We listen to the CD track, Teacher asks the students if they hear the difference between the positive and negative sentences and what this difference is, then Teacher explains the new rule and answers the students' questions if there are any; after that the students do some exercises to revise this rule).
Summing Up:
We discuss what we have done during the lesson, what we have revised, what was easy/difficult, what was new and interesting. Then the students get marks for their participation in the lesson (with the explanation why the mark is high or low) and some tasks to do at home.
In the end Teacher says goodbye to the guests and thanks everybody for coming to the demo class.