- Учителю
- Урок английского языка на тему Where is Kip? (1класс)
Урок английского языка на тему Where is Kip? (1класс)
The form: 1 «A» факультатив The date:
The Theme: " Where's Kip?"
Aims of the lesson: 1) to revise and practice the plural forms and teach 6-10;
2)to introduce Letter Kk, Ll
3) bring-up pupils love to school
Aids of the lesson: CD player book, flash-cards
The type of the lesson:mixed
Course of the lesson:
1. Ұйымдастыру сәті
Good morning. I'm glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson.
- Сабақты мен тақпақтан бастағым келеді
One, two, three, let me see,
Who likes coffee,
Who likes tea.
One, two, three, now I see,
You like coffee and you like tea.
2. Қайталау
T: Let's play a game! Have you got a …
bag, book, classroom, pencil, rubber, ruler, felt tip (оқушылыр құрал-жабдықтарын көрсетеді)
3. Жаңа тақырып
Ex 1 p30 Listen say and write the numbers
- What's the next numbers?
Let's play a game "Bingo"
Ex 2 p30 Chat with me
Ex 3 p31 Say the next two numbers
4. Сергіту сәті
I can clap
I can stamp
I can skip
I can ride a bike
I can play football
Балалар мұғалімнің соңынын қайталайды
- Open your book at p29, ex2
- Listen and match
Play the recording
Jess: 2 cakes, a sandwich, a drink, 2 bananas
King Cat: a drink, a sandwich, 2 cakes
Nick: A sweet, a drink, a sandwich, 2 bananas, 2 cakes
Work in the activity book
Jj- juice
Activity book p34.ex1
Read and draw
Sing a song p29, ex 3
7. Сабақты қорытындылау
I can jump. I can run
I can sing. I can dance
I can swim. I can't fly
I can climb and say
- Жаңа сөздерді қайталайық
- Біз сабақта немен айналыстық?
- The lesson is over! Thank you! Good Bye!