- Учителю
- Методическая разработка урока на тему: Современные профессии
Методическая разработка урока на тему: Современные профессии
ГБПОУ «Сызранский политехнический колледж»
Методическая разработка урока на тему: «О современных профессиях»
Выполнил: Малахова М.М.
преподаватель иностранного языка
ГБПОУ «Сызранский политехнический колледж»
Сызрань, 2016
Урок английского языка в группе 419
Познавательный аспект - знакомство с современным миром профессий, с различными областями деятельности.
Развивающий аспект - развитие способности к классификации, сравнению.
Воспитательный аспект - формирование терпимого отношения и уважения мнения другого человека.
Учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков говорения.
План урока.
1. Приветствие
- How do you do, dear teens?
- How do you do.
- I hope you are well, teens!
-We hope you are too!
T: We are going on speaking about professions. There are many professions in the world. Some professions are interesting, some are useful, some are in demand today.
Let's answer my questions.
1. What would you like to be?
2. What are you going to do after school?
3. Who helped you to make your decision?
4. Have you tried to work in summer to find out what jobs you like most of all?
5. What are advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?
6. What professions are in demand today?
Let's work in groups and check up how you know job titles. (технология «Обучение в сотрудничестве», вариант STAD)
задания группам: 1 группа - Which are the worst and the best paid jobs?
2 группа - I think... is the most important factor in choosing a profession of a ...
3 группа - I think people like ... . They will probably choose ...category.
4 группа - The best paid jobs are... . The worst paid jobs are... .
5 группа - If people are interested in ... , they are supposed to choose
the ... category. The professions of this category are... .
Ребята соотносят: 1 группа профессия - хорошо или плохо оплачиваемая;
2 группа категория - профессия;
3 группа важный фактор - профессия и т. д.
Ребята по цепочке объясняют свой выбор.
3. Тест на проверку понимания и усвоения нового материала. Работа в тетрадях индивидуально.
This is a person who works in a big supermarket. It is a hard job. I think it is paid reasonably well. (a shop assistant)
This is a person who works in a factory and gets a good salary. (a worker)
This is a person who to use his/her artistic abilities. He/she gets a lot of money. Job satisfaction is the most important factor in choosing this profession. (an actor, an actress)
This is a person who teaches children. This job is a low paid job. Friendly atmosphere is the most important factor in choosing this profession. (a teacher)
This is a person who writes articlesfor magazines and newspapers. Travel is the most important factor in choosing this profession. This is a highly paid job. (a correspondent)
This is a person who treats animals on the farm. He is interested in working with animals. This is a low paid job. (a vet)
This is a person who helps the doctor in the hospital. This job has a low income. Training is the most important factor in choosing this profession. (a nurse)
A worker whose job requires no special training. He gets even less. (a labourer)
A sportsman who plays football best. This job is over paid. (a professional footballer)
A person who writes books sitting at home. He/she writes thrillers, novels, romances. Good conditions is the most important factor. (a writer)
Учитель проверяет тест и выставляет общую оценку команде.
4. Работа в группах. (технология «Обучение в сотрудничестве»,
вариант Jigsaw 2). Все группы читают текст «Mikhael Lomonosov».
1 группа - Выписать предложения о рождении, детстве Ломоносова.
2 группа - Выписать предложения об учебе Ломоносова.
3 группа - Выписать предложения о профессиях Ломоносова.
4 группа - Выписать предложения о вкладе Ломоносова в историю России.
Эксперты от групп встречаются и обмениваются информацией. Расходятся по группам. Доводят до сведения своих одноклассников.
5. Проверка понимания и усвоения материала.
Agree or disagree.
1. Lomonosov was born in Moscow province.
2. He liked to spend his free time cycling and playing football.
3. He began to read when he was at school.
4. He went on foot to Moscow, because he wanted to study.
5. He entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
6. He studied abroad.
7. Lomonosov was even an actor.
8. Lomonosov envented a telephone.
9. He wrote a Student's Book «Grammar of the Russian language».
10. He built a glass factory near Petersburg.
Учитель проверяет и ставит общую оценку команде.
Homework. Write down your ideas on the topic «What would you like to be?».
T: Good bye, dear teens. Thank you for your good work.