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  • «ABC HOLIDAY» праздник на английском языке 2 класс (конспект урока)

«ABC HOLIDAY» праздник на английском языке 2 класс (конспект урока)

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«ABC HOLIDAY» праздник на английском языке

для обучающихся 2 классов

Мероприятие подготовила и провела учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МКОУ «Ванаварская средняя школа»

Эвенкийского муниципального района

Красноярского края

Брюханова Ольга Юрьевна.

Цель: Oбобщить и закрепить знание учащимися букв английского алфавита, развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи; развивать креативность; воспитывать у детей чувство взаимопомощи, умение работать в парах и команде; повысить интерес к изучаемому предмету

Краткое описание мероприятия:

Мероприятие проводитсяв 2х классахв форме соревнования, с целью обобщения изученного материала.(Резервный урок). Класс делится на 2 команды.

Соревнования между командами интересны и полезны детям, так как способствует закреплению языкового материала, развивают память, воображение, внимание, сообразительность, аналитическое мышление, стремление к самовыражению.

Оборудование: компьютер, видеопроектор, презентация в PowerPoint


Teacher: Good afternoon pupils and guests! Today we are celebrating ABC Holiday. The main heroine of our holiday is Mrs. Letter. Please meet Mrs. Letter!

Mrs. Letter: Good morning children, parents and teachers!

Pupils: Good morning,

Good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning,

Good morning

We are glad to see you.

Mrs. Letter: How are you, pupils?

How are you?

I hope you are fine, pupils.Pupils: We hope you are too.

Mrs. Letter: Let me introduce our judges (introduces judges). They will give you and count your points.

At our holiday we have two teams and we will name them. the first will be called "A" and the second team is called "Z"

  1. Mrs. Letter: Let's start. Do you know the alphabet well? Answer my questions about the alphabet

1 Сколько букв в английском алфавите?

  1. Каких букв больше: гласных или согласных?

  2. Сколько гласных?

  3. А сколько согласных?

  4. A cколько звуков?

  5. Назовите другое название алфавита (АВС или alphabet)

(1 point for each correct answer)

Mrs. Letter: Today we celebrate ABC -HOLIDAY . Я с удовольствием послушаю ваши стишки о буквах.


в гости

Заходи скорей!





OoOoooo [Əu]


Hello! Hello!

Ii, Ii, Ii iii [ɑı]

Hi! Hi! Hi!

UuUuUuuuu [ju:] Как я вас всех люблю!

YyYyYyyyy[wɑı] donkey, donkey don`t cry

А теперь согласные день рождения

празднуют !

Bb Bb Bb [bǀ:]

B-in my birthday birthday my day

breakfast for birthday

will be O`K


Why do you crywilly ?

Wy do you cry?

Why Willy? Why Willy?

Why Willy? Why?

Meet the captains. This is… and this is… (names the captains). You … and you… ask each other three questions.

Captains: (possible questions)

  1. What is yourname?

  2. How old are you ?

  3. How are you?

  4. Have you got a cat (father, sister, brother)

(Model: My name is Sasha and I am 7 years old. I am from Russia and I live in Vanavara. I am in the second class and I like English.)

Mrs. Letter: Thanks a lot for your stories. You can speak English and that's great.

Thank you for your answers.

And now the game 2. Oh, but I have a serious problem. All the letters in my bag are mixed. Help me to put them in pairs: big and small. (Gives cards with letters to the participants, e. g. aA to join them together Aa)

Mrs. Letter: I see you know all the letters very well. Name them please.

Mrs. Letter: I think you are pretty tired. Let's do some exercises. But I can't do them because I am not young. Who can help me?

Pupil: I can. (He or she stands in front of the pupils and they sing a song "If you are happy")

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands!

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands! (Stamp your feet!; Snap your fingers!; Nod your head!; Click your tongue!; Say OK!; Doall six!

Mrs. Letter: Excellent! But can you make words? Let's play game. Make as many words as you can and read them. (Pupils come to each other and build words, e.g. it and read them. Judges count only correct words, 1 point for a word)

Mrs. Letter: Brilliant! But I think it was an easy task for such clever girls and boys. And the next game is "Scrambled letters". Put the letters correctly to make a word. (Here a computer can be used to show letters on a big screen and children put them in order with a computer mouse).

Mrs. Letter: Bravo! And now the next game. Let's do the snake from words. The last letter is the beginning of the next word, e. g. it-top-pin…. The team that makes the longest snake is the winner. (1 point for each word)

Let`s sing the ABC song

Song 1:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M,

I can sing the alphabet,

Can you do the same?

I can sing the alphabet,

I've got it in my head!

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z!

Song 2:

</<font size="4">A B C D E F G,

H I J K L M N O P,

Q R S T U V W,

Q R S T U V W,

X Y Z,

And you can see

Now I know the ABC!

Mrs. Letter: I hope you enjoyed the holiday and now it's time to listen to your results (all the pupils are given certificates and medals)

Mrs. Letter: Thank you very much for the holiday. Goodbye!


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