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- Статья Tolerance is a basis of understanding of cultures (prevention of external threats)я
Статья Tolerance is a basis of understanding of cultures (prevention of external threats)я
Tolerance is a basis of understanding of cultures
(prevention of external threats)
Aggravations of political, economic and social problems draw our attention to the aims, means and results of education of the personality who is able to act in the interests of national security. One of the qualities of such personality is tolerance. Foreign language as a subject is possessed of a great potential in formation such quality of personality.
The Declaration of Principles of Tolerance (UNESCO)1 defined the meaning of tolerance in today's context as respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty; it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace.
However, the researcher K. Wayne claims that "tolerances isn't only a simple recognition and respect of belief and actions of other people, but also recognition and respect "other people" who differ from us. "Others" have to admit both separate individuals as representatives of ethnic groups to whom they belong"2.
The Declaration of Principles of Tolerance insists that it is necessary to strengthen tolerance promotion and the shaping of attitudes of openness, mutual listening and solidarity in schools and universities and at home.
Specifics of learning a foreign language distinguish by its communicative, conversational orientation that is reflected in methods and forms of occupations. Special value is given to a choice of a form of the organization of the educational activity: training in small groups, group, pair and individual work. On the one hand it is important that the favorable psychological climate at any organization of communicative activity should be created to achieve the informative purpose, and on the other hand, certain cultural communication, ways of communication and mutual support should be taken into consideration while doing a task,. It is necessary to educate pupils by this method of joint activity at the English language lessons.
It is offered to use the role-playing games producing certain situations, as a rule, with united plot. Ethics of international communication is shown in respect and attention to other participants. Role-playing games embody elements of patriotism and tolerance, respect for other culture and yours. The active methods of teaching possessing a communicative orientation as well as reflecting a regional geographic and ethnocultural component of the discipline "Foreign language", promote motivation for pupils to language learning.
Thus, English work can not only acquaint students with culture of the English-speaking countries, but also has to be orientated on education of understanding, respect, active solidarity, readiness to communicate with representatives of the different people and, as a result, on formation the tolerant consciousness and behavior of youth in the conditions of variety of cultures.
Консультант по языку Илалтдинова Елена Юрьевна
(Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University)
1 The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance (UNESCO) of 16.10.1995.www.tolerance.ru
2</<sup> K. Wayne. Education and Tolerance//Higher education in Europe.1997.T.XXI. № 2. P.14-15.