- Учителю
- Разработка урока-экскурсии Достопримечательности Лондона
Разработка урока-экскурсии Достопримечательности Лондона
Group - 6
Theme: Sightseeing of London
Aim: закрепление знаний учащихся по теме « Достопримечательности Лондона» посредством повторения изученной лексики, работой с текстом для развития устной монологической речи, развитие умения составлять монологические высказывания.
Tasks: 1) повторить слова по теме « Достопримечательности Лондона».
2) работать с текстом, уметь читать, переводить его.
3) составить монологическое высказывание.
Expected result:
1) будут знать новую лексику.
2) будут уметь читать, переводить текст, применяя изученную лексику.
3) будут уметь составлять монологическое высказывание.
Type of the lesson: урок-экскурсия.
Equipment: презентация по теме, картинки по теме, текст, карточки для рефлексии, учебник, тетрадь.
1. Орг.момент
Good afternoon boys and girls! How are you? What is the date today? What day of the week is it now? What is the weather like today?
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T. Listen and repeat after me.
Слайд №1
Big Ben
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Parliament
Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square
3. Речевая зарядка.
Слайд №2
- Let's remember the proverbs.
1) East or west home is best. (В гостях хорошо а дома лучше)
2) My home is my castle (Мой дом моя крепость)
- Give the Russian equivalent.
Пословицы на доске, учащиеся с каждой группы их читают, записывают в тетрадях.
- The first proverb writes group №1, the second group №2.
4. Повторение изученной темы.
На доске картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона.
- Look at the pictures and say how do you think. What is it? ( учащиеся называют достопримечательности которые знают )
- How do you think, what is the theme of our lesson?
- Yes, it's right. The theme of our lesson is " Sightseeing of London". Today we will travel to London.
Слайд №3
5.Контроль д/з
T: What was your home task?
Let's check your homework.
P: We prepared information about the sightseeing of London.
T: Let's play the game " What is it?"
You are ready.
Let's see presentation "Sights of London"
( Презентация о достопримечательностях Лондона )
Students speak about London sights.
Слайд №4-18
Let's check what you remember.
Слайд №19
What is the Tower famous for?
What is Downing Street ,10 famous for?
What is Big Ben?
What is the colour of the London buses, and telephone booths?
What is Whitehall?
What is the official home of the queen?
6. Работа с текстом.
Слайд №20
Учащимся раздаются листы с текстом " London".
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.
По цепочке читают по предложению, переводят текст.
Answer the questions.
What is the capital of the UK?
How many people live in London?
What is London famous for?
What sightseeing do you know?
Работа с упражнением True or False.
Let's do exercise - True or False True (T) or false (F)?
London is the capital of Great Britain
London is the biggest city in Kazakhstan.
The city is very old and beautiful.
London stands on the river Thames.
It was founded more than one thousand years ago.
Most of the streets are very wide.
Westminster is the most important part of the capital.
The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange.
London is divided into five parts.
T: Now, we will work with exercise.
Let's do check comprehension.
T: Very good. Write true sentences in your exercise book.
Учащиеся записывают правильные предложения в свои тетради.
7. Физ. минутка.
T: Do you want to stay more on Trafalgar Square and remember Big Ben? I'd like to recite a poem about London's famous clock tower - Big Ben. Stand up, please, and repeat after me.
(на экране появляется изображение Big Ben; дети выполняют движения за учителем)
Слайд №21
(A song')
"Tick-tock, tick-tock,"
merrily sings the clock.
"It's time for work,
it's time for play."
So it sings throughout the day.
"Tick-tock, tick-tock,"
merrily sings the clock.
Slowly ticks the big dock:
"Tick-tock, tick- tock.
Little clock ticks double quick:
</ "Tick-a-tock-a, tick-а, tick-a,
Tick-a-tock-a, tick!"
8. Аудирование:
Let's play game! Guess the name of sights. I will read and you will guess. (слайды)
1. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson? Who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar.
(Trafalgar square)
It is to the left of Trafalgar square. It has a fine collection of European paintings. It is the London home of the Queen. When the national flag is flying on the top she is at home.
(Buckingham Palace)
3. London has also many parks and gardens. It is a very democratic park. In the park anyone can stand up and say what they want. (Hyde Park)
4. It is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren.
(St. Paul's Cathedral)
5. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man? Whose nickname was - (Big Ben).
9. Обобщающий лексический тест.
T: London is very interesting place I think we'll learn more information about this city in our future. And now let's check your knowledge. Look at me you can find the paper with this test. Try to find the right answers.
Слайд №22-26
1. Big Ben is …
a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.
2. Buckingham Palace is…
a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.
3. Westminster Abbey is a large…
a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.
4. The Tower of London was…
a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress , a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.
5. Ravens must live in …
a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge
10. Домашнее задание.
Слайд №27
Write about your town 7-8 sentences.
11. Рефлексия.
Учащимся раздаются листы, где они сами себя оценивают.
-You must self assessment.
12. Итог урока.
Do you like the lesson?
What do you like in our lesson?
Выставление оценок.
T: Let's have a rest and sing a song "The wheels on the bus"
Ученики поют песню.
Видеоролик с песней и словами к ней на ИКТ.
Thank you.
The lesson is over.
Good bye.