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- Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему 'Describing places and directions' (6 класс)
Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему 'Describing places and directions' (6 класс)
A. Students and Setting
Students: Six grade students (ages 11-12) from Kazakh and Russian speaking environment, beginning EFL, this is their second year of studying English.
This is a public school where the students from all grades have two English lessons a week. Time of the lesson is 45 minutes.
B. Lesson Background:
During some period of time students have been working with the topic "Describing places and directions". They have worked with vocabulary, grammar (such as prepositions of place, there is/ there are structures), studied stories from text book, and have already known how to describe objects and places. Students were divided into 6 groups with 4 students in each group. There is a person who gathers information, a scriber, a reporter and a person who checks the essay (it should be higher level student). The groups have received the task to collect information about the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana and its sightseeing from books and Internet and find or draw pictures.
C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:
In this lesson students will be able to create an essay about the capital of Kazakhstan using topical vocabulary and grammar and will make oral presentation. This work will be evaluated by peers and the teacher. Also within each group there will be a student who checks an essay.
D. Materials and Sources:
Pens and paper, pictures and photos of Astana that students have brought.
Site about the sightseeing in Astana.
E. Procedures / Timing:
Teacher does/says . . .
Students do/say . . .
Approximate Time
Today we are going to speak about the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. Your task is to write an essay about the capital or the sightseeing in Astana then and make an oral presentation using pictures that you have brought on the lesson.
Students listen to the instructions.
1 min
Last lesson you were divided into groups of four and each of you received the roles of a person who gathers information, a scriber, a reporter and a corrector. Now form your groups. Let your corrector to coordinate the work of your group and check if you prepare your materials.
Students form the groups. Correctors check readiness groups for project work.
2 min
Circulates around the groups, helps students and encourage them to use English.
At first students listen to the reporter who tells them the information he/ she gathered. Then children discuss what they include into essay orally and choose picture for presentation. After that a scriber writes the essay and the corrector checks it.
15 min
Asks groups to present their essays.
The reporter from each group presents the essay showing pictures. The students from other groups listen to and ask questions after presentation.
25 min
Makes a conclusion and asks students if they like Astana, If they want to visit it, etc.
Answer to the teacher's questions.
2 min
F. Alternative Assessment:
Teacher circulates around the groups and helps students with vocabulary and grammar or checks students' pronunciation. Also the teacher encourages low motivated students to use English and to take part in group work. During the lesson teacher makes some notes to find students' weak points for individual correction. Also students have peer assessment and at the end of the lesson they put essays into their portfolio.
G. Reflection - Phase 1:
This lesson helps to develop integrated skills from oral speech to reading and writing. The form of the lesson involves the students both low and high motivation work together and teaches them to work in team. Teacher can see what problems the students have, who needs individual work on future lessons, if they understand the topic or not.
G. Classroom Management:
The work in groups that is given on this lesson must be organized attentively. Teacher should give students very clear instructions how to form the groups and help them to choose their roles in project work as project work needs preparatory phase. That is why on previous lesson children were divided into groups of four. Also there are higher and lower motivated students in this class and teacher should control if he/she gives the roles to the students properly to balance students' levels. That is why it would be better to give higher level students the role of the person who checks the essays and coordinate the group. Other students can choose their roles as they want. It helps them to feel comfortable and includes all the students into a project. These groups can work with the same roles on some other lesson then it would be better to change roles and give the students an opportunity to have new experience.
H. Reflection - Phase 2
The project work given on this lesson, integrates different learning skills. Students discuss the topic, listen to each other, write an essay, correct mistakes, make an oral report with presentation and find out interesting information to wide their outlook. Also students have peer assessment and formative assessment from the teacher. They evaluate each other's work and teacher sees which of the students needs individual work, what problems students have, etc.
In order to pay attention on learner differences, student with various proficient level were assembled into one group. It helps the teacher to make balance within group and each student will be able to participate and contribute into project work. Classroom management helps to conduct lesson without mess and wasting time. All the students were divided into groups with their own roles on the previous lesson and teacher should give to the students very clear instructions how to create a project and what their roles are.