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  • Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме Day out

Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме Day out

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Тема: My best day out

Цели урока:


развитие речевых умений (монологическая речь) по теме «Выходной день»;

создание условий для совершенствования произносительных навыков, развития умений читать и воспринимать и понимать речь на слух;

создание условий для совершенствования грамматических навыков по теме «Прошедшее простое время: специальные вопросы»;

актуализация знания по теме «A Day out»;


развитие умений применять полученные знания в типовых условиях;

создание условий для развития речевого слуха, а также памяти, внимания, воображения, творческого мышления;

способствование формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности;


обеспечение условий для воспитания положительного интереса к изучаемому предмету;

создание условий, обеспечивающих формирование стремления интересно и продуктивно проводить свободное время;

обеспечение условий для развития умений слушать других, работать в парах.

Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся будут готовы высказаться по заданной теме.

Урок: комбинированный

Оборудование урока: учебник Лапицкая Л. М. «Английский язык 5 класс, часть 1», компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, наглядный и раздаточный материал, доска.



Ход урока

1) Warming-up, Aiming, Introduction (организационный момент - 5 мин)

- Hello, students! How are you today?

- What did you do yesterday in the evening?

- How did you spend your last day out?

- How can we spend our day out? (Students answer.)

- Let's go back to the Sesame Street and meet Bert. He had a nice day out. Let's watch a short video about it. After the video tell me where he went on his day out.

(Students watch the video and answer Bert spent his day out with his friends in the park.)

- How do you think it is better to spend your day out at home or go somewhere out? (Students discuss where it's better to spend a day out.)

- Can you guess now what we are going to speak about today? (Students say that the topic of the lesson is «Our Day Out»)

- Very nice! Today we are going to discuss your best days out. We are going to read a short story about Liz's day out. We also are going to listen to other children's stories about their days out. And we are going to speak about What, When, Where and Why they did different things using the Past Simple Tense. So, our aims are:

1. To learn some facts about your classmates' free time.

2. To improve reading, speaking and listening skills.

3. To learn to ask special questions in the Past Simple Tense.

- Let's write down our aims on the board and at the end of the lesson we'll check whether we achieved them or not.

2) Checking homework (проверка домашнего задания - 7 мин)

- So, Bert went to the park on his day out. What did you do on your day out? (Students are speaking about their best days out.)

3) Reading and speaking (чтение - 6 мин)

- Ok! I see your days out were really exciting and I believe you enjoyed your time.

And our friend Liz went to her aunt last weekend. Would you like to know where she was and what she did? You have a text at page 63 in your books.

Before reading let's discuss some words you'll meet in the text (Devon, old castle, downstairs (ground floor), upstairs (first floor, second floor), to be scary, ghost). (The teacher uses pictures and definitions explaining the meaning of the words.)

- How do you think what this story is about? What can the pictures tell you about the story? (Students guess what's the story is about.)

- So, let's read to this story. After reading tell me who lives in the castle. (Students read the story.)

- Who lives in the castle? (Students answer.)

- Find the sentences which describe these pictures. (Students read the sentences.)

- Find sentences below the text and say whether they are true or false. (Ex.1b, p.63)

- Do you see any irregular verbs in the story using in Past Simple? (Students find irregular verbs in the text.)

4) Grammar practice (проверка знаний и умений учащихся - 8 мин)

- And now tell me please, what we do with the verb in the sentence to show that the action happened in the past? (The teacher adds some examples: We go to school every Monday. / I went to the woods last Sunday.)

So, how can we say go in the past;

how can we say make in the past;

how can we say eat in the past;

how can we say ride in the past;

how can we say drive in the past;

how can we say meet in the past;

how can we say take in the past;

how can we say drink in the past;

how can we say have in the past;

how can we say come in the past;

how can we say give in the past;

how can we say say in the past;

how can we say run in the past;

how can we say swim in the past;

how can we say fly in the past. (Students practice the use of irregular verbs.)

- Now listen to the sentences and raise your hand when you hear a past tense verb:

I swam in the lake last weekend.

I ride a bike every day.

My mum gave me some sweets yesterday.

In the morning I drink tea.

I met my friend yesterday.

I did my homework yesterday.

People don't fly.

I ran every morning a year ago.

I went for a picnic with my family last weekend. (Students listen and raise their hands.)

- Let's talk about the Past Simple Tense and learn to ask questions in Past Simple.

(There is an explanation how to make the 'wh' questions in the Past Simple Tense on the board:


When did + subject + Vinfinitive …?



- What question words do you know? (What, Who, When, Where, Why)

- Let's take the first sentence from the story you've just read and put a question word to each part of this sentence:

when? who? where? why? who?

Last weekend my brother and I went to Devon to visit our aunt Susan.

5) Moving activity (физкультминутка - 2 мин)

- Let's move and get warm! Let's pretend that we are animals! Stand up!

I flew like a bird,

I climbed like a cat,

I swam like a fish,

I jumped like a frog,

I ate like a horse,

I ran like a dog.

Take your seats.

- What can we do on our day out? (Students say what they can do on their days out using the actions from the chant.)

6) Listening and speaking (восприятие и понимание речи на слух - 8 мин)

- After the weekend Liz and her brother went to the radio station. And the reporter interviewed them. Try to match questions with answers. (Ex.2a, p.64)

- The reporter at the radio station interviewed not only Liz and her brother, but also Liz's classmates about their best days out. Let's listen to their interviews and say how they spent their weekend. (Ex.3a, p.65)


Reporter: Hi everyone. Today Alex, Maria, Jacob and Emma from Class 5 will answer my questions about their best day out. Hi, Alex! Where did you go on your best day out?

Alex: I went to the circus.

Reporter: Who did you go there with?

Alex: I went there with my little brother and sister.

Reporter: when did you go to the circus?

Alex: We went to the circus last Saturday.

Reporter: What did you see there?

Alex: We saw clowns and animals. I liked the bears and the horses.

Reporter: Why did you like them?

Alex: The bears rode bicycles and the horses were very beautiful.

Reporter: Thank you, Alex. Now, Maria. Please tell us about your best day out.

Maria: My best day out was at the seaside. It was on the last weekend in August. My aunt and uncle took me there. It wasn't very warm, so I didn't swim in the sea. I played in the sand. Then I went on the rides. I ate popcorn and drank coca-cola. I liked the day at the seaside because I had a lot of fun there.

Reporter: Thank you, Maria. Your story is really interesting. Now, Jacob. Tell us about your best day out.

Jacob: My best day out was last year. It was on my friend's birthday. After we ate the birthday cake, we went to the disco. We danced to the music and played games. I liked the games because I won two prizes.

Reporter: Thanks, Jacob. Now it's your turn, Emma. Tell us about where you went on your best day out and what you did there.

Emma: I like history a lot. Once my grandad took me to London, to the National History Museum. I saw the real houses where people lived hundreds of years ago. I also saw the cups and plates they used. My favourite part was women's dresses and blouses. I'd like to go to that museum again.

Reporter: Thank you, Emma. Thank you, boys and girls.

- So, what did the children do on their days out? (Students answer.)

- Ok, let's be reporters. Write the reporter's questions. (Ex.3b, p.65)

- Now you can listen and check your questions. (Ex.3c, p.65)

7) Speaking (игра «Интервью» - 7 мин)

- Now try to be reporters yourselves. Now you'll get a card: one person in the pair is a reporter, the other one is a celebrity (cards with famous people's pictures). A reporter writes questions and a celebrity thinks about his/her best day out. And then you are to present your interviews to the class. (Students prepare for their interviews and present them.)

8) Reflection and Evaluation (рефлексия, подведение итогов - 2 мин)

- Very nice! Thank you for your interviews.

- And now let's take a look at our aims. What can you do/speak about after our lesson? Can you speak about your best day out? Can you ask questions using question words what/who/when/where/why in the Past Simple Tense? (Students share their opinions.)

- As for me, I'm satisfied with our work today. We revised some material, improved our knowledge and we had fun. Your marks for today are… At home read some more stories about children's best days out in your Workbooks (ex. 2a,b, p. 44-45).

- Good job! See you next week. Good bye.

Список литературы

1. Запрудский, Н. И. Моделирование и проектирование авторских дидактических систем: пособие для учителя / Н. И. Запрудский. - Минск: Сэр-Вит, 2008. - 334 с.

2. Запрудский, Н. И. Обратная связь в образовательном процессе / Н. И. Запрудский // Школьные технологии: Научно-практический журнал. - 2011. - № 3. - С. 124-133.

3. Лапицкая, Л. М. Английский язык: учебное пособие для 5 класса учреждений общ. сред. Образования с рус. яз. обучения, часть 1 / Л. М. Лапицкая, А. И. Калишевич, Т. Ю. Севрюкова, Н. М. Седунова. - Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2014. - 141с.



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