- Учителю
- конспект урока по английскому языку 9 класс
конспект урока по английскому языку 9 класс
Цели урока:
Учебная: совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения и умения вести диалогическую и монологическую речь по заданной тематике, совершенствование представления о некоторых музыкальных стилях (джаз, блюз, фолк-музыка, кантри-музыка), совершенствовать умение понимать англоязычную речь на слух, совершенствование техники поискового чтения и письменной речи, развивать навыки сотрудничества через работу в парах и группах.
Развивающая: развивать познавательную активность обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку, развивать речевые умения, способность к языковой догадке, сравнению, обобщению.
Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся уважительное и толерантное отношение к мнению собеседника, развивать стремление узнать больше о музыке других стран, расширение общего кругозора учащихся; усиление интереса к урокам английского языка и музыки в целом.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, целевого применения усвоенного материала.
Методы работ: Словесные, практические, наглядные; частично - коллективные; обобщающие; сравнительные.
Ход урока
1.Начало урока.
Вначале урока звучит отрывок из песни "Ты моя мелодия" поет М. Магомаев.
1) T: Hello, children. I am glad to see you. Hello, dear quests. We are glad to see you, too..
So, you listen the word MUSIC, and our topic is "Music in my life". Today we shall speak about different styles in music, practice our listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Cлайд №1 "Music in my life".
2.Речевая зарядка.
2) T: Look at the blackboard there are words to our lesson.
Cлайд №2
pop music, rap, rock, jazz, country, blues, enjoy, prefer, mood, emotion, to listen to ( read the words.)
3) Cлайд №3
T: Do you know any proverbs that can be used when speaking about music?
-Where there is a will there is a way.
-Art is long, life is short.
-It is never too late to learn.
-Tastes differ.
(уч-ся читают по порядку и переводят).
T: What do think about _Epigraph___ to our lesson?
P: выбирают эпиграф к уроку. __-Tastes differ._
4) T: Music is a free art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea.
First, answer my questions:
-T: Do you like to listen to music?
-T: Now I want you to listen the dialogue between two men ( ex4B)
-T. Where can we hear music?
P4. We can hear music everywhere: in concert halls, shops, on TV, over the radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and even in the street.
-T: But what role does music play in your life? ( СОГЛАСНЫ ИЛИ НЕ СОГЛАСНЫ)
P1: Music helps me to work and to rest.
P2. Music helps me to live and to learn.
P3. It reflects our mood, our state of soul, our style of life.
P4: Music appeals to our hearts and feelings.
P5: Music transforms our feelings.
- Music is a part of our life.
- It is difficult to live without music.
T: And now I want you to respond to the following statement. Use proverbs and the following expressions:
Cлайд №4
-How interesting!
-How usefull!
-With great pleasure!
-You don't say so!
-I quite agree.
-You are quite right.
Р1: -I am not very good at dancing. Р2:- -You don't say so!
Р2:-I have bought rare CDs of popular groups. Р3: -How interesting!
Р4: -I know you play the guitar well. Р5: -How useful .
Р6: -I hope we can exchange CDs with you. Р7: -With great pleasure!
Р8:-There will be a dancing party at our school. Р9: -You don't say so!
Р10: -I like the group "Beatles". Р11: -Tastes differ.
P1: -There are many styles of music.
P2: - You like classical music.
P3: - You like rap.
5) T: Many people and young people are fond of music. Music teachers tell pupils about famous composers and teach to sing songs. Pupils prepare concerts, learn new songs and play different musical instruments:
What musical instruments do you know?
Cлайд №5
(инструменты) уч-ся читают: piano, trumpet, bass gitar, acoustic gitar, saxophone, violin, drums, BANJO.
6) T: There are many different styles of music.
Rap - a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.(списывают дети).
T: Do you like to listen rap?-T: What do you think about when you listen to music?
-T: What is your impression? What did you feel?
P1: When I listen to music I can think about nothing but music
P2: When I listen rap I think about -my friends, party with my friends, Timati concert, black groups in America.
слайд №7.
Еще один музыкальный стиль - Кантри ( от англ. Country от country music - сельская музыка) - наиболее распространённая разновидность североамериканской народной музыки, по популярности не уступающая поп-музыке. Кантри объединяет две разновидности американского фольклора - это музыка белых поселенцев и ковбойские баллады Дикого Запада. Основные музыкальные инструменты этого стиля - гитара, банджо и скрипка.
(звучит музыкальный отрывок)
Country music - it has traditional ballads, cowboy songs. (списывают дети).
T: ) Do you like to listen to music?-T: What do you think about when you listen to music?
P: When I listen country I think about- country, my grandparents, summerholidays, American bands, American films.
слайд №8.
Джаз- джазовый стиль - это стиль импровизации и различных вариаций.
(звучит музыкальный отрывок)
Jazz- an American style of music based on elements improvisation and variation. (списывают дети).
T: ) Do you like to listen to music?
-T: What do you think about when you listen to music? What is your impression? What did you feel?
P: When I listen to jazz I think about the instrument saxophone, It is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West America,songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Improvisation is an important part of jazz.
слайд №9.
В середине 1950-х гг. дало рождение рок-н-ролла , который играют до сих пор, громкие звуки, играют на электро-инструментах.
(звучит музыкальный отрывок)
Rock'n'roll - a style of music that was popular in the 1950s. It has a strong, loud beat and played on electrical instruments. (списывают дети).
T: Do you like to listen to music?-T: What do you think about when you listen to music?
P1: When I listen to music I can think about nothing but music.
P2: I find rock-n-roll is relaxing. This music has been living for centuries.
It creates a special spiritual world for me. It enriches his inner life and makes me happy.
P3: This music makes me feel like dreaming.
P4: The first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, and others.
7) T: I see you like music and now it is high time to listen to MUSIC OF DIFFERENTS KIND? YOU HAVE TO SAY WHAT IS THEIR SLYLE music.
T: And now ask each other about music, make the dialogues 2minutes.
9)T: Каждый музыкальный стиль имеет своего ярчайшего представителя. Если в джазе - это Луи Армстронг, то в рок-н ролле -это Элвис Пресли, в поп музыке - Майкл Джексон.
T: People of different countries have music of their own. Read the text and answer the questions.
Michael Jackson.
My favourite singer is Michael Jackson. I like his songs very much because they are full of energy and very melodic. I like the way he dances. Michael never gives interviews. His behavior may seem eccentric. In public he often wears a face mask to protect himself from germs, he sleeps inside an capsule. He is just shy. Michael sang in public for the first time when he was five. He feels happiest with animals and children. He is well-known for his children tastes. It's not a secret that his favourite hero is Peter Pan. Michael has been called "the child who never grew up".Whether he is crasy, childish, eccentric or just shy, he is no fool. He has created a brilliantly successful image.
Why do I like Jackson' songs?
A) they are full of energy B) they are very melodic C) they are beatifull
2. Does Michael give interviews?
A) Yes B) No C) never
3. Who was his favourite hero?
A) Peter Pan B) Schwarzeneger C) Mozart
12) T. So my dear friends, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to music. You were creative at the lesson. Your opinion about our lesson. Continuo the sentences.
«1. The lesson was…2. I learned about…3. For me was very interesting to know that…»
I liked your music topic and I am going to put you good and excellent marks. You really did your best and I am extremely pleased to have such good pupils. Maybe you have some questions. We can speak and tell much else but it is time to finish. And your task for the next lesson is to write about your favourite singer …Our lesson is over. Good luck! And good-bye!