- Учителю
- План- конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: Развитие диалогических навыков с употреблением информации из прочитанного..
План- конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: Развитие диалогических навыков с употреблением информации из прочитанного..
План- конспект урока английского языка в 6б классе.
Тема: Развитие диалогических навыков с употреблением информации из прочитанного.
Цель: Развитие навыков устной речи.
Задачи: 1. введение новых слов (прилагательных), обозначающих вкусовые ощущения.
2. повторение изученных слов по теме модуля; развитие умений категоризировать существительные, обозначающие продукты
3.развитие умений ознакомительного, поискового чтения.
4. развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста.
5.развитие умения распознавать интернациональные слова.
6.освоение клише речевого этикета в ситуации заказа блюд в кафе/ресторане и развитие навыков употребления их в речи.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Оснащение: 1.учебники, доска.
2. Ноутбук.
3. рисунки
Метод урока: поисковый.
Орг. момент.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Перевод слов с русского на английский.
Перевод предложений с английского на русский язык.
Работа на доске.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Словарный диктант
Введение нового материала
-упр1,2 стр 89.
9. Физкультминутка
10. Закрепление вновь введенного материала.
- упр3 стр88.
- упр4 стр89.
- упр5 стр89.
11. Обобщение.
12. Домашнее задание.
-упр11 стр89.
12. Оценки.
Ход урока.
-Good morning boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Sit down, please.
-How are you?
-Who is away today?
-What day is it today?
-What date is it today?
-What is the weather today?
-What is your favourite food?
-What is your favourite meat?
-What is your favourite vegetable?
-What is your favourite drink?
2.- Students, please repeat after me. All together.
3. -And now please translate these words from Russian into English.
-Оливковое масло
4.- Alsou, come to the blackboard, please. Your task is to match the words.
-Bottle of … bread
-Loaf of … jam
-Jar of … olive oil
-Piece of … chocolate
-Bag of … cheese
5.- Students, please translate these sentences from English into Russian.
-To make this dish you need some tomatoes, an egg and some olive oil.
-We need to go to the supermarket; we have not got any eggs and we have not got much olive oil.
-Are there any tomatoes in the fridge?
-I think we have a little milk and a few eggs.
6.- And now let's check up Alsou's task . Alsou you are welcome.
-Let's check up your hometask. What was your hometask for today?
(ex 9 at page 87. Think of your favourite dish. What do you need to make it? Make a shopping list.)
-Ann, you are welcome.
-Ilya, it is your turn to answer.
7.- It is time to write a dictation. Open your -exercise books and write down today's date. Listen me carefully and write down.
-Olive oil
-Please, write down the translations of the words .I'll give you some minutes.
-Let's collect your exercise-books.
8. -We'll continue speaking about food and drink. So, imagine if you go to the cafe or restaurant, what the waiter brings to you.(The menu)
-Today we will speak about menu, but first of all let's do ex 1 at page 88. What do the food items in the pictures taste like? Use the adjectives to make sentences.
2Crisps are salty.
3 Pepper is hot and spicy.
4 Celery is bitter.
5 Lemons are sour.
-Let's do ex 2 at page 88. Which of the food in the pictures is:
T: Which items are vegetables?
S1: Celery.
T: Which are snacks?
S2: Crisps.
T: Which are spices?
S3: Pepper.
T: Which are fruit?
S4: Melons and lemons.
Необходимо обратить внимание учащихся, что fruit - неисчисляемое существительное, употребляющееся в единственном числе и имеющее собирательное значение(фрукты); исчисляемое существительное a fruitиме ет зна че ние плод. Fruit is healthy food.Аналогично: food - пища, еда; a food/foods -продукт/продукт питания.
- Nikita, come to the blackboard. Let's have a rest.
Hands apart
Hands up, clap.
Hands down,
Hands on the hips.
Bend to the left
Bend to the right
Jump, go, fly, swim.
-Nikita, thank you. Come back to your place.
-Let's do ex 3 at page 88. Look at the text.
T: What kind of text is it?
Ss: A menu.
</ T: Where can you see menus?
Ss: In restaurants and cafes.
-Put the headings in the right place.
T: Can you think of more main courses?
S1: Spaghetti and meatballs.
T: Can you think of more starters?
S2: Onion rings.
T: Can you think of more desserts?
S3: Carrot cake.
T: Can you think of more drinks?
S4: Tea.
-Let's do ex 4 at page 88. Read the first two lines of the dialogue. Where are George and Sheila?
T:Let's What does Sheila order?
S1: The сhef's salad and a cola.
T: What does George order?
S2: The roast beef and water.
T: How much did they pay?
S: 22.35 pounds.
-Are there any words in the dialogue that look/ sound similar in your language?
(lunch, menu, roast beef, steak, chef, salad, mineral (water), cola)
-Let's do ex 5 at page 85.
-Use the menu in ex.3 to act out a dialogue like the one in ex.4.
A: Are you ready to order, sir?
B: Yes, I'd like the baked fish with tomatoes and
olives, please.
A: And you?
C: Could I have the steak and creamed mushrooms?
A: Certainly. Would you like something to drink?
B: Can I have a milkshake, please?
C: And could I have an orange juice, please?
A: A milkshake and an orange juice…. Thank you, sir.
-And let's write down your hometask. Your hometask is ex 11 at page 89. Imagine you are a chief. Make up your own menu.
-What mark will we give to Ann, Alsou, Ilya?
-Our lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.