- Учителю
- Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Computer addiction
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Computer addiction
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова»
Многопрофильный колледж
Внеклассное мероприятие
по теме
Дискуссия с применением стратегии ИДЕАЛ
«The Problem of Computеr Addiction»
«Общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл»
программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена
специальности 09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы
(базовой подготовки)
Магнитогорск, 2016
преподаватель ФГБОУ ВПО МГТУ МпК / Д.Ф. Костина
Автор - разработчик сознательно не предлагает ход мероприятия. Преподаватель, использующий данный материал, в обязательном порядке делает ссылку на авторство, имеет право менять ход мероприятия, видоизменять задания, дополнять или корректировать задания.
Автор - разработчик предлагает провести внеклассное мероприятие в форме дискуссии с применением стратегии ИДЕАЛ.
Мероприятие содержит задания, разработанные согласно теории развития критического мышления (ТРКМ).
Дискуссия с применением стратегии ИДЕАЛ «The Problem of Computеr Addiction»
Цели дискуссии: знакомство и обсуждение проблемы компьютерной зависимости с применением стратегии «ИДЕАЛ». Рекомендация: назначьте студента, который будет вести протокол занятия. Материалы дискуссии могут быть включены в учебный групповой проект: создание сайта «Мы - будущие программисты». Дж. Брэмсфорд разработал стратегию решения проблем, которая может быть применима в работе с текстами и при анализе ситуаций. Эта стратегия называется «ИДЕАЛ».
I ( Identify a problem ) → D Debate a problem → E Essential
solutions →
A Activity → L Logical conclusions
Obsessively checking e-mail. Playing online games for 12 hours or more at a time. Placing more value on chat-room friends than real friends. Neglecting family, work and even personal health and hygiene. They become addicted to activities performed on a computer, like instant messaging, viewing Internet pornography, playing video games, checking e-mail and reading news articles. Computer addiction may result from or cause compulsive online gambling, an online shopping problem, web surfing or even obsessive computer programming.
If you regularly spend more time on the computer than you intend to, experience distress because of the computer, or if your computer use interferes with your obligations then you could be suffering from an addiction to the computer.
Задания к тексту
Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations: очень часто проверять почту, игнорировать семью, личное здоровье и гигиена, читать новости, испытывать грусть, препятствовать выполнению обязанностей, страдать интернет - зависимостью.
Before you study the problem of computer addiction thoroughly, make up a table (см. Табл.6), as in the example. Do not forget to fill it out with information during the lesson.
Таблица 6
* Интерактивная стратегия «Таблица Знаем - Хотим узнать (?) -
Узнаем» (З-Х-У)
Test «Are you computer - addicted?»
Do the following test, count your points. Be honest, make the
conclusion! Never or seldom - 1 point.
sometimes - 2 points.
regularly - 3 points.
often - 4 points .
always - 5 points.
Discuss the results in your group. Make up a diagram in MO Excel.
Describe the diagram.
Do the following test, count your points. Be honest, make the conclusion
Never or seldom - 1 point.
sometimes - 2 points.
regularly - 3 points.
often - 4 points .
always - 5 points.
How often you:
1. Telling yourself that you will get off the computer at a certain time and then spending more time than you committed;
2. Spending time on the computer despite family functions taking place, special events or other activities that you were once happy to be a part of;
3. Prefer the Net to face-to-face communication ;
4. Make new friends when you are online;
5. Mood swings or irritability when you are not allowed to spend as much time on the computer as you would like to or if your computer time is interrupted;
6. Notice that you stopped making progress in your studies or work because Internet takes up all your time;
7. Constantly checking out your e-mail instead of doing something more important and urgent;
8. You notice low work performance because of the Net;
9. You get angry or nervous when people ask you what you usually do on the Net;
10. Any use of the computer as an escape from your feelings;
11. Feeling a burning desire to go online or to use the computer to play a game, to socialize or to develop programming codes;
12. You think that life without Internet is happiless and boring;
13. You are defensive to others when they question your activities on the computer? Do you feel like you have to justify your computer use or the time that you spend on the computer;
14. Prefer surfing the Net late at night than sleeping;
15. Preoccupation with the computer either online or offline;
16. When you imitate doing something important or urgent, but, in fact, you are playing computer games;
17. You constantly fail to cut down on time you spend on the Net;
18. Telling lies to your family about the activities that you perform while on the ally playing a game;
19. You choose Internet instead of hanging out with your friends;
20. Feel depressed and nervous when offline, and get a boost of positive emotions when online.
Count your points.
20-49 points. You are a wise Internet user. You can surf the Net as long as you wish, but you keep your time under control.
50-79 points. You`ve got some problems with excessive use of Internet. You shoud pay more attention and use Internet less time.
80-100 points. You have serious problems with Internet. You need a consultation with a psychologist.
*Discuss the results of the test in your group. Do you agree with the results? Use active vocabulary from the text.
Reasons and consequences of computer addiction
Point out the most common reasons for computer addiction from the following words:
anxiety happiness
stress presentation
financial problems friendship
depression physical illness boredom intelligence
inactivity sport
2. Read and translate the text and do the tasks:
It seems that there are various reasons for people to turn to the computer and to become addicted but the most logical explanation is that people use the computer to escape reality or to cover up their emotions. Many find it easier to socialize from behind closed doors in an online fantasy world. Others think that if they shop or gamble excessively online that nobody else will notice. Many people use the computer to self medicate for some problem such as because they are anxious in certain situations such as in social situations or because they are depressed. Others will turn to the computer to hunt for information and then realize that they just can't get enough information. Still others may use the computer as a means of distracting them from the real world or from emotional situations that they have experienced. There are different forms of computer addiction but most of them all boil down to the same thing: someone is avoiding reality and trying to desperately escape from themselves. Internet computer addiction - this is where people are hooked on browsing the internet all day long. For example, some people are completely addicted to instant messaging other people all day long.
Then there are people who are addicted to social networking, such as those who have some form of Facebook addiction. Again, this is too broad…there are people who simply interact all day, and others who are stuck playing social games via Facebook, and so on. Some people are addicted to computer games. The addict is using the games as an escape, and plays them compulsively in order to avoid looking at themselves and their reality. Techno-lust is another phenomenon. People are addicted to compulsive shopping and buying extravagant gadgets in order to get a small emotional boost.
Match the right and left column. Point out the reasons of computer addiction.To escape ___________
To socialize___________
To hook on___________
To distract____________
To cover up___________
To self -medicate______
Are stuck to___________
To shop or gamble _____
Social _______________
Compulsive __________
…playing social games
…their emotions
…for some problem
…from behind closed doors
…from the real world
…browsing the internet
2) Make up a cluster to the text.
3) Make up 4 types of questions to the text. Use these questions in the dialogues of your own.
4) Underline sentences with the construction to be addicted to doing smth. Make up your sentences with this construction.
Negative effects of computer addiction
Find English equivalents in the text.
отдаляться от семьи и друзей
прекратить посещать мероприятия
пропускать встречи с друзьями
избегать членов семьи
становиться раздражительным
иметь трудности при живом общении
привести к стрессу
боли в спине
нехватка сна
вызывать сонливость
оказывать влияние на КПД
разрушенные семьи
Read and translate the text.
Computer addiction can have a variety of negative effects on a person. The most immediate are social. The user withdraws from friends and family as he spends more and more time on the computer. Relationships begin to wither as the user stops attending social gatherings, skips meetings with friends and avoids family members to get more computer time. Even when they do in-teract with their friends, users may become irritable when away from the computer, causing further social harm. Someone whose primary friends are screen names in a chat room may have difficulty with face-to-face interpersonal communication.
Over the long term, computer addiction can cause physical damage. Using a mouse and keyboard for many hours every day can lead to repetitive stress injuries. Back problems are common among people who spent a lot of time sitting at computer desks. Long-term sleep deprivation causes drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, and depression of the immune system. Someone who spends hours at a computer is obviously not getting any meaningful exercise, so computer addiction can indirectly lead to poor overall physical condition and even obesity. Eventually, the consequences of computer addiction will ripple through the user's life. Late-night use or use at work will affect job performance, which could lead to job loss. As the addiction takes its toll on family members, it can even lead to failed marriages.
Задания к тексту
Какие основные смысловые блоки можно выделить в тексте? Какие выражения подходят в том или ином блоке? Поделитесь на 2 минигруппы. Перед вами картинки (см. Рис. 11), каждая группа берет картинку своего информационного блока. Сделайте по тексту минисообщения про определенные последствия КЗ: социальные и физические. Используйте слова - связки!
Рис. 11 Последствия компьютерной зависимости
How to cope with Computer Addiction
Now the burning question: how to cope with this problem? Any ideas? Let us make up clusters!
Read and translate the text, use the strategy ZIGZAG! (см. Рис. 12) Divide in 5 minigroups, study your part of the text in the expert group and then in the work group! (см. Табл. 7)
Рис. 12 Описание приема «Зигзаг»
Таблица 7
1. Limit your computer use
You can set a timer, you can have your friends or family members time you or you can come up with another method of timing your computer usage. Make limits for the amount of time that you will spend.
2. Commit to only using the computer for work or studies
If you have a problem with shopping or gambling or other activities on the computer, make a commitment that you will not use the computer unless you have to perform a task for work or school
The following tips will help you to overcome a computer addiction on your own
3. Look for social support
If you are addicted to the computer, find others who will understand your addiction and talk to them. Talk with your friends and family members about your condition and your desire to change-they too can help you monitor your usage and to stay on track with your goals.
4. Keep a computer diary
By keeping track of the amount of time that you spend on the computer, the activities that you perform and the emotions that lead up to the computer use you can narrow down times or activities that are performed based on emotions and be better prepared to take control of your addiction and prevent relapse.
5. Get outside help
While there are advocates for online computer addiction help, this method of treatment seems like it could be rather controversial. This is because, if you are already addicted to the computer, chances are you do not need to go to the computer for help. The best bet is to seek help outside of the home through social support groups, counseling or therapy.
Role - game: «An appointment with a psychologist»
Play a role - game! Act out dialogues «An appointment with a psychologist». Use phrases «Giving advice in English». Role cards: Person 1: psychologist Person 2: computer - addicted.
Example:Good morning! Today we talked about computer addiction. I`d like to know more about this problem, and how to overcome it.
Well, I recommend limiting your computer use.
How can I? What does it mean?
It means the following….(зрительная опора из
Когда мы хотим дать совет, первым на ум приходит слово should (должен, следует).
Чтобы построить предложение-совет, мы используем should + infinitive (первая форма глагола, например, work, take, wear).
Покажем на примере: You should limit your computer use.
Грамматически правильно? Правильно. Новичкам, которые только начали изучать английский язык, этой информации достаточно. Но, если ваш уровень знаний средний и выше, наверняка захочется разнообразить свою речь. В английском так много синонимов, с помощью которых можно оживить беседу, что останавливаться на простом should не стоит.
Следующая «порция» глаголов, которую можно использовать в советах, это recommend, suggest, propose. Их можно перевести как «предлагать», «рекомендовать», «советовать». Подробнее можно увидеть их в таблице ниже. Для примера возьмем предложение «Я бы посоветовал (Вам) купить билет в оба конца, так как это дешевле».
your computer use
Любая комбинация из таблички будет правильной.
Единственным «но» и частой речевой ошибкой будет конструкция: "I
recommend/suggest/propose you to buy a round-trip plane ticket
because it's cheaper". Я вас очень понимаю: после слов I recommend
так и напрашивается коварное to, но не поддавайтесь на провокацию.
А если очень хочется употребить его, лучше сделать это с глаголами
advise, urge, encourage, которыми также можно заменить приевшийся
that you limit
you limit
you to limit
your computer use
Творческие задания по теме «Computer addiction»:
1) Make up a brochure «The problem of computer addiction», using Microsoft Publisher. Write an article, describing every aspect of the problem. The strategy FISHBONE (см. Рис. 13) will help you organize the information logically;
Рис. 13 Прием «Рыбья кость»
2) Make up a crossword, using active vocabulary «Computer addiction»;
3) Webquest: ask your friends to take a test «Are you computer - addicted?» Discuss the results in your group. Ask them to use Internet links:
1.netaddiction.com/internet-addiction-test/; 2.www.allthetests.com/quiz03/dasquiztd.php3?testid=1034464802