- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку
Открытый урок по английскому языку
Маңғыстау облысы, Ақтау қаласы, Мұнайлы ауданы, Басқұдық селосы, № 9 жалпы білім беру орта мектебі КММ, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі -
Джупбанова Майра Чиракбаевна
Form: 7 "ә"
The theme of the lesson: Step five. "What should you do to keep fit?"
The aim of the lesson:
Introducing with new theme and new words. Talking
about what should you do to keep fit? Explaining about
grammar the modal verb "should".
2) Develop the pupils' speaking, reading and writing
3) Bringing up the pupils to the good manners and pupils
should to keep fit and to be healthy.
The type of the lesson: Open lesson.
The aids of the lesson: interactive blackboard, pictures, cards and crossword.
The lesson procedure:
I. Organization moment:
Teacher: -Good-afternoon, pupils!
Pupils: - Good-afternoon, Good-afternoon!
Good-afternoon to you!
Good-afternoon our teacher!
We are glad to see you!
Teacher: - Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
Pupil: - I'm on duty today.
Teacher: - Who is absent today?
Pupil: - Today all are present.
Teacher: - What date is it today?
Pupil: - The 11th of February.
Teacher: - What day is it today?
Pupil: - Today is Thursday.
Teacher: - What is the weather like today?
Pupil: - The weather is … ( snowy, cold, windy, cloudy …)
Teacher: - Thank you, sit down, please!
II. Checking up the hometask:
Checking up the home task at everyone and correcting their mistakes. Asking the new words.
What was your home task for today?
Ex 15p 114. Talk to your partners. Work in small groups to discuss the questions.
III. Guess the crossword - "Should" (Слайд)
Ұйықтау - спать - to sleep
Ауыру - боль - ache
Тіс ауруы - зубная боль - toothache
Медбике, күтуші - медсестра - nurse
Денсаулық - здоровье - health
Бас ауруы - головная боль - headache
IV. The new theme: Introducing with new theme and new words Introducing with new theme and new words. Talking about what sould you do to keep fit? Explaining about grammar the modal verb "should".
Тhe modal verbs - Модальді етістіктер (Слайд)
Модальді етістіктер - сөйлеушінің іс-әрекетке деген қатынасын, яғни мүмкіндігін, қажеттілігін, қалауын және рұқсат сұрау сияқты мағыналарын білдіреді. Модальді етістіктер мыналар: can, must, have to, should, could, need.
Осылардың ішіндегі "should" модаль етістігі - пайдалы ақыл-кеңес бергенде қолданылады.
Мысалы: For example: You shouldn`t sit in front of the television. It`s bad for your eyes.
The weather is bad. You should stay at home.
V. New words: (Слайд)
Keeping fit [ ki:pin fit] - денені бір қалыпты ұстау
Take care of [teik keә of] -күту, баптау
Regular [regjulә] -жиі
Alcohol [ә lkәg l] -ішімдік
Check-up [t ek ^p]-тексерістен өту, тексерілу
Should [ ud] - керек, қажет
VI. It`s time for relaxation . All the pupils begin to dance
with music. (2min)
VII. Doing exercises:
Ex 1 p 114-115. Read each of the following list of four words. One word does not belong in each list. Find it and put a circle round it. (Слайд)
Ex 2 p 115. Here are some things a person can do to take care of his/her health. Which two do you think are the most important? (Слайд)
Ex 4 p 115. Imagine you are giving advice about diet and fitness. Write two lists. (Слайд)
Ex 5 p 115-116. Answer the questions of test and know your score.
VIII. Evaluation of the lesson:
Talking about health and how to keep fit.
Work with cards about grammar modal verb "should".
Make up sentences: (Слайд)
1) Should / not / smoking / you.
2) Taking / should / regular / you / exercises.
3) Eat /should/ you/ a /lot /fruit/ of /vegetables/ and.
4) Not / you / should / alcohol / drinking.
Game: "Yes" or "No" (Слайд)
You should eat a lot of fruits
You should taking regular exercises
You should smoking
You should eating quality food
You should drinking alcohol
IX. Hometask.
Ex 6 p 116. Write a short composition. Use these questions as a plan.
X. Marking.
Marking the pupils for your activity and ability.
XI. Conclusion of the lesson:
Teacher: - The lesson is over!
-Good -bye, pupils!
-You may go!
Pupils: - Good - bye, teacher!