- Учителю
- Урок англійської мови на тему Національні парки Великої Британії, 9 клас
Урок англійської мови на тему Національні парки Великої Британії, 9 клас
Тема: Магія природи. Nature Magic. Web of Life
Підтема: Національні парки Великобританії
Практична: практикувати учнів в аудіюванні іншомовних текстів;
активізувати лексичні одиниці теми "Національні парки";
розвивати та відпрацьовувати навички усного мовлення.
Освітня: знайомити учнів з історичними та країнознавчими відомостями про Великобританію, з охороною навколишнього середовища шляхом створення національних парків у різних країнах світу.
Розвивальна: розвивати навички усного мовлення з опорою на таблиці та малюнки, читання текстів країнознавчого характеру з метою повного їх розуміння.
Обладнання: підручник для 9 класу Несвіт А.М.: Ми вивчаємо англійську мову; мультимедійний проектор, комп'ютер, презентація «Національні парки», відео " Britain's National Parks - Visit Britain - Unravel Travel TV", підбірка малюнків країнознавчого характеру, мапа Великобританії, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку
I. Введення в урок
1. Привітання. Greeting
Good morning children. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Are you ready for the lesson? Prepare all your necessary things for the lesson; put your books, exercise books and pens on your desk. I hope you are ready now and we can start working.
2. Мовна зарядка. Warming up
As you remember we have already read and spoken about Nature beauty and environment at previous lessons. And we'll start our lesson with a poem. Listen to it and fill in the gaps with missing words from the table.
Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the table:
Hole, stop, day, sea, bigger, help, air
Save Our Planet
The fish in the ____ (sea) are dying
From pollution we create.
We've got to ___ (stop) pollution
Before it's too late!
Our planet is in trouble,
It gets worst every ___ (day).
We have to ___ (help) our planet
In early possible way!
The ___ (hole) in the ozone layer
Is getting ___(bigger) every day.
We've got to stop ___ (air) pollution
We have to find a way!
So, let's check it. Read it one by one.
Well done and now answer my questions:
- What is this poem about? (P.1 Environmental problems)
- What environmental problems are mentioned in this poem? (P.2 Water and air pollution)
- What does the author appeal us to do? (P.3 To save our planet)
3. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку. Aim
</ As you know there are many different ways of saving our planet. And one of them is creating national parks. So, the theme of today's lesson is "National parks of GB".
By the end of the lesson you will:
recognize, understand new words while reading the text;
understand the gist of the text for reading and review grammar;
participate in common conversational exchange about the topic of today's lesson.
visit some National Parks of the UK by the means of modern technology
II. Основна частина уроку
1. Brainstorming. What is a National Park?
- What is a word combination "national park" associated with?
- And what are the aims of national parks?
(National parks are set to protect countryside that everyone can visit. Some of them are records of thousands of years of human interaction with the natural environment which have shaped the landscape we see today.)
2. Активізація лексичних одиниць. Vocabulary practice
Speaking about national parks keep in mind following words and word combinations. Now your task is to match the words to get word combinations. Do this task in pairs.
beautiful mountains
dramatic landscape
picturesque life
marvelous coastline
wild view
towering nature
amazing beauty
majestic scenery
Right answers:
beautiful nature
dramatic coastline
picturesque view
marvelous landscape
wild life
towering mountains
amazing scenery
majestic beauty
Complete the sentences:admire
wander through
stroll through
take a journey to
beautiful nature
dramatic coastline
picturesque view
marvelous landscape
wild life
towering mountains
amazing scenery
majestic beauty
3. Перегляд відео. Watching video.
a) Pre-watching activity
Look at the map of the UK on this slide (you have the same on page 51 in your textbooks). You can see parks all over the UK. Some are in Scotland; others are in Wales and England. But wherever they are - you can find some familiar features there.
Tell about national parks using the example:
The Lake District is in the west. It was established in 1951.
b) while- watching activity
Now watch the video and do the task while watching it. Put the names of the national parks in the order they appear in the video.
Text for video:
Britain has many places of World beating natural beauty. It was in 1951 that Britain began to recognize the importance of our best-loved landscapes by making them National Parks. The very first of these was the 1400 square kilometer park of the Peak District, which remains one of the most popular national parks in the world. From the majestic mountains of Snowdonia to the romance and tranquillity of the Lake District, these parks are at the heart of this green and pleasant land. There are 15 National Parks in total. The most recent additions being the 2 Scottish Parks of the Cairngorms and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. Britain's National Parks are areas of protected countryside that everyone can visit. They cover a variety of different landscapes, ranging from the rugged beauty of Dartmoor to the woodlands of the New Forest. The Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is a record of thousands of years of human interaction with the natural environment which have shaped the landscape we see today. With so many locations to choose from it's easy to experience the grandeur of our national parks, Britain's breathing spaces.
c) After-watching activity
What names of the national park did you notice? Name them in the right order.
4. Читання. Reading. (group work)
And now I want you get more information about national parks of Great Britain.
a) Pre-reading activity.
Before your reading look at the blackboard and name the activities on the pictures.
All of these activities you can do in national parks.
b) While-reading activity.
Now you are going to read a text about national parks of Great Britain. While reading you have to complete the fact file of your national parkPark
Was established
Is located
Specialties about
the park
c) Post-reading activity.
Tell about your park using tips for speaking.
Tips for speaking:
The park is called…….
It was established in…..
It's located (situated) in …..
In the park you can…..
It's famous for…
5. Summarizing. Play-time. Вікторина.
And now let's summarize our work and check up our knowledge about national parks of GB.
Let's play "Jeopardy" game. The rules are simple: every group should choose your questions and get points for right answers. If you don't know the answer or your answer is false, another group may answer and get points.
True or False
100 There are 11 National Parks in total. False
200 National parks are set to protect countryside that everyone can visit. True
300 The Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is a record of thousands of years of human interaction. True
400 If you like horse riding then the National park of Askania Nova is the place for you. False
Complete the sentence
100 The Peak District was established in… 1951
200 The Brecon Beacons is a beautiful part of … Wales
300 Loch Lomond and the Trossachs is famous for… the highest mountain Ben Lomond and the biggest lake of Scotland - Loch Lomond
400 Тhe Peak District is thought to be the second most-visited national park in the world (after the Mount Fuji National Park in Japan).
Name the park
100 It is located in southern Wales, part of the United Kingdom.
The Brecon Beacons National Park
200 It was established in 2002. Loch Lomond and The Trossachs
300 It is one of the most popular national parks in the world. the Peak District
400 The name of this park is connected with the name of monster. Loch Lomond and The Trossachs
100 Translate the word combination picturesque view. Мальовничі краєвиди
200 How many national parks are there in Scotland? 2
300 What is the poem at the beginning of the lesson about? Environmental problems
400 Name the park this emblem is for the Lake District
III. Заключна частина уроку
1. Домашнє завдання. Homework
Do exercise 4, 5 (p. 52-54)
2. Підбиття підсумків уроку. Summary
You are amazing, you worked so hard today.
Did you like the places we have visited?
What did you like most of all?
What is a national park?
What would you see and do if you visited one of National Parks?
Where can you use the information you've got at this lesson?