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- Урок английского языка в 11 классе
Урок английского языка в 11 классе
Урок английского языка в 11классе Тема «Professions »
Практические задачи:
1 Учить учащихся воспринимать на слух текст с общим пониманием прочитанного.
2 Организовать устное употреблении в речи нового лексического материала
Общеобразовательные задачи:
1 Расширять кругозор учащихся.
2 Развивать готовность к дальнейшему самообразованию в овладении английским языком.
3 Расширять знания учащихся по предложенной теме.
Развивающие задачи
1 Развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку.
2 Развивать зрительную память.
Воспитательные задачи:
1 Воспитывать понимание важности овладения английским языком и умение пользоваться им как средством общения.
2 Воспитывать уважение к мыслям собеседника
1 Практиковать учащихся в употреблении в речи грамматических структур.
2 Практиковать учащихся в устных неподготовленных высказываниях
Языковой материал: текст,
Оборудование: учебник, карточки , текст для аудирования, мультимедийная доска
Date: Tuesday ,the twenty-seventh of October
Ход урока
Ι Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной деятельности
1Сообщение темы и цели урока
T-Good morning, boys and girls. Today we have guests, so let us turn to them and greet them, let us say to them "Hello".
So let us begin. The theme of our lesson is "Professons", today at our lesson we shall speak about it ,we shall revise the conditional mood, listen to the audition .
2 Введение в иноязычную атмосферу (Оргмомент, фонетическая зарядка)
T So -Who is on duty today?
P ..am on duty today.
T Who is absent.?
P …is absent.
ΙΙ Основная часть урока
1 Предьявление текста для аудирования.
T-Well, there are a lot of different professions . Some of them are traditional, others are strange, but all of them should be respected.
So let's listen to the text about strange jobs .Try to understand the text.
Interviewer: Daniel Ash, your new book is a collection of articles about people with strange jobs.
Daniel: Yes, I collected stories about unusual jobs from all over the world.
I: So you're not talking about actors or shop assistants.
D: No, all the people in the book have very strange jobs.
I: I see it's organized in very different industries, like the cleaning industry. But isn't cleaning a normal job?
D: Normally, yes. But did you know there's a man in America called Brad Fields and he cleans the chewing gum off the Statue of Liberty? Well, actually now he's got a company called Gumbusters. But that's all they do - they clean the gum off the streets and the famous buildings of New York.
I: Oh, what a horrible job!
D: Yes, apparently Americans chew 56 billion pieces of chewing gum of the year. Then they throw the most of it into the street. That's a lot of cleaning.
I: OK, that's job is quiet unusual. But what about the food industry?
D: Well, when people want to advertise food they sometimes need a food stylist. Their job is to make food look good in advertisement.
I: I've never heard of this job before.
D: Well, there are only 20 food stylists in Britain. For example, when we look at the picture of strawberries and cream we're really looking at strawberries and white paint.
I: Really?
D: Yes, they paint sausages with washing-up liquid, then coffee, to make them look natural.
I: So, it is very important to find your own job. Nevertheless it is strange , unusual or traditional.
T-And now listen to the text once again and then be ready to do the cards.
T- So I will give you 3 minutes to do the cards.
-The jobs in the book are from different countries +
-Brad Field's company only cleans rubbish from the Statue of Liberty -
-Americans chew 66 billion pieces of gum a year-
-Food stylists take photos of food+
-They paint sausages with washing-up liquid and coffee+
T-Time is up. Let us check your variants.
T- Well, thank you. So, it is very important to find your own way in your life.
At the previous lesson we began to read and translate the text and your homework was to finish the reading and translation of this text. So let us check up your homework. So open your books at page55 ex4.Read and translate the text.
T -It was good. And now imagine that Alex is the journalist .Ask your classmates about their future jobs. Open your books at page58 ex4 .
T- Thanks. And now let us read the newspaper article. And then do the task below
Ex 5 page59.
Prepare and make a speech on the problem of jobs for young people in Ukraine at a sitting of the International Friendship Club for your British guests .They will have a lot of questions. Be ready to answer them. Work in two teams: the first group writes speech and decides who'll be the speaker, the second group prepares and asks questions, and the third group judges the answers. I will give you 5 minutes.
Try to use the words from the word file (page59)
an enterprise
to assist
to contribute
be engaged (in)
be obliged (to)
T- Thanks. It was good. And now open your copybooks ,write down the date, let us revise our grammar. Answer my questions? What would you do if you were The President? Ask each other the questions.
P1 What would you do if you were The President?
P2 If I were the President I would….
T-And now we have some minutes ,look at the blackboard and match the words according to their meaning.
T- Well, it was good.
Заключительная часть
Домашнее задание
You have worked good at the lesson . All of you will have good marks. Today at the lesson we listened to the audition, revised our topic and our grammar. Your homework will be to work in two groups. Prepare and make a speech on the topic :Is it possible to start working at the age of 14?
1O.Д.Карпюк «Англійська мова» підручник для 11класуТернопіль «Астон»2011
2. Інтернет сайт http://festival.1september.ru/
3О.М .Павлюченко « Граматичний практикум»Х.Ранок 2011