Otstanding people in Kazakhstan Елтану

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Сабақтың тақырыбы: Otstanding people in Kazakhstan
Сабақтың мақсаты: The aim of the lesson:
I. Knowledge aim. (білімділік мақсаты):
а) Қазақстанның тәуелсіз тарихынан мағлұмат беру.
ә) Қазақстан тақырыбы бойынша алған білімдерін тереңдету, оқушыны өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге, іздемпаздыққа дағдыландыру.
б) Оқушының шетел тілінде ойлау, сөйлеу, есте сақтау қабілетін жетілдіру.
II. Development aim ( дамытушылық мақсаты):
Оқытудың интерактивтік тәсілдерін қолдану «миға шабуыл», «шапшаңдық», «байыту» стратегиясы арқылы оқушылардың танымдық іздемпаздық қабілетін шыңдау.

III. Upbringing aim (тәрбиелік мақсаты):
а) Оқушының бойында Отанына, туған тіліне деген сүйіспеншілік сезімін арттыру.
ә) Өзге елге деген құрмет, өзге тілге деген қызығушылық сезімін қалыптастыру.
б) оқушыны топпен жұмыс жасау арқылы достыққа, бірлікке, көпшілікпен қарым- қатынас жасай білуге тәрбиелеу.
Visual Aids of the lesson (сабақтың көрнекілігі):
The state symbols of Kazakhstan.
Map and flag of Kazakhstan.
Portraits of famous Kazakh people.
Portraits of Khoja Akhmet Yassavy Mausoleum.
The clusters (Бір топ, бір шоқ).
Connection of the subject. ( пән сабақтастығы):
English - Kazakh - History.
Plan of the lesson.
The procedure of the lesson (Сабақтың барысы):
1.The lesson begin with the singing the anthem of Kazakhsnan.
(балалар ән ұранды орындайды).
2.Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The flag and national sign of every country shows its independence. Thus our country Kazakhstan hat its own flag and national sign. In the middle of blue rectangle there is a sun with an eagle, with its wings spread under it those symbols and Kazakh national ornament gosghar mewiz on the left side of them are in the golden yellow colour.
The flag is coloured in blue for wishing to our country the clearness, the cloudless, the freedom without any cloud of being dependent on any other country. And the golden eagle was placed in order to wishing to our sacred country very high places in the world the one and only.
3. Brainstorming (ой қозғау):

  • Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

Astana is all in scaffolds. Construction goes all round the city. Magnificent buildings of the House of Parliament, the Government building, the beautiful Saltanat Saraiy, the Residence of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan, Ministries House, Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, Astana International Airport, Building of "National company KazMunaiGaz", Astana Railway Station, hotel "Everest", Baiterek and other buildings.

Census figures taken in 1995 put Kazakhstan's population at 16,5 million with an annual growth rate of 0,62%. The country's principal ethnic groups include Kazakh (44%), Russian (36%), Ukrainian (5%), Uzbek and Tatar (2%), Belarussian and Azerbaijani (1%), and other (5%). The urban- rural distinction is almost evenly divided with 57% of the population living in urban areas.

The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. It is bordered on the south, southwest and east by the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai and Altai mountains. On its west the Caspian Sea is the home of sturgeon and Kazakhstan's oil reserves. In the desert area of the southwest is the drying Aral Sea. In the steppes of Sary Arka the Balkhash lake is Lokated. Its eastern part is fresh whereas in the west the water is salty. The lakes of Alakol, Tengiz and Zaisan are remarkable for their beauty. In the north, over eighty picturesque lakes are lost among the pine forests of Kokshetau. The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis, Ili and Charyn run wide over the plains. They are known as the "land of seven rivers". Perhaps it is just best to come and see it with one's own eyes…Welcome to the land of Kazakhstan.

The climate of Kazakhstan is best characterized as extreme continental. Temperatures vary considerably from north of south. The average temperature in January, for example, ranges from - 18° C to -3° C north to south, while in July it rises to between 19° C in the north and 30° C in the south.
Rainfall is 1,600 millimetres falling on average in the mountainous region and only 100 millimetres in the desert. The climate of Kazakhstan allows for a variety of grains to be grown such as wheat, barley and rice, as well as different root crops and a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

Speaking about of famous Kazakh people.
The president of Kazakhstan.
Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev.
President Nursultan Nazarbayev Was born on 6th of july in 1940, in Chemolgan village, Kaskelen districts, Almaty. He started his labour activities as a student of a technical secondary school in Dneprodzerzhinsk. He worked as a worker at "Kazmetallurgstroy" and since 1960 as a furnace-man at the Karagandy iron and steel works. Next followed some other metallurgical professions.
In 1967 he graduated from the technical college by the Karagandy
iron and steel works and became a metallurgical engineer by profession. He has a Degree of the Doctor of Sciences in economics. Since 1969 he has been involved in Komsomol, Communist Party and Soviet activities.
In March 1984 he was appointed Chairman of the Council of the Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. From July 1989 to September 1991 he was the first Secretary of the General Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. In April 1990 N.A. Nazarbayev was elected President of the Kazakh SSR and since January 1991 he is of the Republic Kazakhstan.

Mukhtar Auezov.
Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) a distinguished Kazakh writer, playwright and statesman was born in Semey region of Kazakhstan. Auezov's grandfather was a friend of the outstanding Kazakh poet and educator Abai Kunanbaev. He taught the future writer to read from Abay's manuscript verses.
His writing career began with the play «Enlik - Kebek» (1917), based on the folk legend of tragic love. In the course of his life he wrote over 20 plays and many short stories and novels. His best work rightly considered to be the epic novel «Abai», which gives a mastery panorama of Kazakh life in the second half of the XIX-th century. A famous story «Kokserek» was published in 1929. Mukhtar Auezov will always be associated with Kazakh literature.
Akhmet Yassavy.
Akhmet Yassavy is a poet - philosopher of 12 century. He takes remarkable place in the history of ancient Kazakh culture. He lived in Yassy town. Later he found his name 'Yassavy' . The composition of Akhmet Yassavy «Diuany Hikmus» ( the book of wisdom) has remined till our days. There are facts relating to the ancient history, literature, culture, ethnography, economy of Kazakh nation. Suphism is atendency in Islam that assumes an opportunity of the direct contract between the beliver and God legends. Tell us about special sanctity of Akhmet Yassavy and his repeated 'Conversation with Allah' . Turkestan city itself, where the holy Mussulman sypher lived preached and was burried, took the holy status. The fame of Akhmet Yassavy spread about the whole islam would famous eastern ruler.

4. Conclusion part of the lesson. (Сабақты бекіту).

Comprehension check

True (T)

False (F)


The country is rich in mineral resources.


The population of Astana is not expected to increase.


The official language is Kazakh.


Russian is the language of international communication.


Kazakhstan does not share its border with china.


The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse one .


The Caspian Sea is the home of oil reserves.


The dying Aral Sea is in the north of Kazakhstan.


The Zaisan lake is not beautiful.


The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis are known as the land of the seven rivers.


  • Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (N.A. Nazarbayev).

2. When did the 1st Kazakh cosmonaut fly into space? ( 10.10.1991)
3. Who did the 1st Kazakh cosmonaut fly into space?
(T. Musabayev, T. Aubakirov).
4. When was the celebration of Independence proclaimed?
5. What kind of Republic is Kazakhstan?
(Kazakhstan is a democratic and independent republic.)
6. How many people live there?
(It is population is more than 16 million people. Our country is
7.Where is it situated?
(It is situated in the centre of the Eurasian Continent.)
8. In what month is Kazakh New Year celebrated?
(On the 22nd of March)
9.What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (An eagle).
10. How many component traditional meal of the holiday is Nauryz Kozhe and what kind of?
(7 components: meat, water, salt , airan, wheat, rice and onion).

Everest: On Top of the World
Text Summary
The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, has always provided a challenge for climbers. The climb to the top is dangerous, with steep cliffs, deep crevasses, limited oxygen near the top, and moving slabs of ice and snow. The book covers the history of the world's tallest mountain, from early attempts at its summit to modern climbers.

About the Lesson

Targeted Reading Strategy

Make, revise, confirm predictions


Identify main idea and supporting details

Identify adverbial phrases

Identify and use suffixes -able, -ible

Make predictions using content vocabulary


Book - Everest: On Top of the World (copy for each student)

Chalkboard or dry-erase board

Main Idea, Adverbial Phrases, Suffixes, Vocabulary Prediction

Word journal (optional)

Indicates an opportunity to use the book interactively (all activities may be completed with paper and pencil if books are not consumable)


Amputated, crevasses, summit, dehydration, edema, fault line, hallucinations, inhospitable, nausea, porters, Sherpa

Before Reading

Build Background

Have students share what they know about Mount Everest.

Have students locate the mountain on a map.

Preview the Book

Introduce the Strategy: Make, revise, confirm predictions

Give students a copy of the book and have them preview the front and back covers and read the title. Have students discuss what they see on the covers and offer ideas as to what kind of book this is and what it might be about.

Give students the Vocabulary Prediction . Write the vocabulary words listed above on the board and read them aloud with students. Pair students and have them decide where on the vocabulary map they would place the words. Have students share their predictions about the words.

Think aloud: I can make predictions about the words I will encounter in the book. I think that porters are people who carry the climbing equipment, so I'm going to put that word in the "people" box. Predicting gives me a purpose for reading, since I want to find out if I guessed the meanings correctly. I know that good readers make predictions as they preview and as they read.

Have students look at the table of contents to make predictions about the book. Ask them in which chapter they will find out about Sherpas. Ask in which chapter or chapters they expect to find vocabulary related to the people. In which chapter do they expect to find vocabulary about the dangers of the climb?

Have students preview the rest of the book, looking at the photos, charts, and sidebars. Have them make or revise predictions about the book.

Students should use a variety of reading strategies in addition to the target strategy. For an overview of reading strategies, click .

Introduce the Vocabulary

Remind students of the strategies they can use to work out words they don't know. They can use what they know about letter and sound correspondences, they can look for base words, prefixes, and suffixes, and they can use the context to work out meanings of unfamiliar words.

Model how to apply word-attack strategies. Point out a difficult word, such asincredible on page 8. Point out that the word has both a prefix (in-) and a suffix (-ible) to help them figure out the word. Read the sentence and model how to use the context to figure out the meaning. Ask students what they think an "incredible spirit of adventure" might be. If students have difficulty, have them check the word in the dictionary, and explain that they can use the glossary or a dictionary if necessary.

For additional teaching tips on word-attack strategies, click .

Set the Purpose

Have students read to find their vocabulary words and check their predictions about them.

During Reading

Student Reading

Guide the reading: Have students read to the end of chapter two. Have students look at the vocabulary prediction map to see if they want to move any words into other boxes. Ask if they have confirmed their ideas about any of the words. If necessary, model confirming predictions: I knew that Hillary climbed Mount Everest, so I was correct in my prediction. I learned things that I didn't know, such as the fact that he planted trees in the Himalayas and established schools and medical clinics.

Tell students to read the rest of the book, keeping in mind the words on the vocabulary map.

Tell students to make a small question mark in their books beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce. These can be addressed in the discussion that follows.

After Reading

Reflect on Reading Strategies

Ask students what words they marked in their books. Use this opportunity to model how they could read these words using word-attack strategies and context clues.

Discuss the vocabulary map and ask students if they need to move any of the words into different boxes now that they have read about the words. Discuss how predicting from vocabulary helps them better understand what they read.

Comprehension: Identify main idea and supporting details

Introduce and model: Remind students that the main idea is the most important or key information in a chapter or book. Point out that chapter headings often supply a clue to the main idea of a chapter. Each chapter will provide details that support the main idea.

Check for understanding: Ask students what they think the main idea of the chapter "Mount Everest" might be. (Mount Everest is a tall mountain that provides lots of challenges for climbers.) Have students find details that support the main idea (8,850 meters, steep cliffs, deep crevasses, moving slabs of ice, low oxygen levels at the top, high winds, sub-zero temperatures).

Independent practice: Give students the Main Idea . Have students work independently to identify the main ideas of the four chapters listed on the worksheet. When students have finished, have them share their responses. If students disagree about the main ideas, have them justify their responses by pointing out clues in the text.

Extend the discussion:

Have students write why they would or would not like to climb Mount Everest.

Build Skills

Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage: Identify adverbial phrases

Read the first sentence on page 4 and point out the adverbial phrase every year. Ask students what information this phrase provides (tells when the climb starts). Explain that adverbs can be single words, but they can also be groups of words. They can tell where, when, or how something is happening.

Have students find the adverbial phrase in the second sentence on this page. If students are having difficulty, ask where the climb will bring the climbers.

Have students practice identifying adverbial phrases using the Adverbial Phrase.

Vocabulary: Suffixes -ible, -able

Write the word unreachable on the board and point out the prefix un- and the suffix -able. Circle the base word, reach.

Explain that the suffix -able and the suffix -ible generally mean that something has that quality or can be done. When these suffixes are added to verbs, they create adjectives, or words that describe.

Point out that the word reachable means that something can be reached. When the prefix un- is added, the meaning of the word changes. The prefix un- generally means "not." Therefore, the meaning of the word unreachable is "not able to be reached."

Explain that students will need to make changes to the spellings of many base words when adding the suffixes. As an example, show them how to add the suffix -ible to the word sense by dropping the final e before adding the suffix. Tell students that if in doubt about the spelling when adding suffixes, they should check the dictionary.

Give students the Suffixes for more practice.

Vocabulary: Make predictions using content vocabulary

Have students refer to the Vocabulary Prediction . Review the meanings of the words and where they fit on the concept map. Then have students work with a partner to add as many words as they can to the concept map. They can refer to the book or use other sources to find words associated with Mount Everest that fit in each category. Have students share their words.

Build Fluency

Independent Reading

Allow students to read their books independently or with a partner. Partners can take turns reading pages of the book.

Home Connection

Give students their books to take home to read with parents, caregivers, siblings, or friends.

Expand the Reading


Have students imagine that they have just completed a successful climb to the top of Mount Everest. Have them write a letter to a friend describing their climb. They should review the chapter in the book called "Dangers" as background for describing their climb.


Monitor students to determine if they can:

identify main idea and details.

create adjectives by adding the suffixes -ible, -able.

identify adverbial phrases and tell what they modify.

categorize the vocabulary words and add other words to the appropriate categories.

Comprehension Checks

The theme of the lesson: Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Educational: To enlarge students scope for the Kazakh history and to be able to speak about our Motherland.

To review grammar tenses Present Simple and Present Continuous
Development: To develop pupils speech in speaking.
Upbringing: To bring them up to love our country, to be able to protect it and to be an individual citizen of our country
Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards, the map of our Republic, cards, pictures.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment:

Teacher's activity Pupils' activity
- Good, morning children! - Good morning, good morning
Good morning too you
Good morning and teacher
How are you?
- I'm very well, thank you! And you? - We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I'm on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- What day is it today? - Today is…
- What date is it today? - Today is the …………
II. Warm up

Today we'll have an unusual lesson. We 're going to speak about Kazakhstan. The topic of our lesson is "Kazakhstan is my Motherland" So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much information about Kazakhstan, as possible. Let's watch video

Video about Kazakhstan.

Checking up homework


a city


square km

an area



border on

to be situated

the head


the President


a falcon














Discussion. Speaking about Kazakhstan

I am sure, you know some more facts about Kazakhstan. Let's answer the questions

What is the population of Kazakhstan?
What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
What countries does it border on?
What are the places which are polluted?
Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
What is the size of KZ.?
Who is the head of the state?
When did Kazakhstan become an independent state?
What are the symbols of the state?
What does the blue color of the flag symbolize?
What is represented on the state flag?
What kind of state is KZ?

Well, children. and what do you know about our new capital, about Astana?

T: now answer my questions. When was Astana founded?

P1: Astana was founded in 1830.

T: Right you are. When was Akmola region formed?

P2: Akmola region was formed in 1939.

T: Good. When did the development of virgin and unused lands begin?

P3: The development of virgin and unused lands began in 1954.

T: Right. When was Akmola renamed in Tselinograd?

P4: Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

T: Well, when was Tselinograd renamed in Akmola again?

P5: Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again in 1994.

T: Right you are. When did Akmola become the capital of Kazakhstan?

P6: Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997.

T: Good. And the last date. When was Akmola renamed in Astana?

P7: Akmola was renamed in Astana in 1998.

III. Practice

Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well. Now we shall play a little. You will give you a sheet of paper with a map of Kazakhstan. You must write the words associated with the word "Kazakhstan".

IV Grammar box


The Present Simple Tense

V1, Vs

time expressions: always, every day, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely

- don't ,doesn't

? do ,does

The Present Continuous Tense

am/is/are +Ving time expressions: now, at the moment

- am is are + not

? - am is are +Ving

Grammar card

Put the verb into the correct form- Present Simple or Present Continuous

I ( to go ) to the cinema this evening. Excuse me. You ( to speak) English?

Why you ( to laugh) at me? How much it ( to cost) to send a letter to Canada? Paddy ( to listen ) to the tape-recorder right now. The doctor ( to exam) Oliver in the living room now. She ( to write) me very often. He

( not to go) there every morning. Her friend ( to study) English every morning? They( not to do) these work at home. He ( to learn) English or French at school?

5. Production. Assessment of children.

What do you learn on this lesson?

Which words? Which rules?

Home task: To learn the vocabulary for lexical dictation



The aim:



Org. moment:


The main part:




Ecology, geography and nature.

The Ecological Association "Tabigat"

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Экологическая ассоциация «Табигат»»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Воспитывать бережное отношение к окружающей среде.

3)Развивать навыки чтения и говорения.

Association, to award, achievement, environmental, to solve, sewage, thrash-combustion, raw, urgent, to process.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you? What's the weather like today? Do you like nature? Are you a green person? Do you know any ecological organizations?

Today we are going to talk about the Ecological Association "Tabigat" and find out what it deals with. Open your books on page 80 and look at the picture. What do you think of this emblem?

Ex. 2 p. 80 Write down the words which are connected with ecology, nature of Kazakhstan. Read them to the class.

Ex. 4 p. 80 Predict: What's the text below about?

Ex. 5 p. 80 Read the new words and write them down into your vocabularies.

Read the text and try to see the ecological problems.

What does this association do?

What are the main ecological problems of Kazakhstan?

Ex. 6 p. 82 Match the Russian words and phrases with the English.

Ex. 7 p. 82 A)Read the text again and find the English words and phrases given above in the text.

B) Form adjectives from nouns

Example: ecology - ecological

Ex. 8 p. 82 Read the text and underline the ecological problems. Do you agree with the director of the Association?

Ex. 9 p. 82 Write out the words from the text which are connected with "Ecology" and divide then into nouns, verbs and adjectives.

1)To learn the new words.

2) Ex. 13 p. 83

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today? Do you want to be a member of such organization?

The marks for the lesson are… The lesson is over! Good-bye!

Theme: Nature of Kazakhstan

The aims of the lesson: pupils will be able to speak about geography, nature and history of Kazakhstan, to develop pupils' interest in learning the theme, to develop patriotic love to their country, to educate the feeling of love towards English; to develop pupils' reading, writing, auding, speaking abilities and speech activity, the quickness of the reaction, to be discipline and to be active during the lesson; to teach pupils using computers, active studio, to do slide shows and using electronic dictionary.

Type of the lesson: combined, new lesson

The method: ICT

Visual aids: computers, interactive board, electronic books, active studio, pictures, textbook.

Beginning of the lesson. Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The golden sun of the sky

Golden grain of the steppe

Legend of courage -

It is my country!

In a gray - haired antiquity

Our glory was born

My Kazakh people

Are strong by honour.

Oh, my people! Oh, my country!

I'm your flower created by you

I'm a song flowing out of you

Kazakhstan - my native land.

Organization moment. Greeting.


If you'll guess it using the multiplication table you'll know proverb about home and motherland

"East or West

Home is best"

Checking up the homework.

Presentation of the new words (work with electronic book)

Ore - rock or earth from which metal can be obtained

Plain - a large area of flat dry land

Desert - a large area of sand where it is always very hot and dry

Foothill - one of the smaller hills below a group of high mountains

Hectare - a unit for measuring area, equal 10000 square metres

Steppes - a large area of land without trees, especially parts of Asia and southeast

Lowland - an area of land that is lower than the land around it

Junction - a place where one road, track, continent, etc. joins another

Now repeat after me together!

Introducing with the new theme. (audition)

Teacher: Today we shall speak about our country, our Motherland. Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich culture and beautiful places. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a presidential democracy. It lies between Europe and Asia and stretches from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to the Altai mountainous and from the foothills of the Tien Shan in the south and southeast to the West Siberian lowlands in the north. Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina. (to show geography of Kazakhstan)electronic book.

Now pupils listen this text "Some Glimpses on Geography of Kazakhstan"

What about this text?

Where is situated Kazakhstan?

What do you say about our Motherland?

Working with the text.

Task 1. Fill in prepositions.

The geographical center ___ the European - Asian subcontinent is ___ Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is situated ___the center ___the Euroasian continent.

People ___different nationalities live ___Kazakhstan.

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

"Kazakhstan and Great Britain"

Lesson type: a competition lesson.

to teach students to express their own points of view and work in groups;

to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;

to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards

our motherland.

Objectives: SWBAT develop their skills of reading, speaking, listening and unprepared speech.
Items needed: an interactive blackboard, photos, flags and maps of the UK and Kazakhstan, cards.
Procedure of the lesson

I. Greeting.

Good morning, dear students and guests!
I'm very glad to see you at our lesson, which will be held in the form of competition between two teams. I' m sure you will demonstrate what you know about these two great states: Kazakhstan and Great Britain.
The theme of our lesson is "Kazakhstan and Great Britain".
The aims of our lesson you can see on the screen.

II. Introduction.

I want to introduce you the members of our jury:
Let's start our competition.

III. The first round.

Teacher: Students, look at the screen. You'll see the questions you should answer.
1. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14)
2. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (on the 16th of December)
3. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N. Nazarbayev).
4. What kind of state is Kazakhstan? (democratic republic with the presidential
form of government).
5. What is the biggest river in Kazakhstan? (The Irtysh).
6. What was Kurmangazy? (a composer).
7. What river is Astana situated on? ( The Ishim).
8. What chambers does Kazakh Parliament consist of? (the Senate and the Majilis).
9. When was the last Constitution approved? (on the 30th of August).
10. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh).
11. What kind of state is the UK? ( a constitutional monarchy).
12. Whose name is everything done in? (The Queen's).
13. What is the state language of the UK? (English).
14. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of? (The House of
Commons and the House of Lords).
15. What Party is the Tory Party? (The Conservative).
16. What is the official name of the UK? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland).
17. What party is the Whigs Party? (The Liberal).
18. What city is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh).
19. What city is the birthplace of Shakespeare? (Stratford-on Avon)
20. What is the longest river in England? (The Severn).
21. Where is the residence of the Prime-Minister situated in? (Downing Street
22. What was Robert Burns? (Scottish poet).
23. What is the national emblem of Wales? (Shamrock).
24. What universities are the oldest and prestigious in Great Britain? (Oxford and

IV. The second round.

Read and complete.
1. In the east Kazakhstan borders on … . (China).
2. The main lake is … . (Balkhash).
3. The powerful industrial oblast in the east of Kazakhstan are … .
(Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk).
4. When the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic name
… . (Astana).
5. The epic novel "Abai" is the work of … . (Mukhtar Auezov).
6. The Sack history is also connected with the struggle against … . (Alexander
the Great-King of Macedonia).

1. The birthplace of William Shakespeare is … . (Stratford-on-Avon).
2. The Romans called Britain … . (Albion).
3. The national flower emblem of Scotland is … .(The thistle).
4. The Great Fire of London took place in … . (1666).
5. The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is … (Loch Ness).
6. The highest mountain in Wales is … . (Snowdon).

V. The third round.

Make up topics about the national flags of the two states and reproduce them orally.

Kazakhstan: The national flag of Kazakhstan is blue. It's the colour of the cloudless sky, the symbol of peace. According to the heraldy the blue colour corresponds to such human qualities as honesty hope and faithfulness. In the centre of the flag there is the gold sun, the symbol of life, the course of energy. Rays have the form of grain, the symbol of independence, freedom and state power. The yellow ornament "Koshkar mujiz" is the symbol of the Kazakh art.

Great Britain: The Union Jack is the popular name given to the flag of Great Britain. "Jack is an old word for the sailor. The Union Jack is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The Scottish flag, blue with a white cross from corner to corner, was joined to the English Flag, white with a red cross. Later, in 1801, when Ireland was joined to the Union, the Irish Flag was added, white with a red cross from corner to corner. In this way the English people got the Union Flag which is red, white and blue.

VI. The fourth round.

Give the Russian and Kazakh Equivalents of the following proverbs.
I team:
1. A good beginning makes good ending.
Әр істің - арты игі.
Лиха беда начало.
2. A man can die but once.
Екі өлім болмайды, біреунен құтыла алмайсың.
Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать.
3. All the glitters is not gold.
Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес
Не всё золото, что блестит.

II team.
1. Art is long, life is short.
Өмір қысқа, өнер мәңгі.
Искусство вечно, а жизнь коротка.
2. He laughs best who laughs last.
Соңғы күлкі - оңды күлкі.
Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним.
3. So many men, so many minds.
Көптің ойы кемеңгер. (Қанша адам, сонша ақыл.)
Сколько людей, столько умов.

VII. The fifth round.

Find mistakes and correct them.
I team.
1. I said to friend I will go to Astana the next week.
( I told my friend I would go to Astana…)
2. Ascar asked me if I have seen Aisha Bibi's Mausoleum.
(Askar asked me if I had seen Aisha Bibi's Mausoleum.)
3. The teacher asked us who is the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.
(The teacher asked us who was the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.)

II team.
4. Tom said that this book was written by W.Shakespear.
(Tom said that that book was written by W.Shakespear.)
5. He asked them what national holidays do they know.
(He asked them what national holidays they knew.)
6. Nina told me she is going to visit London the next year.
(Nina told me she was going to visit London next year.)

VIII. The sixth round. "Polyglot"

Complete the proverb in three languages.
I team.
1. Actions speak louder than … (words, слова, сөздер).
2. First think, then … (speak, говорить, сөйлеу).
3. He laughs best who laughs … (last, последний, соңғы).
4. All is well that ends … (well, хорошо, жақсы).
5. Live and … (learn, учись, оқы),

II team.
1. The right thing in the right … (place, место, орын).
2. There is no place like … (home, дом, ұй).
3. Never put till tomorrow what you can do … (today, сегодня, бүгін).
4. East or west home is … (best, лучший, ең жақсы).
5. Rome was not built in a … (day, день, күн).

IX. The seventh round.

Recognize the sightseeing.
(There sights of Kazakhstan and Great Britain on the screen).

1. Big Ben 1. Bayterek
2. The Houses of Parliament 2. Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi and Babadzhi-
3. National Gallery Khatun
4. Picadilly circus 3. Mausoleum of Karahan
5. Tower Bridge 4. Houses of government in Astana
6. Tower of London 5. The Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum
7. Edinburgh 6. Medeu
8. Trafalgar Square 7. Monument of Abylayhan in Almaty
9. Westminster Abbey 8. Mausoleum of Davudbek
10. Buckingham Palace 9. Central Mosque in Almaty
11. St. Paul' Cathedral 10. Mausoleum of Ruhabab in Almaty
12. Liverpool 11. Hotel "Kazakhstan"
12. Central State Museum of R.K.

X. The eighth round. "Captains' competition"

I see, our today's competition is coming to its end and the last round will be for captains.
Dear captains you should answer my questions. You'll get one point for each correct answer. If you don't know the answer, you'd better tell me "Go on!"
You have only ten seconds to think.

The questions for the 1st captain:
1. The largest river in Kazakhstan. (The Ishim)
2. The national dress of the Scots. (kilt)
3. When do we celebrate The Constitution Day of Kazakhstan?(the 30th of
4. The masterpiece of Christopher Wren. (St. Paul' Cathedral)
5. When did T. Aubakirov's first flight to other space take place? (1991)
6. What vegetable do people use for Halloween party? (pumpkin)
7. What city do we live in? (Taraz)
8. Two popular gentlemen associated with Baker street.(Sherlock Holmes and
Doctor Watson)
9. Name the great Kazakh musicians. (Kurmangazy Sagurbaev, Ahmed
Zhubanov, Nurgisa Tlendiev)
10. The national emblem of Scotland. (thistle)
11. Whose monument is there near the oblast drama theatre in our city?
(Baurzhan Momysh Uly)
12. The minimum voting age in England. (18)

The questions for the 2nd captain:
1.The most important river in England. (The Thames)
2. The national musical instrument of the Kazakhs. (dombra, kobyz)
3. The permanent seat of the BRITISH PARLIAMENT. ( Houses of Parliament)
4. Who was the first Kazakh cosmonaut? (T. Aubakirov)
5. The official name of the Houses of Parliament. (Westminster Palace)
6. Translate the name of Kazakh national food "besbarmak" (five fingers)
7. The English writer whose famous novel is "Robinson Crusoe" (Daniel Defoe)
8. The first name of our city. (Talas)
9. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
10. What anniversary is going to celebrate the capital of our country, Astana?
(the 10th)
11. Where do children find Christmas presents? (in stockings or under the
Christmas tree)
12.Read the first line of the national anthem of the Republic Kazakhstan.
(Алтын күн аспаны…)

XI. Wrap Up.

Teacher: Dear students! Dear guests!
Our competition is over. Let's see our results.
Well, the jury, it's time to declare the winners of our today's competition.
(The jury announces the result of the competition).
Teacher: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson.
Good bye! I wish you success and luck.
See you soon!

Theme: Art of Kazakhstan. Museums in Kazakhstan
Objectives: SWBAT use Present Perfect Continuous Tense, make a presentation and talk about the Museums of Kazakhstan.
Type of lesson: new
Materials: textbook, cards, interactive board
Educational: to explain the usage of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense and have some information about the Museums of Kazakhstan
Developing: to develop memory, attention, reading, speaking, pronunciation, give oral presentation

1. Organization moment.
a) greeting b) checking up the attendance
T: Today our lesson is devoted to the Museums of KZ. But first we are going to learn the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. We'll do a lot of work at the lesson. I want you to speak English a lot and learn as much as possible from this lesson.
2. Presentation of grammar
We use the Present Perfect Continuous for:
• actions and situations that started in the past and still continue at the moment of speaking.
өткен шақта басталған оқиғаның, іс - әрекеттің әлі де жалғасып жатқандығып білдіреді.
• temporary actions and situations in the recent past.
өткен шақта басталған оқиғаның сөйлеу алдында ғана біткендігін көрсетеді.
+ S+ have/has+ been + V+ing
? Have /Has +S + been + V+ing
? Wh + have/has + S + been +V+ing
Short answers
Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
- S + have/has not + been + V+ing
Time expressions:
for an hour (бір сағат бойы)
for a long time (ұзақ уақыт бойы)
since yesterday (кешеден бері)
since 5 o'clock (сағат 5 тен бастап)
just ( жаңа ғана)
recently (жақында )
lately ( жуырда)
all day (күні бойы)
all morning (таңертеңгілік уақыт бойы)
? How long … ( Қанша уақыттан бері...)
? Since when … ( Қашаннан бастап... )
3. Grammar Practice
T: We've had some information about the Present Perfect Continuous. Now let's practise.
Ex. 1. Read and translate
1) I have been reading this text for 20 minutes.
2) He has been living in Aktobe for 21 years.
3) They have been learning English since the 5th form.
4) How long has Erlan been living in Astana?
5) Since when has he been working at the museum?
Ex. 2. Write the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous using these phrases:
clean the kitchen, play football, make a chocolate cake, go to National Gallery, watch TV.
Ex. 3. Complete these sentences
1) My friend is learning German. He … … … (learn) for 5 weeks.
2) It's raining. It … … … (rain) since morning.
3) My friend is watching TV. She … … … (watch) TV for an hour.
4) How long … you … … (wait) for your mum?
5) This crossword is difficult. I … … … (do) it for 40 minutes.
6) I love tennis. I … … … (play) tennis since I was 10.
4. Presentation of Museums Kazakhstan.
1. The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2. The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts
3. The State Museum of National Musical Instruments
4. The State Book Museum
5. Almaty regional museum of historic - regional studies named after M. Tynyshpaev
6. The Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
5. Conclusion & Evaluation
T: So we have just visited the Museums of Kazakhstan. I hope the topic was interesting for you. You were very active, attentive and bright. You'll have the following marks …
6. Giving the homework & Ending the lesson

Theme of the lesson: "Modern wonders of Kazakhstan!"
Aim of the lesson:
- To enrich their word stock, to give main historical and developing information
about Kazakhstan.
- To be able to speak about our motherland.
- To develop their speaking habits and skills.
- To bring them up to love our country, to be able to protect, and to be an individual
citizen of our country
The visual aids: The state symbols, the map of our republic, scheme
The presentation of the lesson
Presenter 1: Good day boys and girls, teachers and guests! We are glad to meet you at our school hall.
Presenter 2: You are welcome to our party which is devoted to the national holiday "The Independence day of Kazakhstan" (Slide 1) (National song)
P1: Our country is a land of beauty
our country is a land of glee
many are its rivers and cities
where a man is happy and free, - as it is said in this poem our country is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a beautiful land. There are the majestic Jailisky Alatau Mountains, the Irtish, The Amudariya rivers and the endless steppes. Kazakhstan is our motherland (Slide 2)
P2: Yes, what does it mean the word "Motherland"? Who tells me? (audience activity)
1. P1: Motherland is my country, my land.
2. P2: M is my village
3. P3: M is my family
4. P4: M is republic
5. P5: M is my street
6. P6: M is my home (Slide 3)
P1: Pay attention to the reciting the poems which were held in the school competition "The best Reciter" by the pupils of the 5 - 6th forms. (Reading the poems)
P2: And the pupil of the 5th form Sebepkalieva Narkiza won the 3d place in a city competition "The Best Reciter" with the poem "Butterfly" (The pupils read the poem)
P1: You are great! Thank you! What do we know about history of our Republic?
(Presentations begins)
P2: Slide 4: On the 25th of October 1990, date of the Independence of Kazakhstan. The declaration of Independence was a legal, political and ideological document of human existence, human rights and protection of freedom.
P1: Slide 5: Kazakhstan has a presidential form of government. N. Nazarbaev became the first president and soon begun a gradual movement toward privatization of the economy. Feedback on the lecture "Kazakhstan on its way to the knowledge society " delivered by President Nursultan Nazarbayev at Nazarbayev University. "The new economy and life of the 21st century are based on knowledge and on science, these are the means to preserve and develop the pace of economic growth.", said the President.
P2: The poem which was written by one of the greatest Kazakh poets K. Amanzholov:
Қазақстан дейтін менің бар елім
Жатыр алып жарты дүние әлемін.
Бұл даланы анам жаспен суарған,
Бұл далада атам қолға ту алған.
Бұл далаға жылап келіп қуанған,
Бұл даланы көріп алғаш қуанғам.
Бұл далада өскен жанда жоқ арман.
P1: Kazakhstan has vast steppes, deep forests, large and small rivers and lakes like Syrdariya, Amudariya, Esil, Zhaiyk, Edil, Balkash and etc.
P2: Well, let's pay attention to the dance of the pupils of 6th form _________________________ they're like young M. Jackson, isn't he? (dancing)
P1: Slide 6: Kazakhstan declared its independence on December 16, 1991 and became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
P2: In Kazakhstan are developing such types of travel services: educational and entertainment tours, ethnic and eco - tourism, health, kids, sports, hunting, horse riding, adventure tourism! For tourists are offered over 700 travel routes around the territory of Kazakhstan.
P1: The main attraction of the Kyzylorda region is the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Baikonur is a centre of space exploration.
P2: Slide 7: In 1997 the capital was moved from Almaty to Astana. Astana is a new modern city. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic and an educational center of the state. Astana is famous for its modern buildings: the monument of Baiterek, Duman, Khan Shatyr, the Houses of Parliament, fine parks and hotels.
P1: Slide 8: Each country has it's own symbols. The symbols of Kazakhstan are National Flag, National Emblem and anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
P2: Slide 9: Желбірейді шарықтап Қазақстан жалауы.
Көкте қыран қалықтап, қанат қағып барады.
Көк аспанда нұрлы күн күлімдейді далама.
Бақыт тілеп тұр бүгін ұлттық өрнек мұрамыз
P1: Let's listen to the history of these national symbols (Formers of the 9E)
Pupil 1: National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a shanyrak ( the cupola of a yurta) on a blue background, from which uyks (body bracket) like sun rays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription Kazakhstan. In colour picture the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of two colours: golden and blue - and - sky - blue. The shanyrak symbolizes well - being of family, peace and calmness. The authors of the emblem are Jandarbek Malibekov and Shota Valihanov.
Pupil 2: The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right angled cloth of a sky blue colour with a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the center, sitting above a soaring steppe eagle. The flagstaff has a vertical line of a national ornamentation. The picture of the sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are gold in colour. The author of the flag is an artist Shaken Niyazbekov.
Pupil 3: National anthems of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Authors of words: Nursultan Nazarbayev, Zhumeken Nazhimedinov. The author of music: Shamshi Kaldayakov. It was sung 7 times in London Olympiad in 2012.
P2: The population of Kazakhstan consists of mainly of Kazakhs and Russian, there also lived Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, Tatars, Uigurs and etc.
P1: The state language is Kazakh, Russian is an official language. In his message N. Nazarbaev said: "Kazakhstani future generation must know three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English as an international language."
P2: And we learn Kazakh, Russian and …
P1: English, of course. The knowledge of foreign language also helps young people to develop their carrier and make friendship. Just now we want you to pay attention to the scene in English.
P2: And it is titled "Rumpelstiltskin". (Scene)
P1: I love you deeply, dear land
Your hills and rives, sand on strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas.
Your beasts and fish, your birds in trees.
This year 2012 was a wonderful year for our country.
P2: This summer there was held the world sport competition summer Olympic Games in London.
P1: Kazakhstani sportsmen were brilliant in this Olympiad.
P2: Our sportsmen won 7 gold medals, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals.
P1: We want you to pay attention to the rhythmical dance of the 6th formers. (Group dancing of 6th formers)
P2: Kazakhstan today is one of the richest countries in the world in deposit of oil, gas, Uranus and they bring great harmful to humanity and to the environment.
P1: According to these important problems of energetics and ecology Kazakhstan will take part in International Exhibition "EXPO - 2017" of green economics.
P2: The theme of this exhibition is "Future of Energy".
P1: The Expo theme aimed to help shed light on humankind's knowledge and advancement of technology concerning the ocean and coast and identify ways to resolve challenges facing the ocean.
P2: Kazakhstan is hopeful that millions of new visitors will soon learn more about this dynamic and emerging nation.
P1: Yes, you are right, let's hope to it. The next wonderful song is "I've just called to say…" by Steve Wonder. (Cattybaeva Nazerke will sing it)
P2: "The capital youth actively advances the world glory of Astana", - the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said about it during the II Congress of "Zhas Otan Youth Wing".
P1: "Today I want to note especially the work of "Zhas Otan" Youth Wing's capital branch. Astana is young and the future of Kazakhstan. The capital youth actively advances the world glory of Astana, working as volunteers at all international events," - told the Head of State in his speech.
P2: Yes, the President of our country hopes to future generation of our Republic.
Pupil 1: We support our country
Pupil 2: We are future generations of our Republic
Pupil 3: We love our Motherland!
Pupil 4: The 21st century is knowledge century
Pupil 5: Knowledge is power
Pupil 6: East or West, home is best
Pupil 7: Blossom my country, blossom my land!
Pupil 8: Blossom my Motherland Kazakhstan!
Pupil 9: The land of my fathers, the land of my choice.
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice.
I wish you to flourish, be happy and high.
I want you to live and never to die!
Pupil 10: Пусть небо будет вечно чистым над тобой!
Цвети мой Казахстан, моя земля,
О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда!
Pupil 11: Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,
Күн мен дәнді силаған ел - данаға.
Асқақтаған Алатаудай шыңдары
Қазақстан шарықтасын ғаламда!

The aim of the lesson: to control the pupils' knowledge about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The objectives of the lesson:

Educational: to activate listening and acting skills, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to revise the material about «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland».

Developing: to develop pupils' knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks.

Brining up: to motivate pupils interest in learning English, to bringing up pupils respect to their individuality.

The type of the lesson: revise lesson.

The form of the lesson: a travelling lesson.

The methods of the lesson: Brainstorming, a pair work, demonstration, critical thinking.

Visual aids: interactive board, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

Org. moment: (3 min)

Good morning, children.

Good morning, teacher.

How are you?

Fine, thanks.

How are you feeling today?

We are active and confident. (in chorus)

Today's Quotation:

"Sunny thoughts make the whole day better" (repeat in chorus)

T: I wish you that your thoughts will be sunny!

The main part of the lesson: (35 min)

Introducing with the theme and the aim of the lesson: (3 min)

T: The subject of discussion is Great Britain. You know a lot about Britain and its people. Let's revise the material. And now please let me introduce you with our guest.

Stewardess: Good morning, ladies & gentlemen. I am a stewardess from British airlines. Today you will visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And you can show us a good knowledge about this country. I would like to welcome you abroad Delta Flight. We are flying from Aktobe to Great Britain. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all the time. I wish you a wonderful flight!

Listening the song "One way ticket"

Developing the skills of oral speech:

Work with presentations: (5 min)

Ladies & gentlemen! Welcome to Great Britain! I am your guide. I am glad to see you. Please, take your seats at our red double - decker bus and you will see many interesting places.

This is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the north - west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north and north west and the North Sea on the east. The UK consists of 4 parts. They are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK lies on the British Isles. The UK is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is twice smaller than France or Spain. The area of the UK is some 244. 100 square kilometers. The population of Great Britain is over 61 million. Great Britain is not rich in mineral recourses. Coal and oil are the most of them. The UK is one of the most industrialized countries. Agriculture takes also an important sector in the economy of the country. It isn't too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen Elizabeth the II is officially the head of the state. The formal name of the British national flag is Union Flag, but it is commonly known as the Union Jack.


England - Red rose.

Scotland -Thistle.

Wales - Daffodil, leek.

Northern Ireland - Shamrock.

The capital of England is LONDON.

The capital of Scotland is EDINBURGH.

The capital of Wales is CARDIFF.

The capital of Northern Ireland is BELFAST.

The official language is English.

And now let's listen to some information about London. Be attentive please. ( 5 min)

(listening "London's sights" level 9 reading The world around us)

Oral activity: (5 min)

1. The next task is to match the words and the pictures. ( level 9 The world around us reading activity 1)

2. Are the sentences True or False? ( level 9 The world around us reading activity 2)

Brainstorming (questions - answers) oral work : (7 min)

And now please let's answer some questions:

What are the main countries of the UK?

How many people live in the UK?

What is the flag of the UK?

Name the symbols of the UK?

Who is the head of the State?

What is the official name of Great Britain?

What is the capital of the country?

What is the weather like in Great Britain?

Writing: (5 min)

Match the columns:

The City of London is Britain's main banking centre.

Buckingham Palace is where the Queen lives.

Trafalgar Square was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

Oxford Street is London's main shopping centre.

The National Gallery is London's biggest art museum.

The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

The British Museum is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

Now let's relax: (5 min)

The theme of the lesson: Great Britain.

The aims of the lesson:

  1. to speak about Great Britain.

  2. to develop communicative, reading, creativity skills

  3. to bring-up interest for English culture.

The Visual aids: an interactive board, a map, resources from internet about Great Britain

General plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.Greeting.(Teacher's presentation)

2.Playing roles (Pupil's presentation)

3.Warm-up (Intellectual game " Jeopardy")


5.Warm-up (Listening Comprehension Song" Yesterday", Writing(Filling of blanks)




-Good morning, dear pupils! I hope everybody is OK. I am sure that all people like to travel. We learn English language and it's very interesting for us to visit UK. So, I offer you to have an imaginary trip to Great Britain today. Today we shall travel to the UK by plane. In order by plane we need a pilot, a stewardess, guides and passengers. Let's start our lesson.

II.Introductory Activity:


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen! "British Airways" are glad to meet you. I'm your pilot, Mr.Mameshov and I wish you a pleasant flight.


Dear Ladies and Gentlmen! I am your stewardess. My name is Gulmira Tursunova. Welcome to our plane. Our flight lasts 4 hours and we shall land in London at 12 o'clock. The speed of plane is 600 km/hour. The high is 5000 meters.The temperature outside is 12 degrees below zero.

"British Airway" wish you pleasant flight.


Now imagine that we are on board plane. We are sitting comfortably in our armchairs and listening some information about GB. Tell me, please. What do people usually do while they are flying by plane?


Read books, newspapers, magazines, listen to music, talk, solve crosswords,

puzzles, have lunch.


Before visiting the UK we have read and have looked for some interesting information about this country. So, let's see what we know about this country. Before listening our guides I should notice that you must be attentive. After their presentation we check your knowledge.

Guide 1:

Hello dear tourists! I am your guide and my name is Akmaral Atabayeva. I'm glad to welcome you on board our plane.

Listen to about the UK.

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland and a great number of small islands. The area is over 244 000 sq. km. The British Isles are separated from the continent by the English Channel. The western coast of GB is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. In the south, it borders on the Irish Republic. The UK consist of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The UK is a parliamentary monarchy state. The head of the country is the Queen Elizabeth II. The flag is called Union Jack because it embodies the emblems of 3 countries.

Guide 2:

Hello! I'm your guide, my name is …I want to tell you about England. England is the largest and the richest country of GB. It is situated east of Wales and south of Scotland. The capital is London. There are other large industrial cities,such as Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford, Cambridge. The population is over 50 min. people. Red rose is the symbol of England. The flag has a red cross on a white background.


Good day! My name is….I want to tell you about Scotland. Scotland is in the northof GB. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, well known for its castle.Glasgow is the industrial capital, the third largest city in GB. Scotland

is full of mountains and lakes .The highest mountain is Ben Nevis. Scotland is also the land of myth and mysteries. And of course everyone knows about the Loch Ness Monster. The population is over 5min.people. The symbol is the thistle. The Scottish flag is a white cross on a blue background.

Guide 4:

Hi! My name is…I'm your guide, too. And I want to tell you about Wales. Wales is the country in the west of GB. It's the country of lakes and mountains. Wales is agricultural and industrial centre. The landscape is very beautiful. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. The population is over 3 min.people. The flag has the red dragon, The daffodil is the symbol of Wales.

Guide 5:

You are welcome to our plane! I want to tell you about the Northern Ireland. This country lies on Ireland. The capital of the country is Belfast. Belfast is also the most important port and commercial, industrial centre. N.I has strong cultural tradition: songs, dances, literature and festivals. The symbol is the shamrock.

III.Practice the concept:

Game " Jeopardy"

IV.Independent Practice:


Teacher: Thank you. We continue our trip. Now let's do some grammar practice. Don't forget that the names of cities towns and countries are used without articles, but the nationality words like the Welsh, the English are used with Definite article "the". Also we used definite article with the names of oceans, seas, rivers.

And now, we'll do a short test. Insert the articles where necessary.

1…British Isles are a group of islands where….UK is situated.

2 ….Thames is the most famous river in …. UK.

  1. Most of the rivers flow into …North Sea.

4.The main nationalities are …. English, …Welsh,….Scottish and ….Irish.

5…UK is…..parliamentary monarchy.

  1. …Oxford is the home of the oldest university of ….England.

7….Irish population is devided into two groups: ….Protestant and ….Catholics.

8…Welsh is an ancient….Celtic language.

9….Scotland is devided into three natural region ….Southern Uplands, …Central Lowlands and ….Highlands and ….islands.

  1. The flag of ….Great Britain is known as ….Union Jack.


Teacher: Do you know one of the well-known british group?….Yes, you are right. Its Beatles. Now, let's listen to the song " yesterday" and do your task. Then when you able to finished your test, I'll check it.


  • Giving marks.

  • Hometask


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with the Dorset village of , the town of , west of London, or .

An Oxbridge college seen from the outside

Oxbridge is a () of the and the in the . The term is used to refer to them collectively in contrast to other British universities and more broadly to describe characteristics reminiscent of them, often with implications of superior social or intellectual status.




Although both universities were founded more than eight centuries ago, the term Oxbridge is relatively recent. In 's novel , published in 1849, the main character attends the fictional . According to the , this is the first recorded instance of the word. used it, citing Thackeray, in her 1929 essay . By 1957 the term was used in the and in Universities Quarterly by 1958.

When expanded, the universities are almost always referred to as "Oxford and Cambridge", the order in which they were founded. A notable exception is Japan's Cambridge and Oxford Society, probably arising from the fact that the Cambridge Club was founded there first, and also had more members than its Oxford counterpart when they amalgamated in 1905.


In addition to being a collective term, Oxbridge is often used as shorthand for characteristics that the two institutions share:

  • They are the two in the UK. Both were founded more than 800 years ago, and continued as England's only universities until the 19th century. Between them they have educated a large number of Britain's most prominent scientists, writers and politicians, as well as noted figures in many other fields.

  • Because of their age, they have established similar institutions and facilities such as printing houses ( and ), botanical gardens ( and), museums (the and the ), (the and the ), societies (the and the ) and notable comedy groups ( and ).

  • between Oxford and Cambridge also has a long history, dating back to around 1209 when Cambridge was founded by scholars taking refuge from hostile Oxford townsmen, and celebrated to this day in such as the .

  • Each has a similar , whereby the University is a co-operative of its constituent colleges, which are responsible for (the principal undergraduate teaching method) and pastoral care.

  • Both universities have many buildings of great beauty and antiquity, and are sited on level terrain ideal for cycling, near slow-moving rivers suitable for and .

  • They are the top-scoring institutions in cross-subject UK university rankings, so they are targeted by ambitious pupils, parents and schools. Entrance is extremely competitive and some schools promote themselves based on their achievement of Oxbridge offers. Combined, the two universities award over one-sixth of all English full-time research doctorates.

  • Oxford and Cambridge have common approaches to . Until the mid-1980s, entry was typically by sitting special entrance . Applications must be made at least three months early, and, with only minor exceptions (e.g., organ scholars), are mutually exclusive for first undergraduate degrees so, in any one year, candidates may only apply to Oxford or Cambridge, not both. Because most candidates are predicted to achieve top grades at , interviews are usually used to check whether the course is well suited to the applicant's interests and aptitudes, and to look for evidence of self-motivation, independent thinking, academic potential and ability to learn through the tutorial system.

The word Oxbridge may also be used pejoratively: as a descriptor of (referring to the professional classes who dominated the intake of both universities at the beginning of the twentieth century), as shorthand for an that "continues to dominate Britain's political and cultural establishment" and a parental attitude that "continues to see UK higher education through an Oxbridge prism", or to describe a "pressure-cooker" culture that attracts and then fails to support overachievers "who are vulnerable to a kind of self-inflicted stress that can all too often become unbearable" and high-flying state school students who find "coping with the workload very difficult in terms of balancing work and life" and "feel socially out of [their] depth".

Related terms[]

Thackeray's Pendennis also introduced the term Camford as another combination of the university names - "he was a Camford man and very nearly got the English Prize Poem" - although this term has never achieved the same degree of usage as Oxbridge. Camford was also used in the story (1923).

Other words have been derived from the term Oxbridge. One example is Doxbridge, an annual inter-collegiate sports tournament between some of the colleges of , Oxford, York and Cambridge, while Woxbridge is seen in the name of the annual Woxbridge conference between the business schools of , Oxford and Cambridge. The term Loxbridge (referring to , Oxford, and Cambridge) is sometimes seen, and was also adopted as the name of the conference now known as AMPAH. However, such terms are only employed for specific groups, and none has achieved widespread recognition.


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