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- Открытый урок по английскому язык на тему 'Domestic animals' (5 класс)
Открытый урок по английскому язык на тему 'Domestic animals' (5 класс)
Theme of the lesson: "I have a bird and grey rabbit"
Aims of the lesson:
1. Educational: to give more information about domestic animals, to master new words, practice its use in the speech.
2. Developing: to develop pupils' skills in listening, in reading and of prepared and unprepared speech.
3. Bringing - up: to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, to be attentive and foster their love for animals.
Teaching method: Explanation, question - answer, work in group.
Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of the animals.
I. Organization moment
- Good morning, children and dear guests. I'm glad to see you again in our classroom. Today we have an unusual lesson.
Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning our teacher, we are glad to see you.
- Children, who is duty today? (I am on duty Today)
- What season`s is it now?
- Yes, it is winter now.
- Children, what is the date today? (Today is the 14th December.)
- Thank you. What day is it today? (It is Monday.)
- Let`s begin our English lesson. Are you ready? Very good.
Now I will show you an interesting video on active board, so children you should watch and guess correctly today's lesson theme.(video about domestic animals)
- The theme of our lesson is "I have a bird and grey rabbit"
All right! Today's lesson is "I have a bird and grey rabbit" also we will take grammar "To have"
Children what kind of animals do you know?
Domestic, wild, pets.
Divide into 3 groups: domestic, wild, pets. Take the cards.
domestic wild pets
cow lion dog
sheep crocodile cat
horse tiger parrot
goat bear snake
Great ! But today we will take only domestic animals, also we will know more information about domestic animals. I want divide the class into four group.
The 1st group is called: Horse
The 2nd group is called: Cow
The 3rd group is called: Hen
Teacher: First of all I would like to give for each of group picture and name of domestic animals separately.
Your first task is draw the farm and join names of animals with picture then stick your white paper.
Your second task is each of group should describe three of domestic animals using by grammar "To have"
II. Warm up
Sing a song "Old MacDonald had a farm"
III. Speaking
Describe farm animals with their picture.
- Look at the picture of the 1st group, we have many horses at farm they can sleep both lying down and standing up. Horses can run shortly after their birth in our farm also we have sheep is an animal which has a thick coat of fleece on its body so we have sheep hoofs that is divided into two toes. They eat grass.
- Look at the picture of the 2nd group, we have a cow in our farm (It is big. It lives in the barn and we have cat, cats is kind of domestic animals they have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats, a male cat is called a tom, a female cat is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens.
- Look at the picture of the 3rd group, we have a hen in our farm they are domestic or farm birds. The male is larger and more brightly colored than the female. This is common feature in birds. The males show off their colorful feathers to attract the females. The male is called a rooster. The female is called a hen while the young are called chicks. The morning call your hear on the farm every morning is actually the rooster crowing "cock-a-doodle-doo". The female is called a hen and she goes "cluck-cluck". The young are called chicks and they go "chick-chick" and we have pigs despite their reputation, pigs are not dirty animals. They're actually quite clean. Male pigs of any age are called boars; female pigs are called sows.
IV Find the odd words.
A cat, a dog, a rabbit, a parrot.
A duck, a sheep, a horse, a frog.
A monkey, a cow, a fox, a cat .
Key: a rabbit, a frog, a cow
V. Guess the riddles.
1. Hop, hop , hop !
Long - ears, long - ears,
Never stop.
They like carrots,
They like hay.
They grow longer
From day to day. (a rabbit )
2. I have four legs.
I'm very smart and I like to play.
I like to smell things.
I can wag my tail.
Iʾm (a dog )
3. I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
I live on a farm.
I can say, "Oink-oink"
I'm (a pig )
4. I have four legs and a long tail.
I eat oats and hay.
I love to run fast.
I let people ride on my back.
I'm (a horse )
VI. Presentation of the new words.
Pet [pet] үй жануары
Horse [hɔ: s] жылқы
Foal [fәul] құлын
Cow [kau] сиыр
Calf [ka:f] бұзау
Sheep [ʃi:p] қой
Lamb [læm] қозы
Hen [hen] тауық
Goat [gout] ешкі
Kid [kid] лақ
Goose [gu:s] қаз
Gosling [gɔzliŋ] қаздың балапаны
Ducking [d˄kliŋ] үйректің балапаны
Teacher: Dear pupils the lesson is over! I want to thank for each of group, about their interesting information about domestic animals. The lesson was amazing ! See you next time !