- Учителю
- Урок – игра по английскому языку Тема: “Space travel” (8 класс)
Урок – игра по английскому языку Тема: “Space travel” (8 класс)
Урок - игра по английскому языку
Класс: 8
Тема: " Space travel"
Цели урока:
Образовательный аспект
расширение общего кругозора учащихся.
Воспитательный аспект
воспитание потребности в практическом использовании английского языка, любви и уважения к достижениям отечественной науки.
Развивающий аспект
развитие памяти и способности к восприятию изученной лексики;
формирование интереса к изучению космоса, к строению солнечной системы, к достижениям и развитию космической индустрии и астрономии.
Учебный аспект
формирование лексико-грамматических навыков чтения, аудирования и устной и письменной речи по изучаемой теме, расширение знаний и представлений учащихся по теме «Space».
Задачи урока:
Практиковать языковые навыки;
Тренировать в употреблении в речи и в понимании лексики по теме "Развитие космонавтики. Планеты Солнечной системы";
Формировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка;
Воспитывать патриотическое отношение к Родине (акцентируя внимание на заслуги советской и российской космонавтики перед мировой наукой и техникой).
Оснащение урока
раздаточный материал в виде карточек с названиями планет, карточек для заполнения пропусков;
Слайд 1
Good Morning, dear friends! Today we are having an unusual lesson - game- trip. The topic of the lesson is "Space Travel". We've got much work to do today. We'll remember some facts from the history of space exploration, you'll tell us what you know about planets of Solar System, you are going to do some exercises and of course we'll learn much interesting. Each team will gain the points «stars» for the right answers. Meet the jury of our game.
«Greeting» (Предстартовая подготовка)
- Now it's time to listen to our teams: "Stars" and "Milky Way".
Представление команд, каждого участника, капитанов.
Конкурс 1 «Examine» (Предполетный экзамен)
- Let's begin our trip, but at first you must pass the exam before our trip.
Экипажи отвечают на 5 вопросов по очереди (презентация).
Слайд 2
Reddish sky above
The vast canyon
The fourth planet
The huge volcano
Named for the god of war (Mars)
Слайд 3
Most windy
Rings and moons
Takes 160 to go round the sun(Neptune)
Слайд 4
The farthest planet
Strange orbit
Sometimes it is closer to the sun (Pluto)
Слайд 5
The largest planet
Spins fast (Jupiter)
Слайд 6
Spins at an angle
Pale blue-green cloudy atmosphere
15 moons and two rings
42 years of sunlight
42 years of darkness (Uranus)
Слайд 7
The hottest planet
Named after the god of truth and justice (Venus)
Слайд 8
The large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves (The Sun)
Слайд 9
The planet that we live on (Earth)
Слайд 10
A machine that has been sent into space (a satellite)
Слайд 11
The round object that you can see shining in the sky at night (the Moon)
Конкурс 2 «The Solar System» (Солнечная система)
Слайд 12 You have passed the exam; let's go to the Solar System and put the planets in the correct order to the Sun.
Это задание выполняется участниками (9 человек), где необходимо быстрее другого экипажа расставить названия планет в том порядке, как они движутся вокруг Солнца. Участники выстраиваются в шеренгу в том порядке, как планеты расположены по отношению к Солнцу, держа карточки в руках.
Конкурс 3 «Captains Contest» (Конкурс капитанов)
Капитаны по очереди отвечают на вопросы из презентации.
Слайд 13.When was the first man's flight to the open space? (12.04.1961)
Слайд 14 What country was the first to send a man to the space? (The USSR)
Слайд 15 What's the first man's name who had been in space? (Y.Gagarin)
Слайд 16 How is the first space rocket of the USSR called? (Vostok)
Слайд 17 Name the cosmodrome ,the spacecraft started from.(Baikonur)
Слайд 18 How long Yurii Gagarin has been in the space? (108 min)
Слайд 19 What's her name? It's a woman who was the first among the women to have flight to the space. (V.Tereshkova)
Слайд 20 Who and when made the first going out to the open space? (A. Leonov)
Конкурс 4. - Let's go on. Now you should match the words in two columns. If you are ready, raise your sticks. You'll get a star for your answer. (Задание на карточках)
- to travel to
- intergalactic
- launch
- wear
- live in
- a spacesuit
- a satellite
- a space station
- other galaxies
- spaceship
- Ok, You were to find some interesting facts about planets. We are eager to listen to them. (Учащиеся представляют интересные факты о планетах, найденные самостоятельно).
Interesting facts:
The temperature of the Sun is 6000o C.
It is a strange planet, because the same side always faces the Sun, so one half of the planet is very hot and the other is extremely cold.
It's called cloudy. The thick gases in its atmosphere have created a greenhouse effect with temperature of up to 600o C during the day.
This planet has a mysterious red spot on its surface. This spot which moves, is many times bigger than our Earth.
It is famous for its colourful rings of and ice which go round it.
We know very little about them. They are two
Nepture of four giant planets.
* Pluto - is a tiny planet, the farthest planet from the Sun.
Конкурс 5. It's time to do next task. Now find the necessary word. What is it?
(Задание на карточках каждой команде)
……….. all space and everything that exists in it (the Universe)
………..a huge group of stars and planets (the Solar System)
………..a place for above the Earth where there is no air (space)
………..a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space (spaceship)
………..the Sun together with the planets going round it (galaxy)
Конкурс 6. Arrange mixed parts of the text in logical order.
(Разрезанные части текста построить логически.)
Text : On the Moon.
In 1969 the first astronauts from the Earth landed on the Moon. They had prepared for the trip for a long time and knew that their mission involved doing things that had never been done before.
The astronauts wore special heavy boots to prevent them from floating off into the space.
On the moon they had time to collect Moon rocks before returning to the Earth. It was a challenge.
Those brave people and others after them are responsible for much of the knowledge we now have, about how the Moon was formed.
It is likely, that scientists will continue to learn more about how the Galaxy was formed by studying the data back from the Moon.
Подведение итогов мероприятия, подсчет баллов, рефлексивно-оценочный этап.
- For thousands of years people have been dreaming of space traveling, of reaching and touching the stars, they wrote tales, poems. Today we've learnt more about space and listened to you. And one more question for you - If you had an opportunity to travel into space, what planet would you choose and why?
- Ok, while our jury is working , I'll give you cards. Complete the text with the right word. (команды получают задание, пока жюри подсчитывает баллы)
Заполнить пропуски нужными словами
In March 2004 a new planet was_____1_____ 10 billion kilometers from the Earth and was named Sedna. It was found by the Hubble _____2_____. Some people say Sedna is not really a planet. Anyway, the news _____3____ very exciting because the planet _____4____ beyond the planetary Solar System. Space now has become _______5______! Such countries as Russia, the USA and Japan are planning to send more money on it. Do you think space exploration so important?
1. a) invented
b) discovered
c) opened
2, a) microscope
b) periscope
c) telescope
3. a) is
b) are
c) will be
4. a) found
b) finds
c) was found
5. a) large
b) larger
c) the largest