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  • Ғылыми жоба тақырыбы: Ағылшын тілі сабағында оқушыларды ағылшын халық ертегілері арқылы тәрбиелеу

Ғылыми жоба тақырыбы: Ағылшын тілі сабағында оқушыларды ағылшын халық ертегілері арқылы тәрбиелеу

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Cарсекулова Меруерт

№25 орта мектептің

8 сынып оқушысы

Ғылыми жоба тақырыбы: Ағылшын тілі сабағында оқушыларды ағылшын халық ертегілері арқылы тәрбиелеу

Секция: Тілтану (ағылшын тілі)

Жетекшісі: Дюсекенова Аида Нурболатовна

ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

№25 орта мектеп оқушысы Сарсекулова Меруерттің «Ағылшын тілі сабағында оқушыларды ағылшын халық ертегілері арқылы тәрбиелеу» тақырыбына жазылған жұмысына


Қазіргі таңда көптілді оқыту - жас ұрпақтың білім кеңістігінде еркін самғауына жол ашатын, әлемдік ғылым құпияларына үңіліп, өз қабілетін танытуына мүмкіншілік беретін бүгінгі күнгі ең қажеттілік.

Үш тілде оқыту - заман талабы. Негізгі мақсаты: бірнеше тілді меңгерген, әлеуметтік және кәсіптік анықтауға қабілетті мәдениетті тұлғаны дамыту және қалыптастыру. Үштілдік туралы Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаев білім және ғылым саласы қызметкерлерінің III съезінде сөйлеген сөзінде: «Ағылшын тілінің қажеттілігі әлемге тән қажеттілік, бүгінгі күн талабы. Ал орыс тілін жақсы білу - біздің байлығымыз» десе, 2007 жылғы «Жаңа әлемдегі жаңа Қазақстан» атты Жолдауында: «Қазақстан бүкіл әлемде халқы үш тілді пайдаланатын жоғары білімді ел ретінде танылуға тиіс. Бұлар: қазақ тілі-мемлекеттік тіл, орыс тілі-ұлтаралық қатынас тілі және ағылшын тілі-жаһандық экономикаға ойдағыдай кірігу тілі» деген болатын.

Осы зерттеудiң өзектiлiгi балаларды шет тiлiне бастауыш сыныптан бастап үйрету қажеттілігінен келіп шықты. Баланың тiлдiк тосқауылын барынша ерте жеңуге көмектесетiн және шет тiлiне болған махаббаттың оянуына ұластыратын, ерте жастан ағылшын тiлiне үйретудiң тиiмдiлiгiн ең жоғары деңгейiне жеткізуге ағылшын халық ертегiлерiн пайдасы өте үлкен. Білікті және білімді жастарды тәрбиелеп жеткізу - ұстаздардың ең алғашқы мақсаты. Қоғамда өмiрге дағдылануды кiшi ұрпақтан бастап дайындау қажет. Жеткiншектер тәрбиесі барысында қоғаммен мәдениетті және білікті түрде қарым-қатынас жасауды меңгеруi керек, өйткенi жастардың дамуына қол жеткiзетін деңгей - өнер-бiлiмді меңгеру.

Сарсекулова Меруерт Ағылшын халық ертегісіне жалпы талдау жасау, ағылшын халық ертегісінің бала тәрбиесіндегі рөлін және ықпалын анықтау және оның балаға жақсы әсер ету әдістерін зерттей келе практикалық маңыздылығын көрсеткен.

Жетекшісі ағылшын тілі

пәнінің мұғалімі А.Н.Дюсекенова


Қоғам өміріндегі тілдің рөлі күнннен-күнге артып келеді. Біздің білуімізше, тіл адамдардың бір-бірімен түсінісу қажеттілігінен туындаған. Адам білімі күннен күнге кеңейіп келеді, яғни, тіл- ақпарат қорының формасына айналып отыр. Сол себепті тіл танудағы Ағылшын тілі сабағында оқушыларды ағылшын халық ертегілері арқылы тәрбиелеу, зерттеу нысаны ретінде алынды

Зерттеу жұмысының негізгі мақсаты ағылшын тілі сабағында ағылшын халық ертегісінің бала тәрбиесінде жақсы әсерінің басым болуын дәлелдеу, Ағылшын халық ертегісінің бала тәрбиесіндегі рөлін және ықпалын анықтау және оның балаға жақсы әсер ету әдістерін анықтау, Ағылшын тілі сабағы барысында ағылшын халық ертегілерін қолдану әдістерін анықтау.

Ғылыми жұмыста Жас жеткiншектердің алғашқы тәрбиесiне үлкен әсер ететін бұл халық ертегілері және оның кейіпкерлері болып есептеледі. Ертегiлер ерте замандағы салт-дәстүрлер, тәрбие әдістері және баланың ой-өрістерін дамытатын қасиеттерді өз кейіпкерлерінде сақтаған. Зерттеу жұмысымның мақсаты ағылшын тілі сабағында ағылшын халық ертегісінің бала тәрбиесінде жақсы әсерінің басым болуын дәлелдеу.


The role of language in society, after day grows. We know the language of the people with each other, understanding that was necessary. A person's education is expanding day-to-day, that is, language - in the form of Fund, it becomes information. Therefore, the education of students through folk tales in the English lessons in the knowledge of the English language, as object of study taken

The main goal of the study of the influence of folk tales in the English language priority English evidence of good in the upbringing of the child, determining its role and influence of folk tales in English and determination of methods of influence on the child in the child's upbringing, in the course of application of methods of definition of folk tales in the English lesson the English language.

A great influence on the education of the Younger generation in scientific work it is believed that the first folk tales and its characters. Tales from ancient times the traditions, methods of child rearing and educational horizons apperience its qualities during storage. The purpose of my work is research of influence of folk tales in the English language English well-priority evidence of the presence in the child's upbringing.

CONTENTS: 1.INTRODUCTION............................................................3

2.General analysis of the population on fairy tales in English.......................................................4

3.The main methods of traditional education of pupils in the preparation of work books waiting for them in English.....5

4.Methods of work with pupils, used in the process of studying folk tales in English.......9




Foreign language in primary school that.... Will help to overcome the language of pride, admiration and love, when their permits early estimatin child into a foreign language, to achieve the maximum level of effectiveness of early English learning in English is very large the use of folk tales. Shipping and youth, educates qualified teachers - first goal. Habits of life in society from generation to generation, starting with the youngest. Culture of teenagers in the process of education society and competent communication, to be able to achieve, because the level of youth development - art knowledge. For a specific parenting behavior in society and rules of studying based on experience, feedback of students a high level of development of the system in the next life. It is believed that a great influence on the upbringing of the young generation and the first heroes of the folk tales. Tales from ancient times the traditions, methods of child rearing and educational horizons apperience its qualities during storage. The purpose of my work is research of influence of folk tales in the English language English well-priority evidence of the presence in the child's upbringing.

The purpose of my work perform the following tasks:

• analysis of the folk tale the English population as a whole;

• the role of folk tales in the upbringing of the child and determine its influence and impact on children, it is better in English

Introduction the relevance of This study the necessity of teaching children a foreign language in primary school that.... Will help to overcome the language of pride, admiration and love, when their permits early estimatin child into a foreign language English language English lesson in the application of early detection methods most of the folk tales in English the effectiveness of training;

</• identify characteristics and methods of work with popular books waiting for their ability in English. 1. Analysis of the folk tale, English the total population of Russia, England, Germany and France is much higher than in countries in the collection and recording tales of the evening started. At the end of the XIX century the beginning of the first collection, the convening of folk tales in English. In English the two volumes of collected folk tales Joseph Jacobs belong 1854-1916. [2, C. 134]. Mug folklore in English Jacobsa President Joseph convening of folk tales in English is very difficult as many of the forgotten fairy tales. German brothers and sisters nl Grimm, And Charles Perrault French or Russian.N. Joseph Jacobs tales literary treatment as Afanasieva canceled. The audience with its folk tales, the way he did in front of him, and shipping ... protected, the popularity of Patriotic poets and playwrights was something very rich in folk tales in England in English folklore satisfied. In XIX-XX centuries is a poetic genre sabatayn for putting in the number albandia: Negligent Dickens,Thackeray William Makepeace, Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, Oscar Wilde, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter and Pamela Travers, James Barrie, Alan Milne, Tolkien, John, Donald Bissette. On the reverse side of the mirror, which Aliani, Poppins Mary, Peter and Penn the happy Prince, the Teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh from goodwill, that was the reason for his birth and beautiful fantasy airgialla Orazdurdy of the population. Since the days of romanticism in England, when formed interest in fairy tales, like other countries, with different poses. playing images of popular resistance in the same ranks with writers, but, as you can see, but it ialmen lenders philologists, and scientists.Many works of folklore and shall be enforced in order not to recognize-born British memories of the characters, and they are,in the aggregate, examining the dialectic and ethnographic features.

But folklore, in the centre of one narrow form shall be enforced subject to the stylistic was born and treated. That is, in the form of fairy tales re-enforced according to the order retained. It is the largest collection with the producers of the next print went to the work of translators. The works of translators like population. Because reading fairy tales was used in order to ease the understanding of General English in the translation. On the Islands of Britain, the accumulation and development were in a period of the most difficult historical folk tales. It is a period folk tale, develop, and believed in the revival of religious ceremonies and performed on it). Christians established at the beginning of this world. Then in the tales of heroes, people, legends, Austar, good people, wizards, angels, perler water fictional animals continued to live in the nation. Heroes of English folk ertegin austara in the fight against Eldan birth, kind animals, the characters in the images of the gods or simple peasants lived. For example: a black man, a fighter against the English folk hero and you know, Jack, that just gehege presented in arteche forces. Jack efforts, energetic, hardworking, friendly, conscientious and honest, as among the population, such people were called folk heroes. "Adventures of Jack the Giant-Killer" will be revolucionerna arteche Jack fought for the freedom of their homeland. All around are the characters of English folk tales when the heroes, though kapitalister to present them for what they sometimes came dear shigai-Bai dew. In the first stage of the development of capitalism in England the bourgeois kapitalistate tead such characters. For example: "Molly Whuppie" and the wicked man has deceived the people arteche JEGS girl Molly "Jack and the Beanstalk" Jack guitarin arteche your loved ones, friends-all who gives the happiness of garanderen and around many of its. That is, we can find fairy tales in English in wordy funny, is inherent in the people. At all times folk tale in English if you have noticed, ends with a very happy and productive. At the end of fairy tales, fairy tales trouble-trouble how to avoid. At the end of the tale never motivted not bad. It's a fairy tale good for the education of students. As in the tales of the dream characters to achieve goals. 2. Many people in the course of its work, the main methods of traditional education of pupils in English fairy tales books waiting for their traditions and customs habit to review review. This is one of the closest teachers goal is to acquaint the child with the tale, the tale about the conversations, games, stories changes in consciousness of the child of important information, to penetrate the roles of the characters on stage, in the form of a game. This method is a method of working with the traditional tale is assigned. But this traditional method is not called, because here the children not only had a story,but they were satisfied his tale the end, mix a few manifestations, some tales of action may change. Another method it has become a tradition - question-answer. First of all, you must understand that the spiritual upbringing of children on why such a wealth of non-traditional jobs. Non-traditional relationships between teacher and student-relations hero tales primarily of right and wrong made the trip, to determine where it is erroneously recognized that how to fix the error and ways of overcoming gives an opportunity to learn taldin jaundice.

For example, "The booted Cat" arteche English "rake hands up well to heat By a stranger" Maala view. No this is not an example to follow the cat in the fairy tales. Because deceiving people to achieve their goals cat is innocent. The government should do is not to imitate provided hard cats.In conclusion of this article that the example above makes sense to pay attention to "Other his signature started the project of SCF "Zubr" wealth creation, one and the same. And in the "Adventures of Jack the Giant-Killer" Jack arteche, simple peasants, the reward is only in fairy tales evil was originally thinking of combat damgage at admission, and at the end of the tale he becomes a true national heroes of the struggle for freedom. He studied the main character of tales of children abandonded, his thorough discussion and proper education of the child begin to evaluate and right and good for yourself. Good and evil, violence and insults, lies and truth, love and unanswered never almatinian the child is convinced of the hatred. Following the inspection in fairy tales that need another property - the education of good feelings. Foster a sense of humanism, leading to the tale never plays a role in the work of the latter. Therefore, his child was studying in capcarrere justerini their tales, those closest to him expression adamancy and loves himself. On earth is the sense and the right to direct the child has set a goal of a teacher in the game. We know that the elements of linguistic education, the development starts at an early age the child is very prevalent. So the child not only listened, read, keep in mind not only the issue, opening of new faces in the form of stories with friends in other recording direction of the show. Its the most simple ways - the earlier letters, telegrams, notes, discussions, exchange of opinions in different networks or by SMS and Internet now. For vocabulary development of the child, train yourself to invent stories without distorting the meaning of the tales edition. Work with assigned tale, of course unconventional lessons. Because you need a lot of work and the increasing interest in fairy tales on the development of the child's thinking. The new look of the character, choosing for children, fairy tales or change the actions of some characters we already "thing in fairy tales names, details, adjectives, verbs and the word "find" method use. Let's play a game, such as, "we were distressed by some of the letters or words in the process of teaching Children the tale ran. Come to think of it, try to find these words. "On - up - a - tme - hre - was - a - little - grl" TBA MF which letter is missing? Children's stories-fiction to read the words or release find themselves. Someone writes the word in the fairy tales, and someone puts funny words, to record. And how many of these slamdance another game to find the letters of vowels and consonants, words, sentence, guys find it more in the next game. For example: fox, hare, house, dog, cock - "cock" to read, translate words, surrender and more wild animals, grouping, or word.For this Mickey mouse or Winnie the Pooh, read books waiting for them. Is given to the student, above all, mutual conversation. For this the students are divided into two groups. The student is assigned the role of Winnie the Pooh and Mickey mouse arasindan the two most active students.In their groups they are to each other helps the interview. The job of the next: Mickey mouse house, in front of, over that in the near future will be blue to relax herbs. Winnie-the-Pooh the soul talking to him. That is, the following two groups and the dialogue between Winnie the Pooh Mickey mouse order.

Винни-Пух: Hello! I'm a little brown bear. My name is Winnie-the-Pooh. And who are you? Микки: Hello! I'm a little grey mouse. My name is Micky. I live in this big house. Nice to meet you! Винни-Пух: Have you got a family? Микки: Yes, I have. I've got a father, I've got a mother and I've got a pretty little sister. I love my family very much. Have you got a brother? Винни-Пух: No, I haven't. But I've got a friend. M и к к и : I love my friend very much too. Look, I've got a long tail. Have you got a long tail?

During the game students need to answer questions and help put. The development of thinking skills of the student to adequately complete home series pursued one. He heard earlier or read in fairy tales representations of the change in the characters for kids shall be two of a short story to write a story. Of course, this is no easy task. By this method we is for children to develop thinking and writing. Another method of thinking of encrypting the title of the fairy tale. It is used to encrypt numbers to remember student, you will need to stay. Funny words in fairy tales or tales him a new name. This is done by encryption such as, for example: ("duck" -"kcud"); ("pig", "the big")... assignments, the Teacher can first plan.The characteristic direction of each tale job. Math skills you can see that not enough abilities, not enough of one and another environmental tale the tale. Giving all this, the teacher is the job. Easy perform the job to think in the right direction. To do all this traveling student geographical, historical values reset to the eye a thing of the past, love of country, tradition, encourages respect. The goal of the teachers present methods of development of creative abilities of the child through fairy tales. 3. Methods used by students during the study of folk tales in English. Above we looked at the application of the main methods of education of students of folk tales in English. Let us now define the methods used in the study of folk tales with the students, and in English. The main methods used in the study of folk tales in English with the students during the lesson or in extracurricular time are:

I. Method of supervision, offering guidance on: 1) Teacher, parent with children, and the happiness fairy tales (in fairy tales characters, some manifestations, drawings, humor-aliyari, sadness... manifestations), which affects the proper upbringing of children see, leaves used; 2) verbally tell the tale I Read, some of the circumstances that are important in the upbringing of the child, determine the impact on episodelink transmission; 3) creating characters in fairy Tales sculpted from clay and silt, construction photos, create masks, sewing costumary, creative development of the child; 4) in fairy Tales of action, or to select the melody is mastera, according to II. Comparison method: the Game. "Well, why? Who likes who?" Various drawings of an artist that compare to the tale. III. Method of development of cognitive and stylistic nuances: 1) had studied in ertegin paintings, books or images of places where something to remember, to imagine, develop the ability of the learner to remember before eyes. 2) Read the dramatization of stories, a quiz in the form of games, stories statement via guessing, to develop the ability of thinking and speaking. 3) Literary theatre: extracts from academic works, poetic lines, construction, photographs, drawings and deepen the horizons of the child, to tell about a conversation or listening to music. IV. A method of creating an art experience images The results of the discharge of a child to read, you penetration in fairy tales in images of the hero, his behavior sends to deep to get used to. 2) I Read in fairy tales professional search of his characters, comparing characters in tales armandariz in the modern world, kepkeda content, method of upgrading old. 3) development leads for the future fate of the hero in fairy Tales to read the works of the author, the author of the idea ramkalanan prediction method. V. Method of assessment and examination: 1) My favorite character: all ages of viewers, the guys themselves showed the selection of characters, his actions correctly determined that, to prove that the real hero of the audience that supply at higher prices. 2) My favorite autorim and Artem: to acquaint students chose as the author of fairy tales and wonderful tale, the child himself to prove that the product is very high class. 3) "the events in fairy Tales? Such events in other fairy tales to meet?" and talks on topics read the tale. 4) about Literary heroes", where Previously studied or tales of the hero, a hero like that? Them from each other?", and find answers to questions. 5) a story about writer wrote Tales: tales the author wrote about tells read to synthesize the information students put them monuments or places associated with the name of the author, talks about those (particularly "Peter pan"in London, a monument to the "wild Anderman Nils holgerson" monument in Tokyo, "the Wild swans" monument Odense, "Pinocchio"monument Calladine, "the little Mermaid" by Andersen in Copenhagen, a monument and two; in St. Petersburg a monument to Andersengrad, USA, Disneyland, Home of Andersen Denstiy Museum). 6) The funniest or the scariest tale: "What books oidy scary or funny?" on a job interview.

Such a child practices with literary and associative abilities in the development of speech and thinking in development of creative abilities, comprehensive reskin, education plays an important role in educating future generations. Conclusion an important role in a child's life play Stories. The tale of the spiritual world of the child, education of Patriotism, Adrian past of their people, the education of morality, and strengthens the love of society. Tale affects the speech development of the child. Imagination and fantasy, their relationship to society, topistin tales place in the development of art is very important. Tale from the grandfather to the house through advice, Proverbs and sayings, customs can. Get acquainted with the information through reading the valuable tales preserved in history. Education, culture, fully developed, in any not attention to the composition of the fairy tale in nurturing the younger generation. Right course in raising a child-not a method of work, in addition, there are other methods. These methods during the lesson or in extracurricular and love the tale and the story to study,to receive more valuable information helps needed. Only to read a story to students, not only told, but also learn to write a story.


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