- Учителю
- Обучающий конспект по теме 'Множественное число имен существительных'
Обучающий конспект по теме 'Множественное число имен существительных'
Множественное число имен существительных:
1 a flower - flowers, a week - weeks,
A baby - babies
A nice place - many nice places
2 -es after -s, -sh, -ch, -x:
Bus - buses, dish - dishes, church - churches, box - boxes;
-es after -o:
Potato - potatoes, tomato - tomatoes
But: piano - pianos, photo - photos, zero - zeros;
-y - ies:
Baby - babies, party - parties, dictionary - dictionaries
But: -ay - ays; ey - eys; oy - oys; uy - uys:
Day - days, monkey - monkeys, boy - boys, guy - guys;
-f/-fe - -ves:
Shelf - shelves, knife - knives, wife - wives.
3 A man - two men
A woman - two women
One foot - two feet
A tooth - all my teeth
A goose - geese
A mouse - some mice
A louse - lice;
a child - children
an ox - oxen
a sheep - two sheep
a fruit - fruit
a deer - deer
a fish - two fish
a salmon - salmon
a swine - swine
a trout - trout
a bison - bison
a reindeer - reindeer
a means of transport - many means of transport
a television series - two television series
a species of bird - 200 species of bird
4 They:
-scisssors, glasses, trousers, jeans, shorts, pyjamas, tights, sunglasses, underpants
A pair of jeans, a pair of scissors, a pair of tights;
aristocracy, army, audience, cast, committee, company, council, crew, data, enemy, family, flock, government, group, jury, media, navy, press, public, staff, team, police;
clothes, arms, riches, goods, contents, carrots, potatoes, onions.
5 It:
- "s":
Aerobics, athletics, linguistics, economics, genetics, physics, politics, statistics, mathematics;
a sum of money, a period of time, a distance( pounds, years, miles);
advice, baggage, furniture, homework, luggage, machinery, money, news, progress, research, spaghetti, traffic, information, knowledge, fun, duty, education, fire, food, help, ice, joy, love, luck, paper, rain, sand, silence, spite, trade, transport, waste, weather, wind, work, youth.
6 merry-go-round - merry-go-rounds
touch-me-not - touch-me-nots
forget-me-not - forget-me-nots
manservant- menservants
policeman - policemen
brother-in-law - brothers-in-law
guest-of-honour - guests-of-honour
looker-on - lookers-on
passer-by - passers-by
by-stander - by-standers.
7 curriculum - curricular, criterion - criteria, crisis - crises, hippopotamus - hippopotamuses or hippopotami, a basis - bases, an analysis - analyses, a phenomenon - phenomena, a formula - formulae.
8 actor - actress
Tiger - tigress
Emperor - empress
God - goddess
Host - hostess
Tailor - seamstress
Sir - madam
Sultan - sultana
Bachelor - spinster
Gentleman - lady
King - queen
Monk - nun
Nephew - niece
Priest - priestess
Duke - duches
Hunter - huntress
Master - mistress
Hero - heroine
Mr. - Mrs.
Prince - princess
Jew - Jewess
Cock - hen
Drake - duck
Bull - cow
He -goat - she-goat
Postman - postwoman ("person" : a businessperson, a chairperson, a postperson)
Stepfather - stepmother
Wizard - witch
Gander - goose
Buck-rabbit - doe-rabbit
Boy-scout - girl - scout
Headmaster- headmistress ;