- Учителю
- Поурочный план но английскому языку
Поурочный план но английскому языку
Lesson 1
Цель: На английском языке научить здороваться . Познакомить с английским алфавитом.
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher: Hello. (encourage children say Hello.Pupils say hello each other. Introduce the book asking them to look it through.) Посмотрите на учебники и скажите какие картинки понравились вам.В этом учебнике вы можете встретить такие предложение как Say, Sing, Point .(учитель показывает Vocabulary Cards)
Навыки разговора: (5 минут)The teacher introduces the children to the four main characters and shows the Vocabulary Card of Anna. Найдите Анну в картинке. The teacher does the same with Vocabulary Cards of Bella, Eddie, and Lee. The pupils repeat the names of characters in chorus and individually.
Навыки слушания:(10 минут) Teacher: Дети послушайте аудиозапись и укажите персонажа на картинке. Обратите внимание персонажам и родителям посмотрев на рисунок, который дался в упражнении 1. The teacher says Listen and point twice. Children point to each character as his\her name is mentioned. The teacher puts the Vocabulary cards of Bella, Eddie, Anna and Lee(in this order) on the board. Повторите имена персонажей с доски. Теперь послушайте аудиозапись. The teacher says Listen and say twice. Play the recording again and children speak with the recording.
Teacher: Повторите текст с Аудиозаписи и на рисунке укажите отца Эдди, мать Бэлы и мать Анны. Eddie's father: Hello, Bella
Bella: Hello
Eddie: Hello, Bella.
Bella: Hello, Eddie.
Bella's mother: Hello, Eddie
Eddie: Hello.
Lee: Hello, Eddie.
Eddie: Hello, Lee. Hello, Anna.
Anna: Hello, Lee.
Lee: Hello, Anna
Anna's mother: Let's go.
Навыки алфавита:Познакомить с буквами АВ и сравнивать с буквами русского языка
Навыки разговора (15 минут). Найдите рисунок Миссис Поппа, в учебнике. -Дети, теперь все вместе скажим Миссис Поп. The teacher says Listen and point. Указав персонажа, который именованные дети, и повторяет имена. The teacher puts the Vocabulary Cards of Mrs Pop, Eddie, Anna, Lee and Bella, says Look and then Listen. Дети здороваются с персонажами.Pupils: Hello, Bella. Hello, Anna. Hello, Lee. Hello, Eddie. Hello, Mrs Pop здороваются. После дети здороваются с друг-другом Hello, Омар(Алуа.....)
(Дети пишут имена персонажей на карточке и знакомиться с предложением Let's go).Послушать песню с аудиозаписи и петь в виде игры.
Hello, һello, һello,
Hello, һello, һello
Hello, Lee, һello Lee,
Hello, һello, һello
Let's go, let's go, let's go( Lee опрережает класса)
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Игровой момент : Разделить класс на группы и дать группе имя персонажа. Именованая группа стоя говорят Омар( Алуа.....). Дети в конце урока друг -другу говорят Let's go и выходят из класса.
Lesson 2
Цель: Научить отвечать на английском языке. Познакомить с буквой С
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher: Hello, Omar(Alua, Asel…..). The teacher shows the pictures of characters and students greet them. Hello, Bella(Lee, Anna, Mrs Pop, Eddie).
My name's…(+your name) познакомить структурой . Say this several times then encourage pupils to say My name's… Дети применяют эти структуры и называют свои имена
Teacher: Look and introduce Mrs Martin .Применив Vocabulary Cards, познакомимся с Mrs Martin. Теперь найдите в картинке Mrs Martin. Все вместе скажем Mrs Martin .
Навыки разговора (10 минут) Дети применив структуры Vocabulary Cards которые применяли, составляем разговор.
Первый ученик: Hello, Anna. My name's Lee.
Второй ученик: Hello, Lee. My name's Eddie.
Навыки слушания: (5 минут) Объяснить детям необходимость указывать на именованный персонажа на картинке Listen and point. Слушать аудиозапись и повторять.
Mrs Martin: Hello. My name's Mrs Martin.
Eddie: Hello. My name's Eddie.
Mrs Martin: Hello. My name's Mrs Martin
Anna: Hello Mrs Martin. My name's Anna
Игровой момент : (5 минут) Детям раздаются бумаги, и они рисуют желаемый образ персонажа и знакомить классом
Например: Hello. My name's Spiderman(Batman……)
Навыки разговора: Сейчас мы познакомимся с Нико. Нико волшебное животное, его могут увидеть только персонажи с учебника. Нико помогает детям дома и в школе.Он может менять свои облик каждый день.Покажите на картинке Нико и познакомимся с новой структурой . What's your name?- My name's Nico.
The teacher asks the question and the children answer it using their names.
What's your name? My name's Bolat(Zhandos, Omar….)
Навыки слушания: The teacher says Listen. Дети слушают аудиозапись на диске и указывают на рисунке персонажа который именованный.
Навыки диалога: Дети работают по порам.
Teacher: Hello. What's your name?
Nico: Hello. My name's Nico.
Рисунок Нико дается ученику. Он ставит вопрос к одноклассникам. Дети отвечают на вопросы, и говорят свои имена.
Навыки алфавита : Повторние буквы АВ, Знакомство с буквой С и обращает внимание схожести буквами русского языка.
Игровой момент: - Дети, мы выучимся говорить отвечать (Yes) Да и (No) Нет. Если предложение в рисунке соответствует, мы тогда отвечаем Yes , если не соответствует мы отвечаем No. Выходим к доске и называем имена персонажа. Класс отвечаеть (Yes) Да и (No) Нет
Первый ученик: My name's Nico
Класс : Yes
Второй ученик: My name's Anna
Класс : No
Дети в конце урока друг -другу говорят Let's go и выходят из класса.
Lesson 3
Цель: Знакомить с элементами чтения на английском языке.Знакомство буквами DE
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher: Hello. My name's Galiya
Ученик: Hello. My name's Bolat(Alua, Omar)
Указав Vocabulary Cards упражняемся отвечать Да или Нет.
Первый ученик: My name's Eddie
Класс : Yes
Второй ученик: My name's Bella
Класс: No
Навыки слушания и разговора: (15 минут) Look! Найдите Миссис Мартина в картинке.С ней поздороваемся и попрощаемся. Hello, Mrs Martin. Goodbye, Mrs Martin.
Теперь мы с друг-другом поздороваемся и попрощаемся .
Первый ученик: Hello, Bolat
Второй ученик:Hello, Asem
Первый ученик: Goodbye, Bolat
Второй ученик: Goodbye, Asem
Теперь мы повторим разговор с аудиозаписа (упражнение 1)
Bella: Goodbye,Mrs Pop.
Mrs Pop: Goodbye Bella.
Навыки алфавита: Повтаряя буквы АВС знакомимся с буквами DE и обращаем внимание на особенности буквы D.
Навыки диалога: (10 минут) Дети работают по порам. Детям раздается Vocabulary Cards . Они применяют фотокарточки и составляют диалог.
Lee: Hello, Anna
Anna: Hello,Lee.
Lee: Goodbye, Anna.
Anna: Goodbye, Lee
Навыки чтение: Повторите несколько раз предложение (Hello Goodbye). Учеики повторяют.
Игровой момент: (5 минут) Знакомство словами Stand up или Sit down .
Дети в конце урока друг -другу говорят Let's go и выходят из класса.
Дома :Сделать упражнение в рабочем тетраде.
Lesson 4
Цель: Знакомство с числами с 1 до 5. Знакомство с буквой F
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher: Hello. My name's Galiya. What's your name?
Ученик: My name's Bolat.
(Дети по очереди задают друг другу вопрос What's your name?)
Навыки слушания и разговора: (10 минут). The teacher shows the Vocabulary Cards with numbers and says теперь назовем числа . Знакомство со словам Write
Навыки слушания: (5 минут)The teacher says a number between 1 and 5 and says T Children write numbers. Give the Vocabulary Cards with numbers and say a number between 1 and five.
Игровой момент: (10 минут). Повторить числа с 1 до 5. К доке выходят 5 учеников с Vocabulary Cards.Ученик называет те числа который показывает учитель. Теперь уеники рисуют кратинки персонажей и составляют диалог.
Bella: Hello, Anna
Anna: Hello,Bella
Bella: Goodbye, Anna.
Anna: Goodbye, Bella.
Навыки слушание: Children point to the number they hear. Listen and point. Скажите номер телефона персонажей, которые вы слушали на Аудиозаписе.
Mrs Martin 52432
Nico 32141
Eddie 11342
Дети напишите ваши телефонные номера и скажите их на английском языке .
Навыки алфавита: Повтаряем буквы ABCDE. Знакомство с буквой F.Играть в игры Алфавит
Навыки писание: The teacher says Write and pupils write letters mentioned. Откройте рабочие тетради, напишем пройденные буквы .
Дети в конце урока друг -другу говорят Let's go и выходят из класса.
Дома :Сделать упражнение в рабочем тетраде.
Lesson 5 (2 часа)
Цель: Знакомство со цветами. Знакоство с буквами GH
Организационный момент (5+5 минут)
Teacher: Hello. What's your name?
Ученик: My name's Aliya
С целью упражнять ответы Yes и No указывая на картинки персонажей.
Teacher: My name's Bella
Pupil: Yes
Teacher: My name's Lee
Pupil: No
Навыки разговора:(10+10минут) Look! Page 10. Посматрите на картинки и скажите какого цвета Нико. 10-страница Нико красного цвета. Знакомство с Red-красным цветом. Нико Волшебное животное, его цвета меняются, поэтому в 12-странице Нико другого цвета. Знакомство с новыми словами Orange. Повторение новых слов Red Orange.
Teacher: Nico is red.
Pupil: Yes
Teacher: Nico is orange
Pupil: No
Навыки слушания: Listen.(10+10 минут) Укажите на 1 картинку ,повторяем слово classroom. Repeat. Поставьте сумка, книгу, фломастер, карандаш, резинку и линейку на стол посмотрев на 2 картинку. Знакомство с новыми словами. A bag, felt tip, pencil, a ruler, a rubber.
Навыки разговора: (10+10 минут). Применяя новые слова составляем диалог.
Teacher: It is a ….
Pupil: bag
Teacher: It is a ….
Pupil: pencil
Teacher: It is a ruler
Pupil: No
Teacher: It is a rubber
Pupil: Yes
Teacher:(15+10 минут) Listen and look.(12 page) Дети слушая аудиозапись, посматрите на картинку. Вам поможет Нико.
Nico: Hello.My name's Nico.
Oh! My classroom.
Nico: My bag. A book. One. Look, two rulers.One, two
Three pencils. One,two, three
Four felt tips. One, two,three, four .Oh! My magic rubber!
Балалар столдағы оқу құралдарын санайды.
Pupil: One pen. Two pencils. Three books. Four rulers.
Навыки алфавита : (5 минут) повторение букв АВС DЕ F ,знакомство с буквами GH. Играть в игры Алфавит
Навыки слушания и разгавора:(15 минут) упражнение 2. Дети, слушают аудиозапись.Упражнять навыки разгавора, сказать слова в 1 и 2 ряду на картинке. Повторить несколько раз. Считая вещи на рисунке упражнять навыки разговора.
Let's count!(exercise 2)
1 One pencil, one bag, two rulers, three rubbers, four felt tip pens, one book.
2 One bag, two books, one pencil, one rubber, two felt tip pens, two rulers.
Навыки чтения: (5 минут) Прочитать слова которые написанные на доске.(Ученики повтаряют за учителем)
Дома :Сделать упражнение в рабочем тетраде
Lesson 7
Цель: Знакомство с вопросом Что это? на английском языке, и ответ на вопрос . Знакомство с новыми словами window, door, table, board, chair, clap, point. Ii,Jj әріптермен таныстыру
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher: Hello
Pupils: Hello
Teacher: It's a ruler
Pupil: Yes
Навыки разговора : (15 минут) Знакомство с новыми словами What's this?
Teacher: What's this?
Pupil: It's a pencil.
Teacher: What's this?
Pupil: It's a book
Знакомство с новыми словами window, door, table, board, chair
Повторять новые слова.
Игровой момент (10 минут) В виде игры познакомить с новыми словами clap and point. The teacher claps hands and says Clap, Clap. Then the teacher points to the objects and says Point to the door. Practice the pronunciation. The teacher shows and the children do
Teacher: Point to the door(the child points to it)
Повторять новые слова, и упражнять навыки разговора. Дети, разделимся на группы, играем в игры применяя структуры.
Навыки разговора:Упражнеие 2. Найдите и назовите недоделки 6 вещей на картинке. Надо сказать какая недоделка выяснилась.
Навыки слушания и разговора:(10 минут)
Дети посмотрели упражнение 3 и внимательнослушаем аудиозапись.
Bella: a ruler, a window, Nico, a pencil, a door
Anna:a felt tip, a chair, a rubber, a table
Навыки алфавита : (5 минут) Повторение букв АВС DЕ F GH. Знакомство с буквами Ii, J j. Алфавит ойын ойнату
Дома :Сделать упражнение в рабочем тетраде
Lesson 8
Цель: На английском языке познакомить на каком месте вещи . расположились. Знакомство с буквами Kk,Ll,Mm.
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher:It's a pen.
Teacher:It's a book.
Ученики играют роль учителя .Игра называется Yes No.
It's a ruler. Yes
It's a pencil. No
It's a desk. No
It's a rubber. Yes.
Навыки разговора:(10 минут)
Знакомство с новыми словам Please, Thank you, Open, Close, Сlap: Слушать и повторять слова.
Stand up, please! Open your books.
Thank you! Close your books.
Sit down please!
Thank you!
Игровой момент (упражнение 2) :(10 минут)
P1 Stand up please( первый ученик)
P2 Thank you! ( второй уеник)
P3 Open your books please ( ученики повторяя, указывают предложение действием)
P4 Close your books please (ученики повторяя, указывают предложение действием)
P5 Listen to the CD please!
P6 Point to the door please!
P7 Point to the window please!
P8 Point to the board please!
P9 Open the window please!
P10 Open the door please!
Clap (сөзін қайталату.)
Навыки грамматики:(10 минут) Мы познакомимся с вещами на каком месте расположившимися
on the floor
at the door
Посмотрите на картинку в упражнений 3, согласно этому структуру составляем предложение.
Навыки алфавита: (5 минут) Повторение букв АВС DЕ F GH Ii,Jj.Знакомство с буквами Kk,Ll,Mm. Играть в игры Алфавит.
Дома :Сделать упражнение в рабочем тетраде
Lesson 9
Тема: Let's go!
Цель: To teach the names of objects in a town
To teach the use of What's that? And practise It's a…
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование:P26 Ex1. Look at the picture with the children. Say Look! A balloon. Then turn back to page 24. Point to the pictures to show that it's the same balloon. Turn back to page 26, and ask them what they can see. Point at the different things in the picture of the town and say the names. For the moment, the children can just listen and follow you. Play the recording. Ask the children to point at the words as they listen. Play the recording two or three times. Get the children to tell you the new words by holding up Vocabulary Cards. Read the dialogue aloud. You could take the part of Jess and get different children to take the part of Nick. Make sure they pronounce the s correctly in What's and It's. When you reach Kip's question at the end of the dialogue, ask the class to answer it. Divide class into pairs and get them to read the dialogue. You could some ask children to act out the story for the class. Ask for volunteers and choose two or three pairs. The acting-out can be a lot more memorable and fun if you provide some props. For example: binoculars made from cardboard rolls. Pictures of a car, a cat, a dog, a school which the children can point at.
Устная речь и игры: P27 Ex2. Play the song and encourage the children to sing. Use gesture to show the meaning of in the sky. Divide the class into halves, with one half asking the question in the second verse and the other half answering it. Add other words to the song by holding up classroom objects.
P27 Ex3. Play the game. Hand out copies of Cut-out 1 and get the children to cut out the binoculars and the lens holes. Alternatively, depending on the abilities of your class, you might want to have then ready cut. Divide the class into two pairs. Explain to the children that they have to cover an objects in the pictures with the binoculars and only slowly reveal it to their partner. Demonstrate once or twice in front of the class. Then te get the children to do it themselves in pairs. Go around the room and listen to what they say. You or the children could glue the binoculars onto card and then cut the lens holes. This way, they will last longer. Collect in the binoculars so that the children can use them again later. They can play the binocular game with any of the large pictures in the book.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P32.Chidren trace over the words. Then led by you the whole class read the sentences aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Read a sentence at random from the page. The children must point at the word/phrase you say. After a while, a series of children can take over your role. P33. Ansar and Alua will become regular characters. In MT invite children to guess how old they are and where they come from. The children trace over the sentence. Then, led by you, the whole class read the sentence aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Organise the class into pairs. In each pair one child is Ansar, the other is Alua. They read aloud the contents of the voice balloons accordingly. They then reverse roles and repeat.
2 четверть
Lesson 1
Тема: Good dog.
Цель: To teach the regular plural forms
To teach the names of some foods
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование:P28 Ex1. Listen and follow. To prepare for the listening, you could bring a lunch box into the class and show the children what food you have in it. Tell them what your favorite thing is. If the children bring lunch boxes to school, you could look through some with them. Say the names of some of the things you find and comment on them. Try to use the plural form, as this is a key point of this section. For example: Mmmmm. Apples. Apples are my favorite. Allow the children to look at the pictures for a minute or two. Draw a picture for each item on the board, or hold up Vocabulary Cards 56-60. Say the question and then the answer while you point at each item. Ask the question again
Устная речь и игры: P27 Ex2. Play the song and encourage the children to sing. Use gesture to show the meaning of in the sky. Divide the class into halves, with one half asking the question in the second verse and the other half answering it. Add other words to the song by holding up classroom objects.
P27 Ex3. Play the game. Hand out copies of Cut-out 1 and get the children to cut out the binoculars and the lens holes. Alternatively, depending on the abilities of your class, you might want to have then ready cut. Divide the class into two pairs. Explain to the children that they have to cover an objects in the pictures with the binoculars and only slowly reveal it to their partner. Demonstrate once or twice in front of the class. Then te get the children to do it themselves in pairs. Go around the room and listen to what they say. You or the children could glue the binoculars onto card and then cut the lens holes. This way, they will last longer. Collect in the binoculars so that the children can use them again later. They can play the binocular game with any of the large pictures in the book.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P32.Chidren trace over the words. Then led by you the whole class read the sentences aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Read a sentence at random from the page. The children must point at the word/phrase you say. After a while, a series of children can take over your role. P33. Ansar and Alua will become regular characters. In MT invite children to guess how old they are and where they come from. The children trace over the sentence. Then, led by you, the whole class read the sentence aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Organise the class into pairs. In each pair one child is Ansar, the other is Alua. They read aloud the contents of the voice balloons accordingly. They then reverse roles and repeat.
Lesson 2
Тема: King Cat's corner
Цель: To revise numbers 1-5 and teach 6-10
To revise instruction
To revise and practise the plural form.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование:P30 Ex1. Play the recording once and get the children to say the numbers. Then play it again, pause at each number and get them to say the next one-the recording will then confirm if they are right or not. The children then write the correct number over each word. Alternativily, they can copy the numbers into their exercise books and write the words under each one. Say numbers at random from 1 to 10 and ask the children to say the next number. Write the numbers 1-10 on the board, close your eyesand randomly point at one of them. The children have to say the number. Use the numbers to play Bingo or The number game. Play a Find game. Write five or six word in the board. In pairs children have to find items in the classroom or in the book that match each number.
Устная речь и игры: P30 Ex2. This is an action chant. Before you play the recording read the words to the children and get them to do the actions. In the final line, they should stand up. Encourage them to say the words woith you. Then play the recording. The children do the actions and say the words at the same time. Divide the class into two groups. They take it in turns to say the lines of the chant while everybody does the actions.
Ex3. Think. Say the next two numbers. Read the speech bubbles to the children and ask them what they think the next number are. Then play the recording and get them to say the next numbers.
Ex4. This pairwork game provides extra practise with the plural form. Ideally, pairs should sit back to back. If this is not possible, they must keep their drawing hidden from their partner. If they are not allowed to draw in their books ask them to copy the pictures of the bags into their exercise books. In the bag labelled your bag each child draws four or five collections of objects, for example three cake, five pencils. They then tell their partner, who draws the objects in the bag labelled Your friends bag. Go around the class and listen. Make sure that threy are saying the final s correctly for the plural form. When they have finished, they can check if they are correct by looking at their partner's picture.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P36 Ex1. Think. Find six more differences. Ask the children to write the lists in their exercise books. If you do the exercise in the classroom, they can work in pairs to find the seven differences, and you can go through the answers with the class. You can use has got when you are talking about the pictures, but this is not a teaching point here. Don't expect the children to use this form, but ensure that they say the plural form correctly. Ex2. Think. Write the words. Explain to the children that they have to write the missing numbers in words. They can read the sums across or down. Ex3. Play a game. The children write numbers and try to guess what their partner has written. To help them, you can write the numbers 1-10 in words and digits on the board.
Lesson 3
Тема: Where's Kip?
Цель: To teach what's this?
To revise and practice numbers and plurals
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P32 Ex1. You could use one of these approaches. Before you play the recording, ask the children what is happening in the pictures. Point and things in the picture, for example the lunch box and the balloon and ask What's this? Teach a map as you point at the map. You could also ask Who's this? Supplying and then eliciting the answer It's Nick/Jess/Kip. Play the recording for pictures 4 and 5. Point to the map, then to the town and the farm on the map, and ask What's this? Supply the answers. Then hold up Vocabulary Cards 48,67 and 68, ask the same question and get individual children to answer. Point at the X marking a spot on the map. Ask What's this? With a puzzled look on your face, and then supply the answer I don't know. Ask a few children, and elicit the same answer. Play the recording for picture 6, and then play the whole dialogue once or twice again. The children now say the dialogue in pairs with their books open. Then ask them to close their books and try to say it again. Don't expect them to get it 100% correct: the important thing here is to build up their confidence as users of English. To help them remember, you can put six simple drawings on the board, one for each picture and each one with a question mark beside it.
Устная речь и игры: P33 Ex2. You could start with a game. Take a pencil and almost completely hide it in your hands. Show a very small part of it and ask the children What's this? Do the same with a short ruler. You could secretly give a rubber or a ruler to a child and get him/her to conceal it and go around the class, asking in the same way. Now ask the children to look at the pictures. Point at the first one and ask What's this? Teach pen. Ask about the other photos and elicit answer. Then tell the children if they look carefully. Point out one of the pens and say Look! A pen. Then find another pen and say Let's count. Walk close to where another pen is and show that you are looking for it. The children can shout Three! Four! Five! As they see the other pens. You can elicit the whole phrase Three pens as they discover each one. Ask the children to look at the picture. Point at a pen in the picture. Say Let's count. One, two… and with the children count up all the pens you can find. Then ask them to look for the other things with their neighbor. Tell them to look carefully count and write the number. You will need to teech to teach notebook.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P38-39 Ex1. Go through the exercise orally with the children before they write their answers. They need to join the two halves of each picture together and then trace the word in random order, to help choose children who need extra support. Ex2. The children can use any colour to shade in the dots and discover the words. If they do it in class, go through their answers orally before they write. Ex3. The exercise revises numbers and vocabulary in the form of a game. When they spin their spinner and land on a number, they need to count the objects in the matching picture and say the number to their partner. At the end, they can colour in the pictures.
Lesson 3
Тема: Story time: Run!
Цель: To develop the children listening and speaking fluency
To revise numbers and What's that/It's a… to develop the children reading skills
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P34 Ex1. You could use one of these approaches. Play the recording while the children follow the story in their books. Divide the class into pairs. Each child takes a part in the story, reading from the book. Alternatively they could work in threes, with the extra person making the sound effects of the rocket and the door, and acting as the alien on the planet. Go around the class, listening to the pairs/groups.
Устная речь и игры: P34 Ex2. Optional: The children can make a spacecraft. This simple spacecraft flies well if the instructions are followed precisely. It might be a good idea for you to make one in front of the children, so that they can see exactly what they have to do and how it files. Each child will need a photocopy of the cut-out, colouring pens or pencils or pencil cases as spacecraft. You can now ask some children to act out the story using their own spacecraft. They can raise it as they make the sound effects for lift off, and move it through the air as they approach the planet. At the end, they can throw the rocket through the air. Whooosh!
Ex3. Read with answer. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children must call out Yes if the sentence correct and No if it is wrong. For example: Ansar is seven. Alternatively , the children can do this in pairs, taking it turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish, ask the whole class to read through the text together, pointing at the words as they read.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P40 Ex1. The children need to match each picture with a figure and a number word. They have not yet learned the names for all of the objects shown, but these are not required to do the exercise. If you which, however, you can teach these words now.
Ex2.check that the children know the name of each object before they look for the words in the puzzle. The I can… sections help the children to see how much they have learned. Read through the three headings with the children ask them for examples. They can then colour in the starts. You can use the picture dictionary on page 82 of the Activity Book for various activities such as listen and point; listen, point and say; There are optional Extra practice exercises for this unit on pages 100 and 101 in the Teacher's Book. This Extra practice section provides further revision for teachers who wish to develop the children's accuracy in English and to give further practice practice in reading and writing.
Lesson 4
Тема: Where are we?
Цель: To teach he's and she's
To teach here and here
To teach some basic verbs
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P36 Ex1. Before the children look at the story? You could askthem to close their books and listen. Then will hear the sounds of the story and they should understand some of the language. This will stimulate their imagination and interest. With the mother tongue: Ask the children what they think happened. What did the baloon crash into? Why? Are Jess and Nick hurt? How is Kip feeling? Pause the recording after each picture and get the children to trell you any words they hear. Play the recording again while the children look at their books. Ask them about the characters in the story: Where's Joanne? The children point to the pictures and answer She's here or He's here. Play the recording once or twice again. The children then say the dialogue in pairs or threes with their books open. Ask them to close their books and try to say it again in pairs or threes. You can provide prompts on the board to help. Ask some children to act out the story for the class. There are three speaking parts and a silent Kip. The children make noises to dramatise the balloon crash. At a suitable time, you could get the class to make animal ears. Whenever they are acting out the story, children playing the part of Kip can then wear dog ears.
Устная речь и игры: P36 Ex2. Ask some children where the characters are. Encourage complete answers: He's there. She's there. Individual children can then ask other children. Then they work in pairs to ask each other. Go around and help as necessary. Reinforce the difference between here and there by asking individuals about other children who are either nearby or on the other side of the room. You can make the pairwork more fun and more memorable if the children use their bonoculars from Welcome! B. Alternatively, they can
Ex3. Read with answer. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children must call out Yes if the sentence correct and No if it is wrong. For example: Ansar is seven. Alternatively , the children can do this in pairs, taking it turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish, ask the whole class to read through the text together, pointing at the words as they read.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P40 Ex1. The children need to match each picture with a figure and a number word. They have not yet learned the names for all of the objects shown, but these are not required to do the exercise. If you which, however, you can teach these words now.
Ex2.check that the children know the name of each object before they look for the words in the puzzle. The I can… sections help the children to see how much they have learned. Read through the three headings with the children ask them for examples. They can then colour in the starts. You can use the picture dictionary on page 82 of the Activity Book for various activities such as listen and point; listen, point and say; There are optional Extra practice exercises for this unit on pages 100 and 101 in the Teacher's Book. This Extra practice section provides further revision for teachers who wish to develop the children's accuracy in English and to give further practice practice in reading and writing.
Lesson 5
Тема: King Cat's corner.
Цель: To teach the children to ask how old someone is, and to say their age.
To teach teach the numbers 10-15.
To teach his, her and our
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P38 Ex1. You could start by teaching How old are you? I'm…. Ask a few children how old they are, and help them to say their age in English. Get some children to ask others across the class. Look at the pictures with the children. Point to the boy in the middle and say This is Steve. It's his birthday. How old he? And ask the children to count the candles on the cake. Then say He's eight. Read the sentences to the children. Then play the recording and encourage the children to count aloud along with King Cat. If they have made animal ears, they could wear them here.
P39 Ex4. Teach the word candle. Point to one in the picture or draw one on the board. The children count the candles and write the number in figures above each cake. If you don't want them to write in their books, they can copy the number words into their exercise books, add the figures and draw candles foe each number. Point at each cake, ask How many candles are there? To practise the pronunciation, play the recording and ask the children to repeat. Draw a large circle on the board and write numbers 1-15 inside it in random order. A child comes to the board, closes his/her eyes and point somewhere inside the circle. S/he then names another child who has to say the number. The second child comes to the board and so the game continues. Ex6. This chant reinforces the correct use of he and she. Play the recording through and then sentence. Encourage the children to chant with the rhythm. As you come to the name Daniel, point at someone in the class and say his/her name instead.
Устная речь и игры: P38 Ex2. Ask the children to look at the picture. Point at each character, ask What's his/her name? and then supply the answer He's eight. Ask about all the characters in the picture. Put the class in pairs and get them to ask and answer. Ex3. The children now work in small groups. If you didn't teach How old are you? I'm…. in Exercise 1, you should do that first. In their groups, the children take it in turns tpo ask and answer each other. Ex5. Befgore you ask the children to do the exercise, write some similar written sums on the board and elicit the answers. Working alone or in pairs, the children write the answers for the sums in their books. They could then write three or four more and give them to each other to answer. Make a simple worksheet of mathc sums with numbers 1-15. If you write the sums in figures, the children can write the words underneath and then write the answers.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P44 Ex1. Write the numbers. Look at the pictures with the children and ask them to count the candles on each cake. Then read through the sentences with them. The children say the numbers. They then complete the sentencesw for Galiya, Nurtas and Martha. Ex2. The children draw their own cake with the appropriate number of candles for their last birthday, and complete the sentence. Encourage them to draw unusual shapes - animals, cars, space rockets, etc. if the children draw their cake on a separate piece of paper, you could make an attractive display on the wall. Ex3. Read through the numbers with the children before they complete the puzzle.
Lesson 6
Тема: we are here.
Цель: To teach Yes, it is/ No, itsn't
To teach teach the numbers 10-15.
To teach his, her and our
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P40 Ex1. Ask some question in the mother tongue: Where are they? (in a classroom) What did Keep see? (A mouse). Was it really a mouse?. Teach desk, mouse and pencil case using the classroom objects and Vocabulary Card of mouse. Play the recording again for the children to follow in their books. Point at things in the pictures and ask questions. Play the recording once or twice again. With their books open, the children can then say the dialogue in groups of five. Ask them to close their books and try to say it again in their groups. You could put on the board some prompts in words or, preferably, in pictures, to help them remember: 1. A desk 2. A mouse 3. A pencil case 4. A teacher 5-6. A map 7. Let's go! (in words). Some children can act out the dialogue for the class. If you have a furry pencil case, they can use it in their performance.
P41 Ex3. Ask the children to look at the pictures. Check that they know the name of each object. Ask What's this? And elicit It's a… Teach Yes,it's/ No, itsn't. point at one of the objects in Exercise 2 and say It's a pencil case. Teach Yes, it's and repaet with a few more objects. Now make incorrect statements about some of the objects and teach No, itsn't. it's a… Play the recording. Pause after each sentence for the children to answer their Yes, it's or No it isn't
Устная речь и игры: P41 Ex2. Think. Find six things and say the words. The children can work in pairs to find the six object is. Then get them to take it in turns to choose a number and ask their partner what the object is. You could play I spy with the objects in their pictures.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P46 Ex1. Write the words. The clues reveal the word mouse in the puzzle. When the children have worked it out, they write the word mouse and complete the drawing.
Ex2. Read and write. Go through the exercise orally with the children before you ask them to write their answers.
Ex3. Play a game. Use your spinner. The exercise revises vocabulary in the form of a pairwork game. When the children spin their spinner and land on a number, they have to answer a question, say a number or say the word for an action. Before or after playing the game, they can colour in the pictures.
Lesson 7
Тема: Story time: The magic hat.
Цель: To develop the childrens listening and speaking fluency
To revise some of the language presented in Units 1 and 2.
To develop the childrens reading skills.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P42 Ex1. Ask the children to close their books. Explain to them the title of the story and play the recording through. Then play it again in sections. Before the dialogue for pictures 4-7 say listen. They are in the classroom. Ask the children to say what they think is happening, using their mother tongue. Encourage them to use their imaganation. Ask the children to look at the pictures. Point at different things and ask questions, supplying some of the answer as necessary. The children can now follow the story in their books as you play the recording. Demonstrate the meaning of a like… by picking up various objects in the class and admiring them. Divide the class into pairs. The children read alternate parts in the story from the book. Go around the class, listening and helping.
Устная речь и игры: P43 Ex2. Each child will need a piece of paper large enough to make a hat, sticky tape, scissors and coloured pens/pencils. Demonstrate how to make a magic hat. The children then make their own harts and decorate them with stars, etc. you can now ask some children to act out the story for the class. There are five parts: Karen, jack, teacher, wizard and the class in picture 5. If you have some clothes or a mask for the wizard, that will add to the fun.
Ex3. Read with Ansar. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children must call out Yes if they sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. For example: this is my mouse. Alternatively, the children can do this in pairs, taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish, ask the whole class to read through the text together, pointing at the words as they read.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P48 Ex1. Explain to the children that they have to find the characters in the picture. They draw lines to them and write the answers to the questions. Go through the questions first, getting them to trace lines to the characters with their finger.
Ex2. Find the way. The children have to find the correct way through the maze. This spells out a question, and they can then write their answer.
3 четверть
Lesson 1
Тема: It's cold
Цель: To practise be question
To teach short answers
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P46 Ex1. The children can have their books open or closed as you prefer. Play the recording but pause after the first two pictures. Ask the children What's wrong? or What's the problem?. Then ask Why? and pointing at the snow, say Look, there's snow. Translate snow or mime snowflakes falling. Play the recording for the text two pictures and again ask What's wrong? or What's the problem? Point at the two bears in the picture and say look. There are two bears. Illustrate, mime or translate bear, or use the Vocabulary Card. Ask What's the problem with bears? Illustrate, mime snowflakes falling. Finally, play the recording for the last two pictures. Then play it all the way through, while students listen with their books open. First, divide the class into pairs or groups of three and get the children to read the parts of the dialogue. Ask some children to act out the story. As the text is longer here, they can read from their books, or you could write the dialogue on the board.
Ex3. You could first read the questions in the audioscript for the children to reply. You could then play the recording and pause after each question so they can reply again.
Ex4. Read through the words with the children and get them to do the actions. Then play the recording, and get them to sing it while they do the actions.
Устная речь и игры: P47 Ex2. Where are they? This exercise prepares the children for Exercise 3. First, check that they know the words for the objects on the right in the picture. Ask Where's Daniel? and elicit He's in a balloon. The children then work in pairs to find out where the other people are.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P50 Ex1. Draw lines. The children join each word to the correct picture.
Ex2. Look at the picture. Answer the questions. Read through the questions with the children and listen to their answers. The first part of the exercise prepares them for the second part.
Ex3. Read and write. Read through the text about the polar bear with the children. Then ask about the rabbit. Write the sentences on the board, read them aloud and then wipe them off. The children can then write about the rabbit by themselves.
Lesson 1
Тема: King Cat's corner
Цель: To revise colours red, yellow, blue, green.
To teach colours brown, black, white.
To teach some adjectives
To teach the use of they are/aren't
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P48 Ex1. Point and say the colours. Ask the children to open their books and to look at the picture. Play the recording. As they hear each word, the children point at the approprite colour.
P49 Ex4. Chant with me! First read the words through with the children. Point at things that are blue when you say it's here. It's there. Then play the recording and get the children to chant. Repeat the chant without the recording, and choose a child to say No, it isn't! it's…., replacing the colour with a new one and pointing at an example. You could add a colour each time, instead of replacing. The use of plurals will connect well with Exercise 5.
Устная речь и игры: P49 Ex2. Think. Where are these colours? Point and say. The children now decide where each of the colours is in the paint box- that is, whether it is one of the red colours, the yellow, the blues or the greens. Ask Where's this colour? And elicit, for example, it's red. It's here.
Ex3. Think. What's wrong? Allow a few minutes for the children to work with their neighbour, deciding together what they can say about each picture. Then ask for their answer.
Ex5. Play a game. Choose three balls. Your friend can guess. This exercise is intended to teach the plural form Are they…? But you may like to revise is it..? first. Say look at the picture. I'm thinking. I have a ball in my head. Write up some example some example questions for guessing: Is it big? Is it small? Is it green? Is it red? The children then ask you questions to which you reply No, isn't or Yes, it is. When they have guessed the ball you chose, get a few children to choose one from the picture. The rest of the class ask questions and work out which it is. You can now play the game in the same way, but this time say I have three balls in my head. Write plural questions on the board: Are they big? Are they small? Get a few children to choose three balls and the rest of five the class can ask and guess. The children can now play the game in pairs. Go around the class and help as required.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P52 Ex1. Colour the picture. What is it? The children have to read the names of the colours and colour in each shape with the appropriate colour.
Ex2. Make new colours. The children read the colour names and colour in the pots and the paints to make new colours. Revise orange and purple, and get the children to label the pictures.
Ex3. Read the poem through with the children and get them to supply the missing words, using the pictures. They then writein the missing words. To help with this, you may like to put the words in random order on the board. Get the class to read the poem together. They could do actions for the last line of each verse
Lesson 2
Тема: Help!
Цель: To teach There is and There are
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P50 Ex1. Before the children look at their books, ask questions about what happened last time in the story and help the children to give complete answers. For example: where are children? Are they cold or hot? Why? what's the problem? You could the recording for section 3A once again. Ask the children to open their books. Play the recording but pause after the first two pictures. Ask what is there? Elicit There's a house. There's a girl. Play the recording for the next two pictures and ask are they bears? Elicit No, they aren't. They're dogs. Draw attention to the two different forms here. There are and They are. If possible, explain the difference in meaning in the mother tongue, otherwise write the phrases on the board and underline the difference. It's potentially confusing. But don't worry too much at this stage. Finally play the recording for the last two pictures and then play it through. Divide the class into pairs or groups and get the children to read the parts of the dialogue. Ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books, or you could write the dialogue on the board or simply supply some promps. To make it more fun the children could stand in a large box for pictures 1-4 and then sit around a table for 5 and 6. They can have a sheet of paper as a map.
Ex4. Read through the words with the children first, and then play the recording. Encourage them to sing along. You could divide the class into two. One half can sing the verses and the other half can sing the chorus.
Устная речь и игры: P51 Ex2. Read through the names of the animals, people and things. Point and say Look. There's a bear. There's a car. Focus on the story in the pictures. You can ask questions Is it hot? Ask the children to look first at the picture 1 and then at picture 2, and to find the things from the list. They point and use There is or There are. Ask the children to close their books and play the memory game again. You can play it in different ways: Say some sentences, for example, There's a girl. There are four bears. The children have to write down as many things. Ask some questions: in picture2, how many bears are there? How many houses/boys/trees are there? The children write down as many things as they can remember about the pictures. Put two columns on the board.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P54 Ex1. Ask the children to tell you what differences they can see between the pictures. After they have said what they can see, you could put the key words on thye board to help them in their writing: dog, cat, car, house..
Ex2. Play a game. Use your spinner. The exercise revises language in the form of a game When the children spin their spinner and land on a number, they have to answer a question or make a sentence with He's, She's or It's.
Lesson 3
Тема: Eddie elephant!
Цель: To develop the children's listening and speaking fluency.
To revise language covered in earlier units.
To develop the childrens reading skills.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P52 Ex1. You can start by telling the story. Ask the children to look at the pictures. Point at the pictures and slowly say what is happening. If you add some new words you can make the story more interesting to listen to. It is not necessary for the children to understand every single word. A richer context for litening will help to develop their listening fluency. For example: Look. There's a man. He's in the jungle. There's a tree. There are a two monkeys. There's a snake. …..
Play the recording once or twice. The children follow the story in their books. Divide the class into fours and get them to read the dialogue.
Устная речь и игры: P53 Ex2. Act out the story. The children can make an elephant trumpet 9see instructions on page 130 and Cut out 5 temlate on page 135) Ask some children to act out the story. They can use their elephant trumpets when they get to picture 5 in the story.
Ex3. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children must call our Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. Alternatively the children can do this in pairs taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish ask they whole class to read through the text together, pointing at the words as they read.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P56 Ex1. Think. What's wrong? write sentences. You could use Vocabulary Cards to revise vocabulary for this exercise. Talk about each picture with the children before they write.
Ex2. Colour the pictures. Write the colours. The children colour the objects and write the names of the colours.
Ex3. Answer the questions. The children read the questions and write their answers. Before the children colour in the stars, look at the pictures with them. Get them to say the colours of the paint tins and what there is/are in the street. You can use the picture dictionary on page 84 of the Activity Book for various activities such as listen and point; listen, point and say; reading practice.
Lesson 4
Тема: The birds.
Цель: To teach the meaning and use of can to express ability
To teach some more verbs
To develop the childrens reading skills.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P54 Ex1. Ask the children some of the questions about the story so far, either in English or in the mother tongue. The children can have their books open or closed when they listen. Play the recording and pause after pictures 1 and 2. Ask What can Joanne/Jess see? What can Zara hear? Say Yes, Zara can hear birds. That's a problem! Why? Answer the question yourself: The birds can make the ballon go BANG! Then ask What can they do? Invite suggestions and supply They can shout. What can they shout? Listen. Play the recording for pictures 3 and 4. Say Jess has an idea! What is it? Listen!
Play the recording for picture 5. Ask What Jess can do? And elicit She can climb. Say It's too late! Listen and play the recording for picture 6. Finnaly play the recording through. The children listen with their books open. Divide the class into pairs or groups of five and get them to read the dialogue. Ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books, or you could write the dialogue on the board or supply prompts. As before, the children could stand in a box to simulate the balloon basket. You could take a piece of cardboard and rip it in half as the balloon explodes.
Ex3. Listen and do actions. When you are sure that the children understand the verbs from Exercise 2. Play the recording while the children mime the actions. This gradually gets faster!
Ex4. This is another action song. Read through the words with the children first and get them to do the actions. Then play the recording and get them to sing while they do the actions.
Устная речь и игры: P55 Ex2. Match the pictures and the sentences. Establish the meaning of each sentence by getting the children to stand up and mime the actions with you. Repeat this a few times, and then ask them to match the pictures and sentences.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P58 Ex1. What they can do? Write the words. Ask the children to say the names of the animals. Read the verbs together. The children then write two verbs under each animal.
Ex2. Write the names of the animal. The children write the name of each animal.
Ex3. What can you do? Tick the boxes. The children first tick the boxes and then complete the sentence.
Ex4. Write. To complete the sentences, the children need to count the animals and cars and then write the correct plural word in each gap.
Lesson 5.
Тема: King Cat's corner
Цель: To revise the names of animals
To teach some more verbs
To teach the numbers 15-20.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P56 Ex1. Look at the pictures with the children and get them to tell you which animal they think each jigsaw part belongs to they then draw lines to match the pieces to the correct word. Beforehand, photocopy Cut-out and cut the jigsaw pieces. Hold up each piece and ask the children animal they think it is. Then put the pieces face down on a table or better attach them face down to the board. When you show one piece the children try to guess or remember where the matching piece is to make up complete animal. Make this into pairwork memory game. Photocopy Cut-out 6 so that there is one set of jigsaw pieces for every two children. In pairs, they spread the pieces out, face down. They take it in turns to lift up one piece and then another, trying to find a matching pair. If they find a match, they take both pieces. If the pieces don't match they replace them face down. The person with the most animals at the end is the winner.
Ex4. Listen and write, say the numbers. First, allow the children to write the numbers 16-20 above the words. If you don't want them to write in their books, they can copy the words into their exercise books and write the numbers above them. Read the numbers aloud and get the children to repeat. Then play the recording. Pause after each number and ask the children to say the next number before they hear it. You could write the numbers 10-20 around the board in random order. Close your eyes and point to a number, which the children then have to say.
Ex5. Write the numbers. Play Bingo. Choose two cards. This game practises the numbers 1-20. Before they play it ask the children to count the number of small squares in each part of the four cards. Check that they can say and understand the numbers in English. The childern will need small pieces of paper to play the game. For a practice round, you could ask them to choose one card only. Read out numbers from the tapescript, but in a different order. If the children hear a number that they have on their card, they cover it with a piece of paper. The first person to cover their card completely is the winner. The children now close two cards to play the game. Play the recording.
Устная речь и игры: P57 Ex2. The children can suggest names for each animal. If you have made jigsaw pieces from Cut-out 6, you can invent more strange animals on the board.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P60-61 Ex1. Read through the numbers with the children so that they can revise the words. They can point at each number with their fingers. Then they join the dots and write the names of the two strange animals.
Ex2. Read through the poem with the children and get them to suggest the missing words. They then complete the poem with the words in the box.
Lesson 6.
Тема: I can help!
Цель: To teach the meaning and use of can't to describe ability.
To teach the names of some farm animals.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P58 Ex1. Listen and follow. Redfresh the children's memory of the last episode of the story. Play the recording through and ask the children to look at the pictures. Then play it again and pause after pictures 1 and 2. Ask the children Where are they? (In a tree). What can they do? (They can jump). Look at the Kip. What's the problem? (He can't jump)
Play the recording for pictures 3 and 4. Say look at Kip. What's the problem now? (He can't walk)
Play the recording for pictures 5 and 6. You could ask Is Tom a good boy? The children might answer Yes, he can help the children or No, his Mum and Dad are cold. Finally play the whole recording through again. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and get the children to read the dialogue. Then ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books, or you could supply prompts. As before, you could use a large box as a balloon basket. You could also cover the parents with a blanket which Tom pulls off.
Ex3. Play the recording and pause after each sound. The children have to say what animal it is.
Устная речь и игры: P59 Ex2. Read through the names of the animals with the children and introduce duck, hen and chick. Then you could do one of the following:
Imitate the sound that each animal makes as you say its name. Ask the children to find each animal in the picture.
Make the sound without naming the animal. The children point at the animal in the picture and say Here it is. Ask What is it? And help them to say the name of the animal.
You could say the name of the animal and all the children have to make the sound.
You could divide the class up into groups of cows, horses, ducks, etc. When you call out the name of the animal the children in that group have to make their sound.
Ex4. Ask the children to work with their neighbour. They need to look at the picture in Exercise2 and find an animal for each phrase. The children each think of an animal. Then individuals mime what their animal can do and the rest of the class try to guess what animal it is.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P62 Ex1. Ask the children what they can say about the picture before they write their answers. You could put the verbs on the board.
Ex2. The exercise revises language in the form of a game. When the children spin their spinner and land on a number, they have to answer a question about animals, say a number or make a sentence with can/can't. before or after playing the game, they can colour.
Lesson 7.
Тема: Taffy the dog.
Цель: To teach the meaning and use of can't to describe ability.
To teach the names of some farm animals.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P58 Ex1. Listen and follow. Redfresh the children's memory of the last episode of the story. Play the recording through and ask the children to look at the pictures. Then play it again and pause after pictures 1 and 2. Ask the children Where are they? (In a tree). What can they do? (They can jump). Look at the Kip. What's the problem? (He can't jump)
Play the recording for pictures 3 and 4. Say look at Kip. What's the problem now? (He can't walk)
Play the recording for pictures 5 and 6. You could ask Is Tom a good boy? The children might answer Yes, he can help the children or No, his Mum and Dad are cold. Finally play the whole recording through again. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and get the children to read the dialogue. Then ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books, or you could supply prompts. As before, you could use a large box as a balloon basket. You could also cover the parents with a blanket which Tom pulls off.
Ex3. Play the recording and pause after each sound. The children have to say what animal it is.
Устная речь и игры: P59 Ex2. Read through the names of the animals with the children and introduce duck, hen and chick. Then you could do one of the following:
Imitate the sound that each animal makes as you say its name. Ask the children to find each animal in the picture.
Make the sound without naming the animal. The children point at the animal in the picture and say Here it is. Ask What is it? And help them to say the name of the animal.
You could say the name of the animal and all the children have to make the sound.
You could divide the class up into groups of cows, horses, ducks, etc. When you call out the name of the animal the children in that group have to make their sound.
Ex4. Ask the children to work with their neighbour. They need to look at the picture in Exercise2 and find an animal for each phrase. The children each think of an animal. Then individuals mime what their animal can do and the rest of the class try to guess what animal it is.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P62 Ex1. Ask the children what they can say about the picture before they write their answers. You could put the verbs on the board.
Ex2. The exercise revises language in the form of a game. When the children spin their spinner and land on a number, they have to answer a question about animals, say a number or make a sentence with can/can't. before or after playing the game, they can colour.
Lesson 8.
Тема: Sharks!
Цель: To teach the meaning and use of have got.
To teach some more verbs
To develop the childrens reading skills.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P64 Ex1. Ask questions about the story so far, either in English or in the mother tongue. Ask the children to close their books, unless you think they would find it too difficult. Play the recording and pause after pictures 1 and 2. Ask Where are they? What have they got? Tom says I've got…. What? Answer the questions yourself: a telescope. He says I've got a telescope, and mime looking through a telescope. Play the recording for pictures 3 and 4. Ask what can Tom see? Draw picture of a Shark on the board, and show an expression of panic. Continue: Zara says Don't worry. It's Ok. Why? Show relief. Say But…. and play the recording for the last two pictures. Ask the children to open their books. Point out the wave and say There's a very big wave. SPLASH! Play the recording through twice. Children listen with their books open. First, divide the class into pairs and get them to read the dialogue. Then ask some children to act out the story. You could supply prompts on the board. As before the children could stand in a box simulating the balloon basket. Tom could use a cardboard roll as a telescope.
Ex3. Read through the words with the children first. Then play the recording and get them to sing along. You could get them to make actions with their hands for ships, fish, sharks, see and eat.
Устная речь и игры: P65 Ex2. Ask your friends for a number. Say what they've got. You can start by saying Let's go fishing! Look at the picture. What's in the water? Elicit the names: a telescope, a fish, two sharks, a bag, a ball. Ask a child to choose a number, 1-6. Ask what's your number? Follow the line with your finger and tell them what they've got. Then choose some numbers yourself. Get different children to ask What's your number? And tell you what you've got. Insist on full sentences: You've got… now put the children into groups to ask each other. Go around the class, encouraging the children to produce full, correct sentences.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P66 Ex1. Find the way. The children have to find their way to the ship, collecting words as they go. They then draw what Carolina can see in the telescope.
Ex2. The children have to read the sentences, look carefully at the picture and write Yes or No.
Ex3. The children can draw anything they wish in the bag. Ask them to suggest some things in English. To remind them of other words they have learned, you could make a selection of Vocabulary Cards from Units 1-4. As you hold up each one, the children say what it is. You could then get the class to help you spell some of the words on the board.
Lesson 9
Тема: King Cat's corner
Цель: To teach the names of parts of the head and face, and types of hair.
To practise He's got and She's got
To teach some adjectives
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P66 Ex1. Chant with me! If you have used the ideas in Before you begin the children will find this easy. The emphasis is on getting them to chant the words as they do the actions.
Ex5. Allow the childrens a few minutes to work together and to read through the sentences. They must then decide if each sentence is about the boy or the girl. Play the recording, and stop it after each sentence to check their answers. You could encourage the children to produce sentences with two adjectives-that is, big/small, long/short and the colours. For example: he's got short brown hair. She's got a big green eyes. Ask them to describe people in the class in this way. To help them, you can put some key words on the board. You could give a few nonsense examples and ask if they sound right, for example: He's got short green eyes.
Устная речь и игры: P67 Ex2. The children can work in pairs to decide what the colours are. You can then go through their answers before they write. It is a good idea do write the missing words on the board so that they spell them correctly in their books. Alternatively, they can write them in their exercise.
Ex3. Point to pictures g, h and i, and say Look. She's! He's got long/short/blond hair? Ask different children What colour hair/eyes have you got? Some children won't know what colour their eyes are, so you could ask threir neighbor to tell them. This will allow you to naturally use He's/She's got, but don't teach this form yet. Get each child to say to say two correct sentences about their hair and eyes.
Ex4. Describe a friend. Now get the children to tell you about someone else in the class. Help them produce a complete sentence with He's got or She's got. Point out the difference in the form: Look! I've got brown hair. You've got black hair and have got brown eyes. Look at He's got short hair. Look at. She's got long hair. Ask a few more children to describe someone in the class. The others then have to guess who it is.
Ex6. To show the children how the game works, choose one of the pictures and describe it in one sentence, for example, She's got short hair. Ask a pair of children which picture it is. The other children in the class can help them. If the pair don't give the correct answer, put a mark on the board. Give another piece of information about the same picture, for example: She's got a small mouth. If they still don't guess correctly, put another mark on the board. Continue until they have got the correct answer.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P68 Ex1.the children look at the clues and write the words in the puzzle. Ex2. The children read each sentence and decide who it is about. Ex3. The children read the sentences and draw Bill's face.
4 четверть
Lesson 1
Тема: Thanks, Ben.
Цель: To introduce the children to the present simple
To teach short answers
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P68 Ex1. The children can have their books open or closed as you and they prefer. Play the recording but stop it after every two pictures and ask some questions. Play the recording all the way through once or twice. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and get them to read out the dialogue. Ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books, or you could write the dialogue on the board or supply prompts. You could arrange chairs arrange chairs to make Ben's boat and a table in his tree house hat the children can sit around.
Устная речь и игры: P69 Ex2. Introduce the exercise with some questions. Now the children open their books. Read through the names of the animals, places and types of food. Point out that we say an farms, not in.
Ex3. Demonstrate by giving some information about one of the animals in Exercise2. For example: they live in the sea. Guess! They eat fruit. Guess! Get the children to guess the animal. Divede the class into pairs so they can work in the same way. To help, you can put some prompts on the board. You could write the names os some other animals on the board and ask the children where they live and what they eat. Give them any new words what they eat. Give them any new words that they need to express their ideas.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P70 Ex1. Check that the children know the name of each animal before they look for and circle the words in the puzzle.
Ex2. The children write the names of the animals and write the number from Exercise 1.
Ex3. Before the children write and ask them what they can say. Note frogs and foxes are new words, and they will need insects to describe what frogs eat.
Ex4. First, look at the large picture with the children, as this will help them understand the poem. Ask them questions about what they can see. Read through the poem with the children and get them to work out the missing words. Which they can add in writing later.
Lesson 2
Тема: The clever fish.
Цель: To develop the children's listening and speaking fluency.
To revise language covered in earlier units.
To develop the children's reading skills
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P70 Ex1. You can start by telling the story while the children look at the pictures. Point at the pictures and slowly say what is happening. For example:
Look. There is fish in the sea. They are swimming away fast. But look at this fish. He isn't swimming.
Suddenly, a shark comes! He wants to eat the fish. The fish says Stop! You can't eat me! The sharks says he can. I'm a shark he says.
No, no says the fish. The shark says I'm a shark. I eat everything. Oh!
The fish has got an idea. He's a clever fish. He says You can't eat me! He says I've got a Big brother and he can eat YOU! The sharks says Oh yes? Where?
The fish swims away- fast. You can't catch me, he says.
The voice says You can't eat my brother. I can eat you. The shark is frightened. Help! He says.
The shark goes away fast
Play the recording once or twice while the children follow the story in their books. Then divide the class into pairs to read the dialogue.
Устная речь и игры: P71 Ex2. Act out the story. The children can make a shark snapper. Ask some children to act out the story. You will need a fish and a shark. If the children have made them, the shark snapper when he/she is chasing after the fish. You can put prompts or the complete text on the board.
Ex3. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text. But in some make a mistake. The children must call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. Alternatively, the children can do this in pairs, taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish, ask the whole class to read through the text together, pointing at the words as they read.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P72 Ex1. Write the words. Go through the names of the things or animals in the pictures.
Ex2. The children have to find the correct route to the face and collect words along the way. The words tell them what to draw.
Ex3. The children have to read and then draw the animal, and write its name.
Lesson 3
Тема: The tree.
Цель: To introduce the present simple question form.
To teach short answers Yes, I do/ No I don't
To develop the children's reading skills
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P72 Ex1. Chant with me! If you have used the ideas in Before you begin the children will find this easy. The emphasis is on getting them to chant the words as they do the actions.
Ex3. Allow the childrens a few minutes to work together and to read through the sentences. They must then decide if each sentence is about the boy or the girl. Play the recording, and stop it after each sentence to check their answers. You could encourage the children to produce sentences with two adjectives-that is, big/small, long/short and the colours. For example: he's got short brown hair. She's got a big green eyes. Ask them to describe people in the class in this way. To help them, you can put some key words on the board. You could give a few nonsense examples and ask if they sound right, for example: He's got short green eyes.
Устная речь и игры: P73 Ex2. The children can work in pairs to decide what the colours are. You can then go through their answers before they write. It is a good idea do write the missing words on the board so that they spell them correctly in their books. Alternatively, they can write them in their exercise. Point to pictures g, h and i, and say Look. She's! He's got long/short/blond hair? Ask different children What colour hair/eyes have you got? Some children won't know what colour their eyes are, so you could ask threir neighbor to tell them. This will allow you to naturally use He's/She's got, but don't teach this form yet. Get each child to say to say two correct sentences about their hair and eyes.Describe a friend. Now get the children to tell you about someone else in the class. Help them produce a complete sentence with He's got or She's got. Point out the difference in the form: Look! I've got brown hair. You've got black hair and have got brown eyes. Look at He's got short hair. Look at. She's got long hair. Ask a few more children to describe someone in the class. The others then have to guess who it is. To show the children how the game works, choose one of the pictures and describe it in one sentence, for example, She's got short hair. Ask a pair of children which picture it is. The other children in the class can help them. If the pair don't give the correct answer, put a mark on the board. Give another piece of information about the same picture, for example: She's got a small mouth. If they still don't guess correctly, put another mark on the board. Continue until they have got the correct answer.
Письмо графика: Activity book. P74 Ex1. Write the words. Go through the names of the things or animals in the pictures.
Ex2. The children have to find the correct route to the face and collect words along the way. The words tell them what to draw.
Ex3. The children have to read and then draw the animal, and write its name.
Lesson 4.
Тема: King Cat's corner
Цель: To revise the names of animals
To teach some more verbs
To teach the names of the days of the week.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P74 Ex1. Look at the pictures with the children and get them to tell you which animal they think each jigsaw part belongs to they then draw lines to match the pieces to the correct word. Beforehand, photocopy Cut-out and cut the jigsaw pieces. Hold up each piece and ask the children animal they think it is. Then put the pieces face down on a table or better attach them face down to the board. When you show one piece the children try to guess or remember where the matching piece is to make up complete animal. Make this into pair work memory game. Photocopy Cut-out 6 so that there is one set of jigsaw pieces for every two children. In pairs, they spread the pieces out, face down. They take it in turns to lift up one piece and then another, trying to find a matching pair. If they find a match, they take both pieces. If the pieces don't match they replace them face down. The person with the most animals at the end is the winner.
Ex2. Listen and write, say the numbers. First, allow the children to write the numbers 16-20 above the words. If you don't want them to write in their books, they can copy the words into their exercise books and write the numbers above them. Read the numbers aloud and get the children to repeat. Then play the recording. Pause after each number and ask the children to say the next number before they hear it. You could write the numbers 10-20 around the board in random order. Close your eyes and point to a number, which the children then have to say.
Ex3. Write the numbers. Play Bingo. Choose two cards. This game practises the numbers 1-20. Before they play it ask the children to count the number of small squares in each part of the four cards. Check that they can say and understand the numbers in English. The childern will need small pieces of paper to play the game. For a practice round, you could ask them to choose one card only. Read out numbers from the tapescript, but in a different order. If the children hear a number that they have on their card, they cover it with a piece of paper. The first person to cover their card completely is the winner. The children now close two cards to play the game. Play the recording.
Устная речь и игры: P75 Ex4. The children can suggest names for each animal. If you have made jigsaw pieces from Cut-out 6, you can invent more strange animals on the board.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P76-77 Ex1. Read through the numbers with the children so that they can revise the words. They can point at each number with their fingers. Then they join the dots and write the names of the two strange animals.
Ex2. Read through the poem with the children and get them to suggest the missing words. They then complete the poem with the words in the box.
Lesson 5.
Тема: Come back, Kip!
Цель: General language revision.
To teach some more verbs
To teach the names of the days of the week.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P76 Ex1. The children will probably have already looked at the end of the story so you can let them have their books open while you play the recording. Then read through the pictures with them. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and get them to read the dialogue. Then ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books or you could write the dialogue or some prompts on the board. If possible arrange chairs to make a car that Kip can jump into.
Ex3. Sing a song. This final songs is similar to the song in Welcome! B. read through the words with the children. Play the recording and encourage the children to sing with it.
Устная речь и игры: P77 Ex2. Think and tell the class. Here the children use their imagination and give their own ideas. This is a free exercise for discussion, you will need to help with new language to allow the children to express their ideas.
Picture 1. Encourage the children to imagine. Kip is up in the sky- very, very high. What can he see?
Picture 2. The car is flying away in the picture- where could it be now?
The children haven't got a balloon. They haven't got a car. They haven't got a boat. What can they do?
If your class continuing on to the next level in the course, you can tell them that they will find out what happens to the car then.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P78 Ex1. Look at the picture with the children and get them to tell you what they can see. They then use the list of words to label the things and animals in the pictures.
Ex2. Think. What can they do? Are they good ideas or bad ideas? Tick the boxes.
Ex3. The children can use their own imagination and draw what they want. Help them to write a few words about their ideas. For example: I think the car is in the sea. I think a car is in a tree.
Lesson 6.
Тема: The cages
Цель: General language revision.
To teach some more verbs
To teach the names of the days of the week.
Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What days is it today?
Аудирование: P76 Ex1. The children will probably have already looked at the end of the story so you can let them have their books open while you play the recording. Then read through the pictures with them. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and get them to read the dialogue. Then ask some children to act out the story. They can read from their books or you could write the dialogue or some prompts on the board. If possible arrange chairs to make a car that Kip can jump into.
Ex3. Sing a song. This final songs is similar to the song in Welcome! B. read through the words with the children. Play the recording and encourage the children to sing with it.
Устная речь и игры: P77 Ex2. Think and tell the class. Here the children use their imagination and give their own ideas. This is a free exercise for discussion, you will need to help with new language to allow the children to express their ideas.
Picture 1. Encourage the children to imagine. Kip is up in the sky- very, very high. What can he see?
Picture 2. The car is flying away in the picture- where could it be now?
The children haven't got a balloon. They haven't got a car. They haven't got a boat. What can they do?
If your class continuing on to the next level in the course, you can tell them that they will find out what happens to the car then.
Письмо графика: Activity Book. P78 Ex1. Look at the picture with the children and get them to tell you what they can see. They then use the list of words to label the things and animals in the pictures.
Ex2. Think. What can they do? Are they good ideas or bad ideas? Tick the boxes.
Ex3. The children can use their own imagination and draw what they want. Help them to write a few words about their ideas. For example: I think the car is in the sea. I think a car is in a tree.