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  • Конспект урока по теме: «American High Schools»

Конспект урока по теме: «American High Schools»

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Урок по теме: «American High Schools»

УМК Spotlight 10 класс

Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок

Учитель: Афанасова Татьяна Александровна

МБОУ СОШ п. Селекция

Кстовского района

Цели урока:

Практические: развитие устных и письменных речевых умений на основе прочитанного текста; совершенствование лексических навыков.

Общеобразовательные: повышение общей культуры, расширение кругозора, знаний о США , их системе образования и системе образования России.


  • формирование национальной идентичности, патриотизма;

  • воспитание уважения к стране изучаемого языка, её культуре, толерантного отношения к её представителям.

Развивающие: развитие памяти, внимания, речевых способностей, языковой догадки, умения сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать.

Языковой материал: лексика по теме: « Типы американских школ».

Речевой материал: текст на чтение, диаграмма « Система образования США».

Оснащение урока: учебник, диск, речевые опоры, компьютер.

Ход урока:

I.Речевая зарядка (создание мотивации)

Hello, everybody! How are you? I am really excited today. Do you know why? Well, the fact is one of my former students, who works as a web editor in the magazine «Maxim» in Moscow now, went on business to the USA yesterday. While studying at school he was eager to visit this country as an exchange student. Unfortunately, he did not have a chance then. Now his dream has come true and I am extremely glad for Antony and proud of him.

By the way, would you like to spend some time in the USA and study at an American school? Why?

Share your thoughts. Use your own ideas and the expressions listed below.

  • to improve English

  • to communicate with American peers

  • to learn more about the country, its customs and traditions

  • to experience life in an American school

II.Развитие речевых умений на основе ранее изученного материала с использованием опоры.

Do you know anything about an American school? Do you remember the article about the rules in an American school, which we read some time ago. Lets recollect some facts. These notes will help you.

School discipline


Female cops

Never late for school

Talking during a lesson/a test

Cheating in class

School uniform

Baggy jeans




Wearing pyjamas to a test

Eating in class

Soft drinks


Breaks(5 min.)

Lunch break (45 min.)

III. Формирование навыков поискового чтения.

The diagram «USA School System»

To get acquainted with American schools better, lets read about the school system in the USA.

(ex.1a p. 37).

Look through the diagram and answer the following question.

How old are students when they:

  • start school

  • go to junior high school

  • go to high school

  • leave school

Guess the meaning of the new words ( types of American schools).

IV.Сравнение систем образования США и России. Создание диаграммы

«Russian School System».

How is the system similar/different to the one in your country? Draw a diagram. Use the following.

  • Primary (Elementary) School

  • Junior Secondary (Middle) School

  • Senior Secondary School

V.Чтение текста с детальным пониманием. Прогнозирование содержание текста по заголовкам и картинке. Заполнение таблицы. ( ex. 2 p. 57)

Read the title of the leaflet. What is it about? Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in an American high school is like. Read to find out. While reading the text, complete the following table.

American School


School life

(a typical day at school)

Sporting activities

Extra-curricular activities

Проверка понимание. Ответы на вопросы.

Answer the questions.

1.What subjects can you study at an American school?

2. How do students get to school?

3.Where do they put away their coats and lunch?

4.How many hours of classes have they got?

5. How often do they get a report card?

6.What do students grades depend on?

7. What sports do American students do?

8.What extra-curricular activities have they got?

VI.Повторное чтение текста с последующем прослушиванием для проверки. (Gap filling. Word formation.)(ex. 3 p.57)

Работа в парах.

Read the text and complete the gaps( 1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets/ Compare with your partner. Listen and check.

VII. Развитие умений устной речи на основе прочитанного с использованием вводных фраз.

Close your books and say what new facts about an American high school you have learnt. Begin with…

I have learnt that…

I have never known/heard that…

It was interesting for me to learnt that…

VIII. Развитие умений устной диалогической речи с целью выражения собственного мнения о прочитанном и сравнения систем образования двух стран.

Would you like to spend a year in an American high school or prefer to stay at your own one? Why? Discuss.

IX. Развитие навыков письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста .

Создание лифлета , приглашающего учеников из других стран провести год в русской школе.(ex.5 p.57)

Работа в группах.

Work in groups . Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school. Write about:


2.school life ( a typical day at school)

3. sports activities

4.extra-curricular activities.

X. Домашнее задание. Создание лифлета.


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