• Учителю
  • Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку для 3 класса «Праздники в Великобритании и России»

Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку для 3 класса «Праздники в Великобритании и России»

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«Праздники в Великобритании и России»

Команды 3-х классов

Учителя английского языка-Низамеева Э. В.,

Шамшуарова Л. А..

23 апреля 2014 года

Цели мероприятия:


Развивать устную речь, мышление, лексическую и орфографическую зоркость, внимание, память, коммуникативные и грамматические навыки, умение сравнивать, делать выводы.


Совершенствовать страноведческие знания о традициях празднования праздников в Великобритании и России.


Воспитывать уважение и прививать интерес к традициям русского и других народов.

Ход урока.

I Организационный момент. (Музыкальное сопровождение)

1 teacher: Hi, everybody!

2 teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! We hope you are all right.

II Начало игры. (Видео начала «Брейн ринга»)

1 teacher: We are glad to great you at our brain-ring. All children like to play.

(Музыкальное сопровождение)

2 teacher: That's why we play this game today.

1 teacher: There will be a lot of fun, laugh and different contests.

2 teacher: Ok, let's start! There are 3 judges in our play. They are…. (аплодисменты - музыка).

1 teacher: They will give you 5 points for the right answer.

III Введение в тему.

2 teacher: The theme of our game is holidays in Britain and Russia.

1 teacher: Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people.

IV Представление команд.

2 teacher: So, let`s start our contest. But at first let`s meet each other.

1 teacher: We see there are two teams in our class. How are they called? You are welcome!

1 team: Hello! My name is… . I`m a captain of our team. My team`s name is "The quickest". Let me introduce my friends to you. This is … .

2 team: We are glad to meet you! So I'm … and I'm a captain of our team. My team`s name is "The coolest". Let me introduce my friends to you, too. This is … .

1 teacher: Let's greеt each other! (аплодисменты - музыка).

V Рабочий момент.

2 teacher: By the way, in the middle of your table you've got a balloon, if you know the answer pull it down. And we will give you a chance to answer.

1 teacher: Can you show us how you can pull the balloon down! Well, the game has started!!! What English holidays do you know?

VI Первое задание.

2 teacher: Name them one team by one! (команды по очереди называют названия праздников. Ожидаемые ответы - Thanksgiving day, Christmas, New Year, St Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day, Mother's Day, Easter Day, May Day, Father's Day, Halloween)

1 teacher: Well done! Hooray!

VII Второе задание.

2 teacher: The second taaaask is to name the attributes from the holidays and tell some information about it. Don't forget to pull your balloons.

(1 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - It's a New Year tree. People put it at home and decorate with toys and coloured balls);

2 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - Pancakes. Russian people make them on Mastlenitsa);

3 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - Coloured eggs. Russian people cook coloured eggs on Easter and give them as a present);

4 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - It's a pumpkin. On Halloween people take it and draw eyes, noses, mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into it ;)

5 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - They are Father Frost(Дед Мороз) and Santa Claus. They give presents to children) ;

6 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - It's a shamrock. People wear it on St Patrick's Day);

7 слайд - Ожидаемые ответы - Сhocolate Easter rabbits. On Easter English children get them).

1 teacher: Good for you!!

2 teacher: Well done!!! By the way, do you like to listen to songs? (дети кричат: "yes!")

VIII Третье задание.

1 teacher: Now we are coming to the third task - Guess the tune! (звук - bang!)

2 teacher: Let's see if you are good musicians as well.

1 teacher: Listen to the tune, guess the name of the holiday and use your balloon.

(Звучат мелодии песен - "Halloween"; "Maslenitsa"; "Novij god"; "Christmas"; "New Year")

2 teacher: Bravo!!!

1 teacher: Wow! We see you are good musicians!! And now we are giving the word for our dear judges.

IX Слово жюри.

2 teacher: Ye, we'd like to know the scores of your teams. You are welcome.

1 teacher: Congratulations to ……! ….. don't be upset, cheer up!!! Go ahead!

X Четвёртое задание.

2 teacher: Now let's start the fourth task! We know there are the same (одинаковые) holidays in Britain and in Russia.

1 teacher: But you can say some similarities (сходства) and differences, can't you? (Yes!)

Have a look at the screen, remember the holiday and compare it.

1 слайд - "NEW YEAR" (Ожидаемы ответ - It's the most favourite holiday).

1 teacher: When do people celebrate it in two countries? (Ожидаемы ответ - on the 31st of December)

2 teacher: How can you describe this holiday? (Ожидаемый ответ - There is a lot of dancing, eating and drinking.) What else can you add? (Ожидаемый ответ - People visit each other, give and get presents, send greeting cards.)

1 teacher: Is it fun to see the New Year in? (Yes!)

2 teacher: When does the New Year party begin? (Ожидаемый ответ - At 8, 9 o'clock in the evening.)

1 teacher: Whose speech can Russian people listen to on TV, and what time? (Ожидаемый ответ - The president's at 12 p.m..)

2 teacher: And what about Britain? (Ожидаемый ответ - The Queen is on TV at 3 p.m..)

2 слайд - "Mother's Day"

1 teacher: When is it celebrated in Britain? And in Russia? (Ожидаемый ответ - It is celebrated in March in Britain. In Russia it is celebrated in November.

2 teacher: Who celebrates this holiday? (Ожидаемый ответ - It is a holiday for women.)

1 teacher: How can you describe this holiday? (Ожидаемые ответы - People try to make it a day off for Mother and help her. People visit their mothers, give them some presents, send their mother's greeting cards.)

1 teacher: Ok, well done!

3 слайд - "St. Valentine`s Day" (Ожидаемый ответ - It's a day of love and friendship.)

2 teacher: When is St. Valentine`s Day celebrated? (Ожидаемый ответ - On the 14th of February.)

1 teacher: What do people do with Valentine cards? (Ожидаемый ответ - They buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love.)

2 teacher: Do people sign their cards? (Ожидаемый ответ - No, you must guess who sent the cards to you.)

4 слайд - "April Fool`s Day" (Ожидаемый ответ - It's a day for fun.)

1 teacher: When do Russian and English people celebrate it? (Ожидаемый ответ - On the 1st of April.)

2 teacher: Who likes this holiday most of all? (Ожидаемый ответ - Children.) And you? Do you like this holiday? (Yes!)

1 teacher: Why do you like it? (Ожидаемый ответ - Because we can play jokes and tricks on other people.)

XI Слово жюри.

2 teacher: That is the end of the fourth task. Dear judges, can you say us the scores of our teams? (слово жюри.)

XII Четвёртое задание. (Музыкальное сопровождение)

1 teacher: And the last task is our crosswords.

2 teacher: Let's see how attentive you are (внимательны)!

1 teacher: Your task is to find the words in crossword and read them out. So the theme of the first crossword is St Valentine's Day. You are welcome. Find 4 words.

5-6 слайды (Ожидаемые ответы - St Valentine's Day - heart, flowers, Valentine, love, friend, card)

2 teacher: The second holiday is Christmas. Have a look. You should find 5 words.

7-8 слайды (Ожидаемые ответы - Christmas - Stocking, December, toys, Santa, presents, snow, jingle bells.)

1 teacher: Here is an another crossword. Can you find 4 words?

9-10 слайды (Ожидаемые ответы - Halloween - Halloween, mask, trick or treat, ghost, orange, bat, rat)

2 teacher: Well, it was the last task!!

1 teacher: We are coming to the end of our competition!!!

2 teacher: We hope our judges are ready to sum up the scores and they will say us the results of our game!!!

1 teacher: And you teams, do you want to know who the winner is?! (Yes!!)

2 teacher: Hey, let's clap all together our game is come up to the end!! (Claps.)

XIII Слово жюри.

1 teacher: The time is for you, dear judges! You are welcome! (выступление жюри)

XIV Завершение игры.

2 teacher: Сongratulations to all of you, boys and girls!! Thank you very much!!

1 teacher: By the way, what was the holiday at last weekend in our country? (Ожидаемый ответ - Пасха-Easter!)

2 teacher: Right you are! We are thankful for your participation - участие, and we have some surprise for you!!

1 teacher: Take chocolate eggs!! Thank you for all of you, children!!! Bye!

2 teacher: See you tomorrow!


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