• Учителю
  • План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе на тему 'Школьная жизнь'

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе на тему 'Школьная жизнь'

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала




Учитель: Румиева А.З.

ДАТА: 17.10.20011

ТЕМА: Школьная жизнь.


  1. развитие навыков поискового чтения, диалогической речи, фонематического слуха;

  2. активизация лексических единиц и речевых выражений по данной теме, закрепление изученного материала;

  3. воспитание взаимоуважения, толерантности и уважения к культуре других стран.


  1. Warming up activity

Teacher: Good morning, pupils!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

Song (together): 1,2,3,4 - come in please, close the door!

5, 6, 7, 8 - it's time for school, you are late!

9, 10, 9, 10 - you are late for school again!

Teacher: Sit down, please! How are you today?

Pupils: Thank you, I am (we are) … .

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is Monday.

Teacher: What day is it tomorrow?

Pupil 2: Tomorrow is Tuesday.

Teacher: What day was yesterday?

Pupil 3: Yesterday was Sunday.

Rhyme (together): On Monday I go to school.

On Tuesday I swim in the pool.

On Wednesday I clean my flat.

On Thursday I feed my cat.

On Friday I read a book.

On Saturday I am a cook.

On Sunday I lie in the sun and eat a bun.

Teacher: Let's remember our fairy-tale about the tongue! Which sound did it hear when it was throwing stones into the water?

Pupils: [b].

Teacher: And what sound did it hear when the raindrops were falling on the roof of his house?

Pupils: [p].

Teacher: Let's remember all the words with the sounds [b] and [p] to our theme. By the way, what are we speaking about?

Pupils: About school life.

Teacher: Ok. Your words!

Pupils: … ( badge, library, break, primary, pocket, be over etc.)

  1. Main part

  1. Joint work

Pre-reading task:

Teacher: Let's continue to speak about school! Open your books and find the text "Tiki goes to School". At first we'll listen to this text.

Pupils listen to the text and follow it in their books. (Ex.1 p.28)

Teacher: Now, let's read the text!

Pupils read the text aloud sentence by sentence taking turns.

Post-reading task:

Teacher: Read the text one more time for yourselves and match the parts of the sentences about Tiki and his school. In five minutes we'll check your answers.

Pupils match the parts of the sentences. (Ex.2 p.28)

Teacher: Ok, your time is over. Your sentences!

Pupils read their sentences and correct the mistakes if they have them.

  1. Working in pairs

Teacher: And now I ask you to work in pairs. In the next task you have to build dialogues about Tiki and his school. You have questions and the task is to answer these questions.

Pupils work in pairs and build dialogues. (Ex.3 p.28)

  1. Moving activity

Song: Stand up, sit down, keep moving (3 times)

We're all at school today.

Open your books, close your books, keep moving (3 times)

We're all at school today.

Stand up, sit down, keep moving (3 times)

We're all at school today.

  1. Role - play

Teacher: Imagine that you have got a new classmate… He/she asks you about the school. Who wants to be "a new classmate"?..

Pupils choose one of them to be "a new classmate" all the rest answer his/her questions. (Ex.4 p.29)

  1. Final part

Teacher: Today we finish to speak about school. And as usually we finish our theme with the project. Your home task is to interview any of your classmates about his/her age, family, hobby, his/her favourite sport or subject at school. Using this information fill in the form given in your books. Have you got questions according to your home task?

Pupils: …

Teacher: Your marks for today's work are…

Now stand up, please! Our lesson is over.

Song (together): Good bye, good bye!

See you soon, see you soon, see you soon!


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