- Учителю
- Урок 'Ярмарка хобби' (6 класс)
Урок 'Ярмарка хобби' (6 класс)
Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение
«Вихоревская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2»
Братского района Иркутской области
конкурс «Учитель года 2014»
открытого урока английского языка
на тему:
Составила и провела
учитель английского языка
И. А. Газизова
Вихоревка 2014
Тема урока «The Fair of Hobbies»
Дата: 6.02.14г
Класс: 5г
Учебник: Английский с удовольствием / «Enjoy English» для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений
Программа: авторская программа М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой «Программа курса английского языка к УМК Английский с удовольствием /«Enjoy English» для 2-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. - Обнинск: Титул,2010 г.
Цель урока:
способствовать закреплению лексико-грамматического материала по теме «The Fair of Hobbies»;
развивать логическое мышление;
способствовать формированию устойчивого навыка монологической речи;
воспитывать уважительное и толерантное отношение к увлечениям одноклассников.
1.Повторить активную лексику по данной теме; практиковать лексико -грамматические навыки и речевые умения по данной теме;
2.Развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление;
3.Способствовать развитию навыков культуры общения.
Оборудование: мультимедийное сопровождение к уроку; подборка фотографий; карточки с текстами и заданиями.
Приложение: мультимедийная презентация, карточки с текстами и заданиями.
Ход урока
Организационный момент
Teacher: Good afternoon, boys. Good afternoon, girls. I am glad to see you again. Let's start our English lesson. The topic of our lesson is "The fair of hobbies". Today we are talking about our free time and about our hobbies. And I'd like to know what hobbies you have and what you like doing in your free time. But what is it "a hobby"? Please, look at the screen and let's find the answer to this question
(слайд 1)
Фонетическая зарядка
Teacher: First let's practice the English sounds and words on the topic "The fair of hobbies". What sounds can we hear more ooften? What do these words mean? Make up your own sentences using these English words. (слайд 2)
[a: ] [i:] [t]
gardening reading tennis
cartoons people football
dancing see taking photo
drama weekend travelling
postcard keep collecting
karate swimming stamp
basketball fishing writing
I like …
I don`t like …
Речевая разминка
Teacher: Let's play an interesting game. It is called "What is missing?" You can see some pictures on the blackboard. How many pictures can you see? (слайд 3-11)
Teacher: What can you see in these pictures?
Teacher: Try to remember as many words as you can. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?
1. cooking 2. dancing 3. playing the guitar
Teacher: You are right. It is "dancing" .Do you like dancing?
4. Активизация лексических навыков по теме «The Fair of Hobbies»
Teacher: Different people have different hobbies. But what hobbies do they usually have? I am sure you know the names of them. Try to remember as many hobbies as you can. The world of hobbies is very different. I want you to name what you see at the pictures. Who will be the first? second?... (слайд 12)
karate, gardening, cooking, writing, reading, dancing, tennis, taking photo, swimming, basketball, volleyball, football, music, collecting computer games, theatre.
5. Физкультминутка (слайд 13)
1, 2-1,2,3 I like running. Look at me.
1, 2-1,2,3 I like jumping. Do it with me.
1, 2-1,2,3 I like dancing. Look at me.
1, 2-1,2,3 I like swimming in the sea.
6. Развитие навыков поискового чтения, работа с таблицей.
Teacher: Look at the smart board. Fill in the missing words (слайд 14-15)
playing tennis
Tom likes………….and……. He doesn't like……………and …………..
Sam is fond of…….,………….and………… Sam is not fond of…………
Alison likes………,………….and…………..She doesn't like……………
Jack likes ………..and…………… He doesn't like……and………………..
7. Развитие монологической речи.
Now let`s listen to your classmates about their hobbies. Who wants to start? (слайд 16-18)
Thank you very much. And now answer my questions about this speaking. (слайд 19-20)
1. Does Ann like painting?
2. Kirill is fond of football.
3. Sasha likes to play volleyball.
4. Kostya`s hobby is football.
5. Alena likes to dance.
6. Tanya`s hobby is swimming.
7. Maxim is fond of football.
8. Erica likes to meet with friends.
9. Alex play domra.
10. Alina is fond of beading.
11. Polina plays the piano.
12. Tanya plays volleyball.
13. Boys like cooking.
14. Sasha and Alina like writing.
15. Ilya likes football.
16. Alina and Polina are fond of beading.
17. Kostya doesn't like football.
18. Ann likes gardening.
19. Girls and boys like sport.
20. Ilya and Kirill play football.
8. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание
Now our lesson is going to the end and I want to thank everybody. Now you know the names of different hobbies, different grammar structures, you can tell about your hobbies and about your friend's hobbies. And I enjoyed your work very much. And your marks are good. And your homework will be a project. I want you to draw hobbies of your family and tell us about it. (слайд 21-23)
Teacher: Give these cards and draw a happy or a sad face.
Did you like to..
read English?
speak English?
write English?
listen to your classmates?
make the picture?
Приложение № 1
playing tennis
Приложение № 2
Tom likes………….and……. He doesn't like……………and …………..
Sam is fond of…….,………….and………… Sam is not fond of…………
Alison likes………,………….and…………..She doesn't like……………
Jack likes ………..and…………… He doesn't like……and………………..
Приложение № 3
Приложение № 4
Did you like to..
read English?
speak English?
write English?
listen to your classmates?
make the picture?