- Учителю
- 'Кольский полуостров. География'. Текст, грамматика артикли с именами собственными. (6 класс)
'Кольский полуостров. География'. Текст, грамматика артикли с именами собственными. (6 класс)
Unit II: The Kola Peninsula. Geographical position.
Read the text. Find out what the assigned words are. Find the geographical point on the map.
We live on the Kola Peninsula, beyond the Arctic Circle. It is situated in the North - West of Russia. The Kola Peninsula is washed by the Barents Sea in the North and by the White Sea in the South. We live in Murmansk near the Kola Gulf. It never freezes because of warm Golf Stream. There are many rivers and lakes on the Kola Peninsula. They are: the Ponoy River, the Kola River, the Tuloma River. The biggest lake is Lake Imandra. The biggest mountain range is the Khibiny Mountains. It is situated near the city of Apatity. In summer and in spring there is Polar Day on the Kola Peninsular. In autumn and in winter there is Polar Night in our region.
Правило употребления артикля the с географическими названиями:
Артикль the употребляется с названиями
морей (the Barents Sea), океанов (the Arctic ocean), рек (the Kola River), заливов (the Kola Gulf), течений (the Golf Stream);
горных цепей (the Khibiny Mountains)
сторонами света (the North);
Артикль the не употребляется с названиями
- озер (Lake Imandra)
- городов ( Murmansk)