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- Урок по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме Changes in Nature по учебнику English World 4
Урок по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме Changes in Nature по учебнику English World 4
Ход урока
1 Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you. How are things with you? Today we have a lot of interesting things to do: we`ll listen to the story about the swans and we`ll play a little bit.
2 Подготовка к прослушиванию
Teacher: Listen to my riddle and guess what is it - a large white bird with a long neck that lives near water. That`s right - it is a swan. Let`s learn a tongue twister - Six Silly Swans Swam Silently Seaward( поговорка записана на доске; также на доске вывешены картинки с лебедями.) Look at the pictures and say what you know about these beautiful birds. Describe them, please. Where do they live? What do they eat? Where can we meet them? Good of you! I see that you know a lot about swans.
Now open your books and have a look at the pictures. How many pictures can you see? What can you see in the pictures? ( на доске учитель записывает слова из ответов учеников для наглядной опоры). What do you think the story is about?
At the blackboard there are some new words for you. Repeat them after me and guess the meaning of the words:
Graceful- moving in an attractive way, or having an attractive shape
Nest - a place made or chosen by a bird to lay its eggs in and to make its home in
Steal (stole)- to take smth that belongs to someone else
On the water
To walk towards - to move in a certain direction
To point out - to show something to someone
The best day ever
( ученики повторяют слова за учителем, составляют свои предложения с этими словами, либо играют с этими словами - ученик загадывает слово и спрашивает What is it? Класс пытается отгадать слово It`s a word …)
3 Прослушивание аудиотекста
Teacher: It`s time to listen to the story. Listen and put the pictures in the right order.( Перед первым прослушиванием учитель раздает карточки заранее откопированные из учебника из упражнения 1 на странице 70, разрезает их и выдает каждому ученику. Прослушивая текст, ребята раскладывают картинки перед собой на парте в правильном порядке). Let`s check up your pictures. Well let`s listen to the story again and write the letters of the pictures in order in your student books (упражнение 3 на странице 70)
The next task is to agree or disagree with my statements. These words will help you. Repeat them after me, please( на доске таблица с фразами согласия/несогласия). If the statement is wrong , correct it.
I agree with you.
I disagree with you.
You are right.
You are wrong.
I think you are right.
I can`t agree with you.
Carly and her mum liked to walk in the park.( wrong- her dad)
There were two white swans on the water. (right)
One evening Carly said to the father "Where is the other swan?"(wrong- one afternoon)
The other swan was sitting at the desk.( wrong - on the nest)
The next week they saw a fox near the lake. (right)
The fox stole the eggs. (wrong -did not steal)
The fox frightened and ran away. (right)
It was the worst day for a girl.(wrong- the best day)
4 Этап обсуждения
Teacher: The story is very interesting, isn`t it? Let`s recount it.( учитель раздает разрезанные на отдельные предложения краткий текст истории и ребята раскладывают под каждой картинкой соответствующее предложение, учитель контролирует процесс, проходя по рядам). I will give you the sentences and the task is to put the right sentence under each picture.
Carly and her father liked to walk in the park.
There were always two beautiful white swans on the water.
One day there was only one swan on the lake.
Dad pointed to the reeds. The other swan was sitting on the nest. "We`ll see baby swans" said Dad.
The next week they saw a fox near the lake. It was walking slowly towards the swan`s nest.
The swan saw the fox, stood up and ran angrily. The fox was frightened and ran away.
It was the best day ever. The fox didn`t take the eggs. There were two swans and three little cygnets in the lake.
(После того , как ученики разложили карточки идет проверка в следующем режиме- ученик 1 читает предложение, если оно правильно, то остальные переворачивают карточку текстом вниз и так до последней карточки. Ученик 1 может зачитать весь текст еще раз. Далее ученик 2 и 3 пытаются пересказать , только смотря на картинки , без предложений. Если забыли , то можно перевернуть карточку, прочитать про себя и далее воспроизвести вслух. Тот кто пересказал историю , записывает ее в тетрадь, пока остальные пересказывают).
Thank you for the stories .
5 Заключительная часть
You are very nice and clever! I like your work at the lesson and I like your stories. It was fine! Did you like the lesson? How well did you work at our lesson? Describe your mood.(ученики поднимают смайлики, которые выражают их настроение).
And home you should make up your own story which ends with the words- It Was The Best Day Ever!
Thanks for the lesson. Goodbye!