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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Экология' (10 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Экология' (10 класс)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Обобщить знания о переработке материалов , полученные из предыдущих курсов изучения английского языка. Рассмотреть вопрос о переработке бумаги. Развитие навыков диалогической, монологической речи, письма по теме "Paper Recycling". Развитие навыков чтения аутентичного текста.
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема урока:

Think Green: Paper Recycling.

Тип урока: эвристический

Цели и задачи урока:

  1. Представить полученные из предыдущих курсов знания о процессе переработки (recycling).

  2. Рассмотреть конкретный вопрос: переработка бумаги (paper recycling)

  3. Обобщение изученного материала:

  1. развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи по теме "Paper Recycling";

  2. развитие навыков творческого письма по теме "Paper Recycling";

  3. самостоятельная исследовательская работа "How to Make Your Own Recycled Paper" c применением навыков детального чтения аутентичного текста.

Оборудование: ПК, проектор, карточки-задания, Интернет-ресурсы

Формы и методы:

- фронтальная;

- групповая;

- индивидуальная.

Ожидаемые результаты урока:

- расширение объема знаний по теме;

- развитие самостоятельного мышления.

План урока

  1. Организационно-мотивирующий этап.

  2. Создание учеником СОП по теме "Recycling. The Recycling Loop".

  3. Конкретизировать знания учащихся по теме "Paper Recycling".

  4. Рефлексия.

  5. Информация о домашнем задании.

Ход урока

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия учащихся

  1. Организационно-мотивирующий этап

Good morning! Today we are going to speak about the subject that is known to you from the previous courses. Listen to the song and define the subject (Приложение 1). Be ready to answer my questions. How does the singer think we can save our planet?

Учащиеся пытаются сформулировать тему урока.

  1. Создание учеником СОП по теме "Recycling. The Recycling Loop".

One of the measures to protect the environment is reducing, reusing and recycling. Can you define what recycling means?

Учащиеся дают определение термину "recycling" (фронтальная работа).

The logo of recycling - recycling loop - has the three chasing arrows. What do they mean?

Учащиеся работают в трех группах. Они получают "activity sheets", где даются слова-опоры; задания, которые помогут им полнее изложить свое высказывание (Приложение 2). Представитель от группы излагает общее мнение по одной из стадий процесса переработки.

III. Конкретизировать знания учащихся по теме "Paper Recycling"

I suggest you should read the shred of the article "What is Recycling?" (Приложение 3).Your task is to write a dictionary entry to the term "recycling".

Учащиеся индивидуально выполняют задания в тетрадях и зачитывают свое определение термина "recycling".

Most of us use a product made of paper every day. Paper production represents about 1.2% of the world's total economic output and makes up more than 40% of the composition of landfills. The good news is more and more people are recycling paper.

Each group will receive texts containing information about recycling different paper items. Then, after discussing the material in your own group, make up comprehension questions and address them to your partners. (Приложение 4)

Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают тексты и готовят вопросы на понимание. Группы делятся своей информацией и ведут беседу на основе подготовленных вопросов.

IV. Рефлексия

Now think about the topic of the lesson and respond to the essential question, "Why is it helpful to recycle paper?"

Каждая группа учащихся дает свой ответ.

V. Домашнее задание

а) Complete Paper Recycling Writing Task: Imagine you are a tree. What would be your persuasive message about recycling?

в) Exploring how to make your own Recycled Paper (For additional information refer to the "Recycle It: How to Make Your Own Recycled Paper" available at (Приложение 5)

Приложение 1

Our planet is in trouble

We hear it every day

And yet, we all continue

To throw it all away

We're threatening our future

Endangering our lives

If we don't take some action

Our planet won't survive

Think Green! To save the planet!

Think Green! Do all you can!

Think Green! For all our children!

Think Green! For the race of man!

Recycle all you rubbish

Don't buy things you don't need

Don't kill our perfect planet

To satisfy your greed

If we all put together

Something can be done

If we think green and act fast

The war will soon be won.

Приложение 2

Activity sheets

  1. Слова опоры: rubbish - recycling bins; a recycling truck - recycling facilities - sorting - manufacturing; consumers - recycled materials.

  2. -Recycling (word game)

Plastic, metal





Place the different recyclable items in the different recycling bins:

Aerosol cans, light bulbs, soft drinks, batteries, egg shells, egg cartons, whisky bottles, potato peel, tea bags, pizza boxes, newspapers, coffee jars, ashes, weeds, supermarket bags, drink cartons, olive oil bottles, shampoo bottles, jam jars

  1. Trash Becomes New Products:

Aluminum - cars, foil, doors, windows, frames

Glass - glasses, jars, road filling

Rubber - tires, auto hoses, carpet ;line-height: 150%"> Metal - cans, steel, piping, sewer lids

Cloth - roofing, carpets, blankets, ;line-height: 150%"> Newspapers - boxes, towels, stationary

Plastics - toys, packaging, garbage bags

Приложение 3

What is recycling?

"Reduce, reuse, recycle" is the mantra we often hear every time there's a discussion about recycling. Reducing waste means not only to reduce the volume of waste that goes to the landfills, but it also means decreasing the amount of dangerous chemicals that seep into the soil and pollute the air due to improper waste disposal. Reuse is basically extending the usage of most of the items we have in the house by reusing or donating these items to others in a free recycle group, for example. To complete the cycle, we must do it as part of our lifestyle to purchase and use products made from recycled materials.

At its core recycling is a process. It's a series of activities within a loop, a cycle if you will, that includes, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "the separation and collection of materials that otherwise would be considered waste, the processing and remanufacturing of these items into new products, and the use of the recycled products to complete the cycle."

Приложение 4

Office paper

On average, an officer worker generates a pound and a half of waste every day. Almost all of it can be recycled.

Just over 48% of office paper is recovered for recycling today.

High-grade papers, such as white computer paper, bond and letterhead can be turned back into office paper if it's kept separate from other waste paper. It can also be used to produce tissue paper, paperboard, stationery, magazines and other paper products.

Lower-grade papers such as newsprint, coloured paper, file stock are made into cardboard, tissues, newspaper and toilet paper.


Did you know that it's perfectly fine to recycle magazines, catalogs and other "glossy" publications?

Magazines are made from paper that's been buffed and coated to achieve a glossy appearance. Next, the paper is covered with a white clay that makes colour photographs look more brilliant.

About 20% of magazines are being recycled today. Recycled magazines are used to make newspapers, tissues, writing paper and paperboard. Recycled paper requires only 60% of the energy used to make new paper.


Did you know the newspaper you read today can be recycled up to 7 times?

The average newspaper today is made of about 30 % recycled fiber.

Recycled newspapers can be made into cereal boxes, egg cartons, pencil barrels, grocery bags, tissue paper and many other products, including new newspapers.

Newspaper is a fine insulator. Using recycled newspapers to produce cellulose is widespread.


Once used mainly for products such as breakfast cereal boxes, paperboard is now being used for many other kinds of packaging.

Recycled paperboard is made from 100 per cent recovered fibre, which may include newspapers, magazines, corrugated boxboard, paperboard folding cartons and telephone books.

One side of the recycled paperboard is usually grey in colour.

Like glossy magazines, recycled paperboard often includes a coating to improve its printing surface and provide protection from fingerprints.

Phone books

Every year, new phone books and business directions arrive at your door.

The pages in a phone book are 100% recyclable and are often used to make new phone books.

There are enough phone books created each year to measure 106,700 miles when lined up end to end. This means they would circle around the earth about 4.28 times.

By recycling just 500 books, we could save between 17 and 31 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 463 gallons of oil, 587 pounds of air pollution, 3.06 cubic yards of landfill space and 4,077 kilowatt hours of energy.

Unsolicited Direct Mail

You may think of it as "junk mail", or you may welcome the flyers, catalogs and coupons that appear in your mailbox. It's important to recycle them.

"Mixed paper" is the term used to define the many kinds of paper products that can be collected and recycled from our daily mail.

Unfortunately, recycle rate for direct mail remains low. Many advertisers are now placing a "Recycle Please" reminder on the direct mail pieces they create.

Приложение 5

Инструкция для выполнения исследовательской работы.

Список литературы и ссылки на сайты

Афанасьева О.В., Дж. Дули. Spotlight. Student's book-10. М., Просвещение, 2008. - C. SS4.

- Recycling word game

- What is recycling ?

we think green-Recycling Paper

- How to Make Your Own Recycled paper


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