- Учителю
- Разработка открытого вне классного урока по английскому языку 'The ABC party'
Разработка открытого вне классного урока по английскому языку 'The ABC party'
Первый вечер английского языка проводится в форме утренника. На утреннике организуется несколько игровых конкурсов, цель которых показать, что учащиеся усвоили за первое полугодие обучения английскому языку.
На утренник также приглашаются сказочные герои из некоторых сказок которые помогут провести утренник. Утренник будет проводится ближе к новому году, поэтому оформление тоже будет новогодним.
Тема утренника: «Knowledge is power»
Оформление сцены: пословицы про знания на английском языке.
As good book is a good friend.
A good name is better than gold.
A good fame is better than a good face.
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and parents!
Pupils: Good afternoon.
Teacher: Welcome to our ABC party. The pupils of the 5th forms
have finished the alphabet and now they show you how
they study English, how have they learned letters? Let's
begin our party. (Заходит английский учебник за 5 класс)
ABC book: Hello children!
Pupils: Hello!
ABC book: Do you recognize me?
Pupils: Yes, you are our English book.
ABC book: Of course, I am your first English book, which you read
at the English lessons. I come to your party, because I
want to watch how do you learn English?
Pupils: Welcome to our party and sit down on a throne.
ABC book: Oh, thank you, my dear friends!
(Идет и садится на трон в углу сцену)
Teacher: OK pupils let's show to our ABC book how did you
learn English letters. (Звучит песня ABC и буквы
выходят на сцену у каждого ученика на груди
прикреплена буква на руке рисунок)
1. Letter A: A is for Apples and Apples - trees.
You can see apples on apple - trees.
2. Letter B: B is for Books and for Bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.
3. Letter C: C is for Cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.
4. Letter D: D is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
5. Letter E: E is for Eight and for Eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?
6. Letter F: F is for Flowers: red and blue,
White and yellow and rosy too.
7. Letter G: G is for Girl, and also for Garden.
I see a girl going to the garden.
8. Letter H: H is for Hand. I have two Hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.
9. Letter I: I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
10. Letter J: J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.
11. Letter K: K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little, and it is white.
12. Letter L: L is for Letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.
13. Letter M: M is for May and for May Day,
For March and for Mother's Day.
14. Letter N: N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety - nine
Children, how much is ninety and nine?
15. Letter O: O is for One. One and two is three.
Three little cats are in a tree.
16. Letter P: P is for Pencils. With them I can draw.
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.
17. Letter Q: Q is for Questions: How are you?
How old are you? and How do you do?
18. Letter R: R is for Red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know Fred?
19. Letter S: S is for Street. This is my street.
There are a lot of trees in my street.
20. Letter T: T is for Tick and for Tock.
"Tick - Tock", says the clock.
21. Letter U: U is for Under, but not for At.
"I'm under the tree," says Pat.
22. Letter V: V is in Five and also in Seven,
It is in Twelve and in Eleven.
23. Letter W: W is for Winter when it is cold.
But I like winter and I like cold.
24. Letter X: X is in Six. Let's count up to six!
One, two, three, four, five, six!
25. Letter Y: Y is for a Yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.
26. Letter Z: Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the Zoo. And you?
Teacher: Now, let's sing a song "The ABC"
(Эту песню поют все присутствующие в зале
учащиеся и уходят со сцены. Выходят Незнайка и Знайка)
Neznaika: Znaika look what a beautiful place is here.
Znaika: Certainly, today the pupils of the 5th forms are
celebrating the ABC party. They are showing their
knowledge in English.
Neznaika: It's interesting. Znaika I want to study English too.
Is it difficult?
Znaika: No, it's not difficult. Do you want to watch what
English poems the pupils learn?
Neznaika: Yes.
Znaika: Let's sit and listen. (Выходят ученики и читают стихи)
Pupil 1: Good afternoon, good afternoon
Good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon, good afternoon
I am glad to see you.
Pupil 2: Pussy - cat, Pussy - cat.
Can you catch that big fat rat?
If you catch that bad fat rat,
You will have some milk for that.
Pupil 3: What's your name? What's your name?
Now tell me please.
My name is Ben. My name is Ben.
That's my name.
Pupil 4: Rain on the green grass,
And rain on the tree.
Rain on the house -top,
But not on me.
Pupil 5: When I am ten
I give you a pen.
Then you write,
Like brother Ben.
Pupil 6: I like Sunday best
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less.
Thursday, Friday are not bad,
Saturday is better yet.
But I like Sunday best.
Pupil 7: I have two legs, with which I walk
I have a tongue, with which I talk
And with it too I eat my food,
And tell if it's bad or good.
(Звучит тихая музыка заходят снежная королева и снежинки)
Snow queen: Good afternoon, children.
Pupils: Good afternoon. Welcome to you!
Snow queen: I heard you study English and today you are
celebrating the ABC party. I want to congratulate you
with your party I hope you will be very clever and
polite boys and girls. And I want to read a poem
and then my snowflakes dance to you.
So softly came the snowflakes down
That no one heard, in all the town
And right - side up they landed too
As parachuting elves would do.
So when the morning came surprise!
The world lay white before our eyes
With cotton roof and hills a - blur
And avenues of rabbit fur.
Snow queen: Let's dance my little snowflakes.
(песня Jingle bells поют снежинки)
Teacher: Oh, thank you snow queen and little snowflakes. You
may sit and watch our show. Look pupils. This is
Snow White and seven Dwarfs. (гномики заходят с песней)
Dwarfs: Heigh -ho, Heigh - ho, Heigh - ho
To make your troubles go
Just keep on singing all day long
Heigh - ho, Heigh -ho, Heigh -ho.
Teacher: Good afternoon Snow White. Good afternoon Dwarfs.
Snow White why are you sad? What's the matter?
Snow White: Oh, my Dwarfs begin to study English but they
don't understand the sounds and they confuse the
big letters and the small letters.
Teacher: Oh, don't distress my dear. The pupils help to your
Dwarfs yes, children?
Pupils: Yes, we help them.
(несколько учеников выходят и разбирают буквы на
маленькие и большие. Говорят о некоторых звуках)
Pupil 1: В английском языке 26 букв из них 6 букв гласных и 20
согласных. Каждая гласная буква имеет четыре типа
чтения. Например буква Аа в закрытом слоге читается
как [ӕ] Bat, rat, fat. В открытом слоге читается как [ei]
name, came, table, face. Вместе с буквой r читается как
[a:] car, park, far. А если после идет еще и гласная то
читается как [єә] care, dare.
Pupil 2: А также есть буквы которые объединясь образуют
новый звук это t + h = th [Ѳ] и [ð]
например: this, that, thick, thing
Snow White: Thanks children and now my dwarfs dance and sing a
song for you. (гномики поют и танцуют)
(гномики уходят и выходят лиса Алиса и кот Базилио)
Fox Alice:
Cat Bazilio: Do you speak English?
Do you speak English?
Yes, but just a little bit.
Are you from Chile?
Are you from Chile?
No, I'm not. I'm from Brazil
My name is Basilio
My name is Basilio
What's your name and where're you from?
My name is Alice
My name is Alice
I'm from Washington DC.
I'm glad to meet you
I'm glad to meet you
I'm so glad to meet you too
Fox Alice: ha, ha, ha. Look what a nice place. There are many
pupils I love little boys and girls.
Cat Basilio: Yes, yes I love them too.
Fox Alice: But what are you doing now here?
Pupils: we are celebrating the ABC party.
Fox Alice: Do you know English?
Pupils: Yes, we are.
Cat Basilio: Why do you study English? It is too difficult. I don't
like to study, I like to eat and I like money. Have you
money? Give me money! I am very poor cat.
Pupils: We have not money, but we have knowledges.
Fox Alice: Oh, my dear children, why do you study at school? Let's
go with us. We go to the happy city where not schools,
teachers and grown - ups. You may play all day long.
This is a very nice place.
ABC book: You are bad fox and stupid cat go away and don't
come back to our school. Our pupils are very clever
and want to study.
Fox and Cat: OK, OK we go away but we'll come back. Good -
Teacher: Oh what a bad fox and cat. Don't listen them. Dear
children you know soon the New Year will come to our
country. Do you remember you wrote a letter to Santa
and invited him to ABC party. Santa got your letter and
promise to come to the party. Let's call him.
Pupils: Santa - Claus, Santa - Claus.
Santa - Claus: I am coming, I am coming my little friends. Good
afternoon children. Thank you for your invitation to
your party. I bring you many presents. But at first
you show me how do you learn English? Do you
know any English poems about New Year?
Pupils: Yes. (Выходят ученики и рассказывают стихи)
Pupil 1: This is the season
When children ski
And old Santa Claus
Brings the New Year tree.
Pupil 2: The windows are blue at night
But in the morning they are white
And snowflakes are falling
"Come out" they are calling.
Santa Claus: Good my friends. And now I read some riddles and
you solve its, if you find the right answer the snow is
going. OK let's begin.
A little old woman with twelve children,
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is she? (a year)
It is white, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is it?
What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)
What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella)
Has no legs but just for fun it is always on the run? (a ball)
Santa Claus: Oh, very nice boys and girls! I see you study English
well. I enjoyed your party. You recited poems, sang
songs and danced very well. Now it's my turn to do
something and I know what to do. I've got presents
for you, a present for each one. I hope you'll like
my presents.
Teacher: Thank you Santa. Well our party have finished. Thank
you for all of you.
Pupils: We can read, we can write
We can speak English, too
We love learning English!
And what about you?