• Учителю
  • Сценарий вне классного мероприятия 'Стрекоза и муравей'

Сценарий вне классного мероприятия 'Стрекоза и муравей'

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала



  • Story-teller

  • Ant

  • Grasshopper.

Песня исполняется на мотив «В траве сидел кузнечик». (танец и песня кузнечиков)

1. There was once a grasshopper.

There was once a grasshopper.

In thick grass he was sitting,

Like cucumber, so green.

Remember, my friend.

Remember, my friend.

In thick grass

He was sitting.

Remember, my friend.

Remember, my friend.

Like cucumber, so green.

2. His food was only green grass.

His food was only green grass

He wouldn't touch an insect.

He made good friends with flies.

Remember, my friend.

Remember, my friend.

He wouldn't touch an insect.

Remember, my friend.

Remember, my friend.

He made good friends with flies.


Storry-teller: It is summer now. The day is hot and sunny. An Ant is working near its little house.

Ant : Oh, how hot it is ! I am very tired.

Grasshopper: Hello, Ant ! What are you doing?

Ant : Hello, Grasshopper! I am working.

Grasshopper: Why are you working? The day is hot. Stop working.

Ant: No,no. Winter will come soon. Where shall I get food then?

Grasshopper: I don't like winter. I like summer. Look how I can dance. (dancing).

I don't like to work in summer.

Ant: But you must ! What will you eat in winter?

Grasshopper: I don't want to think of winter. Good-bye, Ant! I shall sing and dance (goes away,dancing).


Story-teller : It is winter now. It is very cold. The sun doesn't shine.

The grasshopper is cold and hungry.

Grasshopper: Oh, how cold it is ! I am cold and hungry. What can I do? ....

Oh, here is the Ant's house.(he knocks at the door)

Ant: (comes out) Who is there?

Grasshopper: It's me , the Grasshopper.

Ant: What do you want?

Grasshopper: I am cold and hungry. Give me something to eat.

Ant: You danced and sang all summer, Grasshopper. Now dance and sing all winter.


Внеклассное мероприятие сопровождается музыкальным оформлением и показом презентации басни Крылова «Стрекоза и муравей», что является аналогом английской сказки «Муравей и кузнечик».


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