- Учителю
- РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по английскому языку «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition» для учащихся 7 класса
РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по английскому языку «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition» для учащихся 7 класса
Тема : Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers' Competition.
Цель урока: - научить уч-ся начать беседу со сверстниками из разных стран
Задачи урока:
1. Научить уч-ся начать и вести диалог «Знакомство»(представиться, расспросить партнера)
2. целенаправленно расспрашивать партнера в соответствии с ролевой игрой.
3. называть континенты, страны и города, языки, на которых говорят на нашей планете.
4. выражать свое мнение по поводу необходимости изучать английский язык.
Наглядные пособия и оборудование: ПК, интерактивная доска, мни флаги разных стран, бейджики , входные билеты с географическими названиями, рисунки «часы»,
1 . Орг.момент.Приветствие.
Уч-ся с придуманными именами получают входные билеты с географическими названиями и рисунки часов.
At the RECEPTION проходят регистрацию, находят и получают свои флаги.
Посадить участников по своим билетам: разделение на Countries/ Seas and Oceans/Continents/Rivers and Lakes/
2. Речевая зарядка
Timed Round Robin." T: Say "Hello" to each other and introduce yourself, make partners' acquaintance please, following this plan . Students 1 begin
name/country/age/hobby (30 секунд)
For example, my name is Ramzia, I am from Russia, I am 42, I like travelling and swimming.
Now, it is time to introduce yourself:2. Take Off- Touch Down
-Please stand up ,whose country is in Europe: (Ришат, Расим, Ильнур,Айнур,Алсу)
-Please stand up who is from the biggest country:(Ислам, Равиль)
-Introduce yourself, who is from the country where the gadgets are highly developed: (Алина, Файруза)
- Do the same, if your country is full of sun and sea, if there are a lot of resorts: (Гулина, Лейсан)
- Stand up and say hello if the winter sport are so popular in your country:( З.Лейла, Фанзил)
- Please, stand up and say hello finalists from countries where English is as the official language: ( Зухра, Зульфия, Ср.Лейла)
Ребята по услышанному вопросу должны вставать и представиться соблюдая план.
T: Dear participants, we have guests today, let's ask them who are they, where are they from?
С каждого стола задают вопросы гостям.( ученики № 2 задают вопросы)
1.What are your names?
2. Where are you from?
3. How old are you?
4. What are your hobbies?
Слайд 5
T: Thank you ! Welcome to our meeting! I see that we have many participants from all over the world today. These are the places from where the finalists came. Let's read the list of countries again, please, all together. ( на доске страны).
Thanks a lot.
T: Well tell me now, please, which of them is used with the article "the"
who wants to answer?
(Предполагаемый ответ Р1 we use "the " in names with "republic", "kingdom", "states", "federation"
P2 We don't normally use "the" with the names of places.
For example, continents ---Europe, Asia, North America, Africa
Countries--- France, Japan, Brazil, New Zealand
cities and towns----Paris, Samara, Moscow, London.
T: Well done, excellent, thank you.
3 Активизация РО "to be famous for"и ЛЕ по теме.
T: Guys, you are ready to communicate with each other, you know your names, where you are from, so it is time to communicate. Now, you have your new partners to communicate, so let's talk about countries again.
(Single Round Robin) Well, using the phrasal verb " to be famous for" make a sentence about your own country and say it turn by turn. Pupils №3 start, that means you share your answers. Go round, please.
Excellent, well done.
Now you can meet with your new partner at 3 o'clock and discuss what your country is famous for. (Clock Buddies) P1------P2
T: Thank your partners.
T: Guys, will you answer my next questions? You know English is very popular in all over the world, they say it is Global language. Now, with your new partner at 6 o'clock, please discus about how long has he \she been studying English? (Clock Buddies) P1------P2
Well done , thank you . You also don't forget to thank your partners .
4 Закрепление МФ "Why do you study /learn English? I study/ learn English because…. в речи
T: So, you also study English, name please some reasons why do you study it. Everybody has own reason why he\or she studies English.
(Think-write-Round -Robin). Well, firstly, you think a little, then you write down your ideas . You are given a list of paper , write down there.
After that , you may share with your partners in front of you ,I mean face to face .
(Ребята должны подумать, написать , затем обсудить с партнером напротив)
T: Is it all right? if so, let's go ahead. I wish you to have more ideas about learning English. So please, stand up and go around the classroom. (Stir the class) You will hear music, you can move in the classroom, you may dance if you want, but if music stops , you should find the nearest partner to you , you make new pair, and you will ask him or her why does he \she study English? Then you should write partners' ideas in your paper. OK? So more you move and gain new ideas, more you will know about it. ( собрать 2-3 идеи от учащихся)
5 . Итоги урока. Домашнее задание
T:Well done guys, thank you very much, thank your partners again, take your places. You have had a hard working day, I appreciate your participating, you will get marks, now your home work will be: to know the names of countries, languages and people all around the world. Good-bye, see you later.