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- Конспект урока в 8 классе Sightseeings of London
Конспект урока в 8 классе Sightseeings of London
Конспект урока английского языка
в 8 классе
по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона».
Цели урока:
социокультурный аспект
- знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.
развивающий аспект
- развитие способности к извлечению информации о достопримечательностях Лондона;
- развитие способности к обобщению при формулировании грамматического правила;
- развивать умения работы на компьютере;
3) учебный аспект
- совершенствование грамматических навыков (косвенные вопросы);
- контроль умения читать с извлечением конкретной и полной информации;
4) воспитательный аспект
- воспитание уважения к памятникам культуры.
- CD с обучающей программой;
- мультимедийный проектор;
- компьютеры;
- карточки с вопросами;
- грамматические таблицы.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Good morning, children.
Say, good morning to our quests.
Sit down, please.
II. Речевая зарядка (warming-up).
Let us begin our lesson.
Today we'll speak about the sights of the capital of the United Kingdom England, revise some grammar material and write a final test. The computer will help you to do such work.
1) Tell me what city is the capital of the UK and England?
2) I wonder what you know about London.
- London is the largest city in Europe.
- The population of London is about 8 mln. People.
- There are many places of interest in London.
3) Can you tell me what places of interest attract many tourists to London? Name the sight of London you know.
Pay attention to the pronunciation of these words. (повторяют).
4)I'd like to know what place of interest you would to visit?
III. Grammar.
I. (применение обучающей программы "Professor Higgins ")
I have asked you the questions beginning with "I wonder, I'd like to know, Can you tell me".
What are these questions called?
The reported Questions.
Now you'll revise how to ask such questions and practise to ask them.
You should follow my commands. If you are ready, please raise your hands.
Click start,
Find Unit 50.
Click 2 times on it.
Open Theory and read it.
Use Pg Down or the mouse to look through the Theory.
II. (После повторения теории с экрана компьютера)
1) Косвенные вопросы - это вопросы, которые начинаются:
I want to know
Do you know
Could you tell me
Tell me
I'd like to know
I wonder
2) На что нужно обратить внимание при составлении таких вопросов?
3) Let's start.
III. You have 3 attempts to write the correct answer. If you are wrong three times, the computer will write the answer in red.
(Демонстрация правильности выполнения упражнения через мультимедийный проектор )
4) Be attentive. Don't be in a hurry. Please, start. If you have some problems, call me, and I'll help you. Ok?
IV. (Выполнение упражнений)
After finishing the exercise call me, please.
IV. London. Sightseeing Tour.
I. (Использование презентации в PowerPoint)
You have worked hard. Now it's, high time to make an excursion to London and learn more about its places of interest.
The computer will be your guide.
You'll have to read 10 small texts about the sights of London.
You have the sheets of paper that contain 10 questions. Read them please. (Читают вопросы).
After reading each text you must answer the question about it.
Press F5 to start the excursion.
Use arrows or the click of the mouse to continue the excursion.
The underlined words are translated for you.
1 minute for the text.
Write down the answer.
II. Excursion.
III. Now I'll give the cards to each of you. You'll have to ask the reported questions to your neighbour about this or that place of interest.
IV. Озвучивание посланий.
V. Тест.(задания теста составлены с помощью программы TestMaker)
I At last it's high time to write a final test and get a mark.
Today the computer will give you marks.
Close everything.
Open English Tests.
Write down your surname and name, class.
Choose the test.
Choose the right answer click here.
You'll have 3 types of questions.
To choose 1 variant
To write the answer
Look at the picture.
Are you ready?
Start the test.
VI. Итог урока.
Your marks for today are the following.(cообщение оценок)
We have got more information about London places of interest, have written the test.
You home task for the next lesson is to make up a crossword about the sights of London.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
"London Sightseeing Tour"
Form 8.
Read the texts and answer the questions.
1. What building is situated near Trafalgar Square?_____________________________________
2. Where is the Whispering Gallery?________________________________________________
3. What place is famous for its night life?____________________________________________
4. What is the symbol of Britain?___________________________________________________
5. Where are the famous writers buried?__________________________________________
6. What place is famous for its Speaker's Corner?______________________________________
7. Where does the British Queen live?_______________________________________________
8. Where do political and other demonstrations take place?______________________________
9. What building is a museum of arms now?__________________________________________
10. What place is near Buckingham palace?__________________________________________