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  • Методический материал для проведения урока по теме 'Работа с песней', 5 класс.

Методический материал для проведения урока по теме 'Работа с песней', 5 класс.

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The wind of change.

  1. Before Listening.

About the group.

Scorpions is the German rock-group.

It is founded in Germany in 1965.

It is the most popular rock-group in Germany.


  • Blow [blou] - дуть

  • The freedom bell - колокол свободы

  • Wind of change - ветер перемен

  • Follow [folou] - следовать

  • Glory - слава

  • Children of tomorrow - дети завтрашнего дня

  • Bury [beri] - прятать, скрывать

  • Straight [streit] - прямой, честный

  • Face of time - лицо времени

  1. Answer my questions.

  • Have you heard this song?

  • What do you think the song is about?

  • The title of this song is "The wind of change". What does it mean to your mind?

  • This song is connected with the Moskva. How? What do you think about?

  1. "The children of tomorrow:"
    How do you understand this expression?
    Are you "the children of tomorrow?" Why?

  1. Listen to the song and match list A to list B:

List A

List B

1. I follow the Moskva

a) like brothers

2. An August summer night

b) down to Gorky Park

3. The world is closing in

c) dream away

4. That we could be so close

d) wants to say

5. Walking down the street

e) and did you ever


6. Take me to the magic of the moment

f) on a glory night

7. Where the children of tomorrow

g) soldiers passing by

8. The wind of change blows straight

h) that will ring the

freedom bell

9. Like a storm wind

10. What my guitar

i)distant memories

j) into the face of time

  • Insert the missing words in their place:

  • I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park
    Listening to …
    An August summer night soldiers passing by

  • Listening to the wind of change
    The world … in and did you ever think
    That we could be so close …
    The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere

  • Blowing with the wind of change
    Take me to … of the moment … night
    Where … dream away

  • In the wind of change
    Walking down the street … memories
    Are buried … forever
    I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park

  • Listening to the wind of change
    The wind of change … into …
    Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell

    Let your balalaika sing what … wants to say

  • Put the parts of the song in the right order:

  • 3.Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
    Where the children of tomorrow dream away
    In the wind of change

  • 4. Walking down the street distant memories
    Are buried in the past forever
    1. I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park
    Listening to the wind of change

  • I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park
    Listening to the wind of change
    An August summer night soldiers passing by

  • Listening to the wind of change
    5. The wind of change blows straight into the face of time
    Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
    For peace of mind

  • Let your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say
    2. The world is closing in and did you ever think
    That we could be so close like brothers
    The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere
    Blowing with the wind of change

The wind of change

I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in and did you ever think
That we could be so close like brothers
The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change


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