- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку 5 класс Биболетова («Эти удивительные прилагательные») . 'Good to have a friend. ' «Хорошо иметь
Открытый урок по английскому языку 5 класс Биболетова («Эти удивительные прилагательные») . 'Good to have a friend. ' «Хорошо иметь
Дата проведения урока: 2.03.2015
Класс: 5 а (четвертый год обучения), " Enjoy English", М.З.Биболетова, М. Дрофа, 2008 г.
Количество учащихся в классе: 12 чел.
Количество учащихся на уроке: 12 чел.
Тема урока: These Amazing [ æ'meizinђ] [ æ"dзiktiv]Adjectives» («Эти удивительные прилагательные»). "Good to have a friend." «Хорошо иметь друга». Тип урока: урок закрепления и обобщения полученных знаний.
слайд №1
Цели урока:
• образовательные:
• обобщение и систематизация пройденного материала;
• развитие умений составлять сообщение по речевым образцам;
• совершенствование навыков говорения, чтения и письма.
• Развивающие:
• развитие мышления, умения сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы, планировать свое высказывание;
• развитие способностей работать в группе, достигать согласия, приходить к единому мнению;
• развитие познавательного интереса.
• Воспитательные:
• воспитывать культуру общения;
• воспитывать чувство товарищества;
• поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация «Adjectives», мультфильм «Чебурашка и крокодил Гена», иллюстрации со сказочными персонажами, карточки, записи на доске.
Ход урока:
• 1. Организационный момент.
- Good morning! Good morning! Good morning, to you!
- Good morning! Good morning! I am glad to see you!
Учитель:good moning!- i am very glad to see you.let;s say…- good morning to our guest.boys, say to girls «sit down,please" girls say:"thanks"
I am very glad to see you. I think you will like our lesson, because it will be interesting. I would like to remember [ri'membә the engl ish sounds and words,
But first of all i would like to talk about friendship
one and two
I and you
one and two
who are you?
Let's talk about friendship.
T:Hi! what's your name? Do you have friend? How many friend have you got? What is his name?What should be a true friend.?P:He must be honest['onist] чест.. ready to help and not jealous['dзеlәs] не завистливый
Teacher: It is right. Good,
Thank you, children.
2. Фонетическая зарядка .
Учитель: Look at the blackbord, please.
. Let's repeat English sounds and pronunciation слайд №4
[u:] Stupid
[ai] shy
[ə] polite
[əʊ] sociable
[ai] kind
[e] friendly
[ɒ] responsible
[k] curious
[u:] rude
[oi] noisy
[ei] brave
3. Слова на доске. Let's play an interesting game.It called «What is missing?»You can see cards on the blackboards.How many cards can you see? (seven.. cards)Can you read the words?
Try to remember[ri'membә the words.Now close+ your eyes.Open your+ eyes.What is missing?You are right. It is the words….
honest['onist] честный, not jealous['dзеlәs] не завистливый, ready to help-готовый помочь understanding,caring,sociable,talkative,
4.Активизация навыков аудирования.
(посылка)Oh, look, what have we got! It is a parcel. Do you know what is there in the box? Let us] open it and see.
(мультфильм) It is cartoon. Let's watch a cartoon.
Cheburashka search a friend
.Учитель: What do you think?W hat is at stake in the cartoon?
Ученик:About friendship.
Oh, there are oranges and Cheburashka! ( игрушка). And there is a letter there. Shall we read it?
1. My dear friend!
Are you hppay ?
Are you das?
Are you ngary?
Are you dagl?
Your friend Shapocklyak.
Учитель:What does it mean? Look, Gheburashka is sad. Let's help Cheburashka to read it correctly[kә'rektli]. We shall work in three groups today. Group 1, group 2 and group 3.
Task 1.Rearrange [riə'reɪnʤ] -переделать the letters and find out the words.
Fill in the gaps [gæps] заполнить пропуски and read. Cheburashka will answer the questions:
Are you …?
Are you…?
Are you …?
Are you …?
Ask[a:sk] Shapocklyak the questions.
Are you happy?
Are you sad?
Are you angry?
Are you glad?
Task 2.
Well, children, we shall help Cheburashka to find friends today. Look at the blackboard and read these words.Then match the words to their translation (по группам).
Kind- вежливый
Shy добрый
Polite- общительный
Sociable- скромный
Lazy- глупый
Responsible- ответственный
Clever- ленивый
Stupid- умный
Noisy- шумный
Curious- грубый
Rude- любопытный
Brave- храбрый
Thank you, children. So, the theme of our lesson is «These Amazing Adjectives». You can use adjectives to describe people and things, someone's character. [kaerikte]For example, I'm Zubaidat Murzaevna I'm kind and sociable.
Describe our characters [kaeriktes (Cheburashka, Gena and Shapocklyack), using these adjectives. I give you 2 minites(Карточки с прилагательными).
The first group - describe Cheburashka
The second group - describe Shapocklyack
The third group - describe Gena
Task 3.
Read a short message['mesidз] from Gena, the Crocodile, about his friends.
Shapocklyack is stupid and rude, but sociable.
Cheburashka is shy and polite, but noisy sometimes.
Now, the first group: talk all the negative adjectives from the text.
The second group: talk all the positive adjectives.
The third group: You will be our experts.['ekspe:t] Check and say are these groups right or wrong.[rong]неправ
+ _
Clever lazy
Are you tired? Relaxation let'sing a song
I`m H-A-P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m H-A-P-P-Y.
I`m (clap) -A-P-P-Y
I`m (clap) A-P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure[∫ue]уверен I am.
I`m (clap) -A-P-P-Y.
I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y
I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap) -P-P-Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap) -P-Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) -Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) -Y
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap) -Y
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
I know I am, I`m sure I am.
I`m (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
Task 4. Read and translate:
Cheburashka is kind . Shapocklyack is unkind .
Cheburashka is polite. Shapocklyack is impolite .
Gena is responsible. Shapocklyack is irresponsible
- Who is who? Look at the pictures, read and say who is unkind, impolite, irresponsible (ответы учащихся: Shapocklyack is ...). Thank you, children. But, you see, Shapocklyack is not as bad as you think. She wants to be good, kind and polite and have friends like you. Let's make her such person.[pesn] (Учащиеся складывают отрицательные приставки в корзину).
Great! I see you're good students! Look at the picture. Cheburashka, Gena and Shapocklyack have become friends. Now they are going to travel together. Let's write some short letters to them.
Task 5. Закрепление навыков письма.
The first group - to Cheburashka.
The second group - to Shapocklyack.
The third group - to Gena, using these adjectives.
Read your letters to the class.
• Подведение итогов урока.
• Оценивание.
• Домашнее задание. I know you like fairy tales and cartoons. At home write a short composition about your favourite characters like Thumbelina, Winnie-the Poor, Little Red Riding Hood, Neznaika and so on, using these adjectives. Слайд №7
Dear children, we have just talked about friends. Of course, it is not easy to have a good friend and to be a good friend. I'm sure you're good friends and your friends are good too.
Tell me, please, did you like our lesson? If you liked it put oranges into this box. If you didn't like it put lemons into that box. (Раздать карточки с лимонами и апельсинами). Thank you.
6. Рефлексия:
The more we are together,together,together
The more we together,The happier we are.
For your friend is my friend .And my friend is your friend
Подведение итогов урока.
Каковы были ваши действия и чувства на уроке, закончите предложения: Мне удалось…
Я затруднялся….
Мне было легко и интересно…
• Оценивание.
Receive[ri'si:v] today mark…
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good-bye, everybody!
- Raise your head. (поднимите голову)
Jump up high. (подпрыгните)
Wave your hands (Помашите рукой)
And say "Good-bye" The lesson is over.