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  • Урок английского языка по ПДД (5 класс)

Урок английского языка по ПДД (5 класс)

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

ФИО: Стрелкова Татьяна Юрьевна

Должность: учитель английского языка

Адрес: г. Бирск, ул. Мира, 144-85

Телефон: 8-917-464-37-58

Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Тема: «Road Safety Rules»

Цели: - обобщение знаний по теме «Транспорт»;

  • развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме: «В городе»;

  • совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода;

  • тестирование знаний правил дорожного движения.

Дидактический материал: макет светофора, схема данных статистики, картинки «Виды транспорта», картинки «Перекрёсток», плакаты с предложениями с пропущенными словами для работы в группах, текст «Метро», карточки с разрезными предложениями.

Оборудование: магнитофон, запись мелодии песни «The more we think of safety», телевизор, видеомагнитофон, видеозапись диалога «В такси», компьютеры, программированные задания теста.

Ход урока.

1. Приветствие

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!

Pupils: Good morning, Tatjyana Yurjevna!

Teacher: Let's greet our guests.

Pupils: How do you do!

Teacher: Sit down, please.

2. Цели урока

Teacher: Children, look around. Does our classroom look like a crossroad? We can even see a traffic light here. Why? What do you think?

Pupil: We'll speak about transport and traffic in towns and cities.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. And we'll speak about Road Safety Rules. Do you think it is important?

Pupil: Yes, I do, I think it is very important.

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Pupil: Because a lot of accidents take place on the roads.

Teacher: That's it. Look at the blackboard. Every year … accidents take place in our town. … people die. Among victims there are … children. That is why it is important to remember Road Safety Rules. The more we think of safety the safer we shall be. Let's sing our song.

3. Фонетическая зарядка «THE MORE WE THINK OF SAFETY»

The more we think of safety,

Of safety, of safety,

The more we think of safety,

The safer we shall be.

For Safety is your friend,

And Safety is my friend,

The more we think of safety,

The safer we shall be.

4. Повторение лексики

Teacher: All right. Thank you. And what are the main two parts of the traffic?

Pupil: Pedestrians and transport.

Teacher: Good. Let's revise the words meaning transport. I'll explain what is drawn in my pictures and you'll guess what it is. Use any of these phrases while you are answering:

I think …

I believe …

I suppose …

To my mind …

In my opinion …

If I m not mistaken …

As for me …

1. It has got four wheels. It carries people around towns and cities.

(I think it is a bus.)

2. It looks like a bus but it uses electricity.

(To my mind it is a trolley bus.)

3. It has got two wheels. It can carry one or two people.

(If I am not mistaken it is a bike.)

4. It has got four wheels. It can carry 4 or 5 people from town to town. It is very convenient to

have … what?

(I believe it is very convenient to have a car.)

5. It is comfortable. It carries a lot of people from town to town. It is very fast.

(To my opinion it is a train.)

6. It has got wings. It can fly. It is very fast and comfortable.

(I am sure it is a plane.)

7. This vehicle can sail. It is slow. What is it?

(I suppose it is a ferry.)

5. Проверка домашнего задания

Teacher: You know that many English children take the school bus to get to school. And how do

you get to school? Say how long it takes you to get there. It was your homework, you


Pupil 1: As for me I walk to school because I live not very far from it. It takes me about ten mi-

nutes to get to school.

Teacher: What time do you leave home?

Pupil 1: I leave home at about 7.45 or 8.00.

Teacher: Thank you. P.2, please.

Pupil 2: My father drives to his work and he takes me with him. It is very fast. It takes about 5

minutes to get to school by car.

Teacher: And what about your back way home from school? Do you go home by car too?

Pupil 2: That's a pity. My father returns home from his work later. So I have to go home on foot

after classes.

Teacher: I see. Don't be sorry, it is good for your health. P.3, what about you?

Pupil 3: I live far from my school. That's why I get to school by bus. I get off at Victory Park. It

takes me 15 minutes to get from home to school.

Teacher: Do you have a month ticket?

Pupil 3: Yes, my mother buys it for me every month. It is convenient.

Pupil 4: As for me I don't like to wait for the bus. Besides I think it is rather expensive. So I go

to school on foot.

Teacher: Do you count how much you safe if you go on foot?

Pupil 4: I think I safe almost 300 roubles a month.

Teacher: It's really great. Thank you.

6. Интервью с гостями

Teacher: Let's ask our guests how they get to their work. Who wants to interview our guests?

Pupil 5: - Do you go to your work by bus or on foot?

- How long does it take you to get to your work?

- What is your favourite means of transport? Why?

Thank you.

7. Диалогическая речь

Teacher: Last lesson we learnt to take a taxi. Let's remember the dialogue. Watch the video.


  • Are you free?

  • Where would you like to go?

  • Can you take me to the town centre?

  • No problem.

  • How far is it from here?

  • It will take us 10 minutes to get there.

  • How much is the fare?

  • 45 roubles.

  • Here are 50 roubles. Keep the change.

  • Thanks. Good-bye.

  • Bye.

Teacher: Now, boys and girls, give me English equivalents:

Сдачи не надо. Куда бы вы хотели поехать?

Сколько это стоит?

Не могли бы вы отвезти меня в центр города?

Вы свободны?

Let's act it out all together. Boys will say the part of a taxi-driver and girls - of a passenger. Now who wants to come up to the blackboard to do some tasks? P.1, this task is for you and, P.2, that one is for you. Are there volunteers to act out the dialogue for a mark?

8. Работа в парах

Teacher: Now we'll work in pairs. Your task is to describe pictures according to the plan. I'll

give you 3 minutes to get ready.

Picture 1: What does the picture show?

Is it a city or a town?

What can you see in the picture?

What are the people doing?

Is there a traffic light at the crossroad?

Who controls the traffic?

Picture 2: What can you see in the picture?

What are the people doing?

What transport do you see?

Can you see a traffic light?

Do you always cross the street when the light is green?

Picture 3: What can you see in the picture?

Who controls the traffic?

What transport do you see?

What is the woman with the pram going to do?

Is there a traffic light there?

Picture 4: What does the picture show?

Is it a railway station or an airport?

Describe the train.

What do trains do?

Do you like to go by train? Why?

Picture 5: What does the picture show?

Is it a railway station or an airport?

What do you see in the airport?

What are the people doing?

Have you ever traveled by plane?

Do you like to go by plane? Why?

Teacher: The time is up. Let's listen to … and … .

Thank you. … and …, describe your picture.

9. Работа в группах

Teacher: Now we shall work in groups. This is the first group and that is the second. Look at

these sentences. Your task is to fill in the missing words.

1) Travelling by (bicycle) is very economical.

2) Travelling by (train) is good for the environment.

3) The (buses) are usually on time.

1) Travelling by (car) is the most comfortable.

2) The (plane) is the fastest mean of transport.

3) Travelling by (ferry) is slow but exciting.

Teacher: Let's check. Read your sentences in turn. Thank you. Go to your places.

10. Работа с текстом Teacher: Well. Speaking of different means of transport we haven't mentioned a subway. Let's learn about it from the text. Go to your computers. Switch them on. The text is called " Do you know what a subway is? " First look at the new words and read them after me:

railroad- железнодорожный; almost - почти; to cut down - сокращать. Listen to the text. Read and translate one by one.


A subway is an underground railroad system. Many people take the subway to get around in a city. Today almost every important city has a subway system. Taking the subway is more convenient than driving in a big city. And it also helps to cut down the traffic.

Teacher: Answer the questions: 1) What is a subway? 2) Is there a subway in our town? 3) Have you ever been in a subway? 4) What do you think of a subway? 11. Зарядка Teacher: Who controls traffic on the roads? Pupil: A militiaman. Teacher: Let's have a rest. Imagine that you are militiamen. Stand up, please. What militia signals do you know? Show the sign corresponds to the green light. Show the sign that forbids crossing the street that is corresponds to the red light. Which signal corresponds to the amber light? Thank you. Sit down, please. 12. Тест Teacher: Children, what are traffic rules for? Pupil: There are rules for pedestrians and drivers. People must follow them to be safe.

Teacher: Now we'll check how well you know them. You will do a test. While some of you are working with computers others will do the following task: make up questions. Then you will change over and the task for those who has done the test is to form the answers.


1) Where must pedestrians walk in the street? A) on the right side of the pavement B) along the road C) on the left side of the pavement D) in the middle of the road 2) Where must people cross the street? A) at any place they want B) where there is a militiaman C) at any crossroads D) at zebra-crossings 3) What colours has a traffic light? A) red, black, green B) white and black C) red, amber, green D) yellow, red, grey 4) What traffic light forbids crossing the street? A) green B) red C) amber D) yellow 5) At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle in the street? A) at the age of 10 B) at the age of 11 C) at the age of 12 D) at the age of 14 Key: 1a; 2d; 3c; 4b; 5d. Task 1. Make up questions. / Ученики получают конверты с разрезными предложениями / travelling / the / fastest / what / way / is / of? by / prefer / to / what / you / do / travel? must / what / people / on / the road / remember? on the / children / must not / road / what / do? Task 2. Make up the sentences. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. I prefer to travel by train. People must remember traffic rules. Children must not play on the road. 13. Стихи Teacher: To remember traffic rules forever we have learnt some poems by heart. Let's recite them.

Jolly school days have begun, Time for work and time for fun, Traffic lights we must obey, When we cross the streets each day.

Stop! Look! Listen! Before you cross the street Use your eyes, use your ears And then use your feet.

When you cross a thoroughfare Be attentive, walk with care. Look, my friends, with all your might To your left, then to your right.

When a light of green you see Traffic's open to you and me. When the traffic light is red - Stop! You mustn't go ahead!

Not to lose your hands or feet Do not play games in the street.

14. Итоги. Домашнее задание. Комментирование оценок.

Teacher: I hope you will remember and follow all these rules. I think our lesson was very useful for you. I like your work today. Everybody has got a mark. Open your record-books, write down your homework for the next lesson. Your task is to draw a picture and describe it. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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