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  • разработка урока по теме Teenagers'problems (11 класс)

разработка урока по теме Teenagers'problems (11 класс)

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Цель: 1. Обобщить, расширить знания учащихся по теме "Проблемы подростков"; практиковать учащихся в чтении, аудировании и письме. Активизировать навыки и умения устной речи на основе изученного тематического материала; Повторить грамматический материал Gerund и автоматизи
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: Teenagers'problems

Цель: 1. Обобщить, расширить знания учащихся по теме "Проблемы подростков"; практиковать учащихся в чтении, аудировании и письме. Активизировать навыки и умения устной речи на основе изученного тематического материала; Повторить грамматический материал Gerund и автоматизировать его в речи;
2. Развивать познавательную активность учащихся; способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся;
3. Воспитывать толерантное отношение к собеседнику; прививать интерес к изучению английского языка;
Тип урока: комбинированный
Оборудование: компьютерный класс, компьютерное обеспечение: Power point, синтезатор речи, тестовая программа, сеть Интернет, карты, тестовые задания, аудио файлы.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент

The topic of our discussion is the problems of youth in our society. We will discuss a critical look at what's like being sixteen.

The aims of our lesson is as follows: you will have an opportunity to practice English in listening, reading, writing and speaking as well. We also will revise our grammar material - Gerund.


1) Речевая зарядка (режим T-Class)

It is very interesting to know your point of view about some questions:

- Is there аny difference between your own priorities and your parents' ones?

- What about you?

- Who establish priorities in your family you or your parents?

- What about your family priorities?

- Do your parents worry about your interests?

- What about your parents?

2) Лексико-фонетическая зарядка

(с использованием синтезатора речи. Режим синтезатор - клас)

Now let's remember the words, word combinations and phrases which we have learned on the topic.

Listen and repeat, please.

Lack - lack of support - lack of recognition - lack of money - lack of real friend

Relation - relationships with friends - relationships with parents

Trust - trustworthy - trustworthiness

Psychological - psychological development

Priorities - to establish priorities

Do you remember these words? Translate the words:

lack of support

relationships with friends


to establish priorities


3) Your homework was ex. 4 p. 207

(Проверка домашнего задания с использованием синтезатора речи)

Listen and explain the meanings of the following words. Use synonyms.

rebellious - cheeky - clumsy and awkward - scruffy - too self-assured or cocky - afraid to be seen as losers - scared of being lonely, bulling or rejected

You have done your homework rather well.

4) Автоматизация лексики по теме в режиме P1 - Ps, P2- Ps

You have explained the meaning of the adjectives. Now ask your peer's opinion about these traits of a teenager character.

rebellious - Do you agree that teens can be rebellious? Some of them are rebellious but most of them are loyal and steady due to their upbringing.

cheeky - Why are the teens cheeky? I think they are self-conscious and worry about looking better than their peers.

Scruffy - Are the teens scruffy or tidy? It depends on their tastes because it can be the expression of their individuality and inner world. Also there is a proverb Tastes differ.

afraid to be seen as losers Who is afraid to be seen as losers?

Most peers are ambitious, high fliers and contended. Some of our classmates seems to be like that.

scared of being lonely, bulling or rejected - Do teens scare of being lonely, bulling or rejected? Of course, I completely agree with this question when it comes to these problems the adolescents suffer a lot and need the support of parents, teachers and friends not to feel lonely and bulling or rejected.

Thanks for your conversation. You have used 5 types of questions in a right way. Check up your tests. What are your results?

Who has the best results? 100% 90% 80%

If your score less than 50% then make up the test again and listen to your classmates' answers attentively.

Look through the answers and explain your mistakes.

Who has done the test with the excellent results Put 5 types of questions using the sentences on the screen

1. It isn't easy being sixteen.

2. It is a time of conflicting feelings and desires.

3. Do you look forward to meeting with your friends?

4. Peers enjoy spending much free time with friends.

5. Playing computer games, socializing and doing sports are the most popular teenagers'activities.

Ask each other these questions and answer them. P- P-P-P-Речевая ситуация (робота в групах)


GROUP-WORK. Let's discuss our topic. The first group - you are teenagers. The second group - you are parents. The third group you are the psychologists.

Parents ask your questions to the psychologists and teenagers.

Parent 1 - What are the typical problems for teens? - Sasha, do you agree with this opinion?

Teen1 - Kate, do you agree with me?

Parent 2 Do family problem influence the teenagers? - Dima, what do you think about it?

Parent 3. What are the reason of crimes committed by teenagers?

Parent 4. How can we solve the problems connected with teens?

GRAMMAR REVISION (грамматическая схема на экране)

RELAXATION (listen and enjoy the song about youth)

Have you heard this song before?

Is this song popular within teenagers?

Do the tastes of young people differ from adults 'ones?



Before listening the article draw attention to these words and word combinations.


To look forward to


Hang around

Tent to be

You are going to hear 3 different teenagers talking about what they do at weekends. Before you listen, read the statements below. As you listen, for each speaker 1-3 decide which opinion A-F they express. There are 1 statements that don't match any of the speakers.

Listen to three speakers attentively and then make up a computer test.

Speaker 3

The truth is, I really look forward to the weekend, and then when it finally arrives, most of the time I'm completely exhausted. So then when all my friends start calling up, 'Where are we going tonight?' and so on, I end up staying in, being very lazy, maybe just watching a bit of TV, a film on DVD, something like that.

Speaker 4

School's OK, it really is. I don't mind it at all. But the weekends are of course much better, aren't they? You can do what you want. I never have an opinion about what we do. I'm not that into films or anything - I just wait to see what my friends suggest. I just want to be with them, doing whatever.

Speaker 5

I'm studying so hard at the moment for my exams that I can't go wild at the weekends. But I like hanging around the park with my friends sometimes, or maybe going for a bike ride by myself. It depends. I tend to be more active in the winter, actually - going to the gym, or helping my dad with stuff in the house.

Computer test -f a d

A. The main things enjoying friends' company

C. Films and concerts are usually fun to go to.

D. I often do more at the weekends during winter.

F. I usually do as little as possible.

Who has no mistake? Who has more than one mistake?

Read the correct answers and explain your choice.

Listen to the article again then answer the questions making computer comprehension test (Multiple choice)


1. What do the first speaker look forward to?

a. weekends b. holidays c. Sunday

2. Why does he stay at home?

a. because he is very lazy and tiered

b. because he hasn't friends

c. because he is ill


3. Why the second teenager prefer the weekends?

a. he likes watching films

b. he spends much time with friends

c. he studies a lot


4. Can the third teen go wild at the weekend.

a. Yes, of course b. no he can't c. he don't want

5. What does he like?

a. swimming b. boxing c. ride a bicycle

Who has no mistakes? Who has only one mistake? Who has more than one mistake?


Let's continue our discussion answer the questions: T - Ps

What about you? Do you prefer staying at home or doing out with your friends?

What do you usually do at the weekends?

What about you? Do you prefer staying at home or going out with your friends?

What do the teens seek?

What do parents expect?

Who has to establish the priorities?

Skimming reading

Pre-reading task

Look at the screen and translate the words and word combinations:

impulsive behavior to compromise

to settle conflicts let down


Now read the sentences and fill in the gaps in the sentences using them. Correct yourself with the help of a computer test program.

Parents often complain about their children's impulsive behavior and verbal aggressiveness, which are often caused by lack of recognition or support on their part.

However, if both sides are willing to compromise it is normally quite easy to settle any conflict.

They choose friends who are trustworthy. They can let their friends down, and even put pressure on them.

Check up your reading test (комп'ютерний тест - Fill in the gaps) What are your results? Who has no mistake? Who has only one mistake? Who has more than one mistake?


Now read the text and draw attention to the sentences from the computer test.

Despite the many changes than have taken place over the past decade in Ukraine, teenage family problems are pretty much the same. Parents often complain about their children's impulsive behavior and verbal aggressiveness, which are often caused by lack of recognition or support on their part.

However, if both sides are willing to compromise it is normally quite easy to settle any conflict.

Adolescents aged from 13 to 16 are mostly interested in friends of the same sex. They choose friends who are trustworthy. It is important for them because they want to be able to share good times as well as bad times with them.

It isn't easy for many teenagers to establish contacts with peers. Unfortunately, peers are not always positive. They can let their friends down, and even put pressure on them. At the same time teenagers don't often oppose to peer pressure because they are afraid of loneliness.

Let's discuss the text. test

Are teenage family problems much the same?

What do parents complain?

Is it easy to solve the problems?

What are teens interested in?

Why is it important to have trustworthy friends?

Is it easy to establish contacts with peers?

Let's Sum up our discussion


Parents, what can you advice the teenagers?

Philologists, make up the conclusion of our discussion?

Children do you agree with these pieces of advice?

Your home work: Write down 5 types of questions to the sentence:

Teenagers easily break off with friends who let them down or if they get disappointed in for them?

To sum up our lesson answer my questions:

What topic have we discussed?

Did you understand the speaker's speech?

Were you able to make up computer tests?

Is it useful for you?

What did you like the best?

What was the most difficult for you?

So you have practiced yourselves in reading, writing, speaking and listening on the topic of our lesson and revised grammar 5 types of questions. You have checked your knowledge with the help of computers and it gave your objective score. Your marks are:

11 - you haven't got any mistakes. Your speech was fluent and expressive.

10 - you were rather active, but made several mistakes

9 - you participated nearly in all activities, but made grammar mistakes.

7 - you were trying hard but unfortunately have made a lot of mistakes in spelling, grammar or oral speech.


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