• Учителю
  • Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Одежда» с использованием обучающих структур Сингапурской методики образования

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Одежда» с использованием обучающих структур Сингапурской методики образования

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Методическая разработка

урока английского языка по теме «Одежда» для 4 класса с использованием обучающих структур Сингапурской методики образования

учитель английского языка Хакимова Светлана Валерьевна

Казань 2014

Конспект урока по английскому языку

по теме «Одежда» в 4 «в» классе

Цели урока:


• применение на практике речевых знаний, умений, навыков;

• формирование и активизация навыков работы с прослушиваемой информацией.


• развитие общих познавательных способностей;

• развитие мыслительных операций (анализа, синтеза, обобщения);

• развитие внимания, речевых навыков и навыков аудирования.


• воспитание культуры общения;

• воспитание толерантности, формирование навыков объективно оценивать свои


Задачи урока:


• способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся;

• повышать интерес к изучаемому иностранному языку;

• актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся по теме "Clothes" «Одежда»;

• воспитывать умения слушать других, работать в парах и в группах.


• познакомить детей с сингапурскими обучающими структурами;

• развивать, закреплять и совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Clothes» («Одежда»).

• развивать грамматические навыки по теме «Present Simple»;

• развивать орфографические навыки.


• развивать внимание;

• развивать память;

• развивать языковую догадку;

• развивать умения монологической речи;

• развивать умения диалогической речи.

Средства обучения: УМК «Starlight 4»В.Эванс, Д.Дули, Р.П.Мильруд, К.М.Баранова, В.В.Копылова: книгадля учащихся, книга для учителя;интерактивные и аудиовизуальные средства обучения, карточки с заданиями, таймер.


I.Организационный этап

  1. Приветствие

  1. дата

  2. погода

  3. приветствие друг друга (стих)

  1. Определение темы урока- структура Think-Write-Round Robin;(сл 1,2)

  1. прочесть загадки

  2. обдумать ответы

  3. написать ответы

  4. опрос ответов

3. Установка на деятельность на уроке. Сообщение плана урока.

II. Основной этап

1.Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Clothes»;

a) Повторение лексических навыков по теме «» - структураNumber up;

b) Закрепление лексических навыков по теме «Clothes» - структура Sort Cards;

c) Закрепление лексических навыков по теме с использованием интерактивной доски (сл.3,4)

2. Развитие навыков аудирования - диалог (сл.5)

  • Прослушивание диалога (2р)

  • Выполнение заданий по работе с диалогом

  • Заполнить пропуски (сл.5)

  • Составить диалог в правильной последовательности (сл.6)

  • Ответить на вопросы (сл.7-12)

3. Закрепление навыков диалогической речи - Clock Buddies

4. Работа над проектной работой: «Какую одежду одевает девочка(мальчик) летом (зимой)?»- структура Talking Mat

III. Заключительный этап

1.Оценка деятельности учащихся на уроке.

2. Объяснение домашнего задания: (защита проектов)

3. Прощание.


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся




2 мин

2 мин

5 мин




4 мин

6 мин

8 мин


10 мин

III Заключительный этап

5 мин

1.- Good morning my dear friends. I'm glad to see you…. How are you?

- Me too. Thank you. Could you say me what date is it today?..

- Could you say me what do you put on today? And why?

- And now I want you to stand up and greet your shoulder partner with a smile and our poem.

- Excellent. Take your seats. I believe that now you're ready to work.

- Now have a look at the smartboard

.(сл.1,2) There are some riddles on it. Now it is the time for Read-Think- RoundRobin. You should read them, think about the answers and write down them on the paper without saying the answers to your teammate. For that task everyone has 30 seconds.

-So, time is up. Let's check your answers. Table 1, participant 3 the first two are…

Table 2, participant 1 the second two are…

Table 3, participant 4 the third two are…

-Well, good job. We've discussed the riddles, and now I believe you know the theme of our lesson. Table 3 participant 1 could you say us the theme of lesson?

Yes, you're right. Thank you.

-As we know the theme of our lesson, let's remember the words. And we do it using Number up. Begin the participants 4. Your magical number is 3

- (copy clap) The time is up. You've remembered the words. And now the next task named Sort cards. Team members 2 take a piece of paper, fold it in half, once more, again, once again and the last time. And now cut the paper along the fold lines. So you've got 8 pieces of paper. Go further, each team member takes a sheet of paper, writes a word associated with the concept"Clothes", said this word aloudfor a neighbor and place on the center of the table. You have 2 minutes.

(copy clap) Time is out. Just now you should divide your written words into 2 groups and take them the names. you have 30 seconds.

-(copy clap) Kids, could you say what groups do you have?

-Well done. So the next task is on the smartboard. Have a look on it. (cл.3,4.)

- You work so gorgeous. Thanks a lot.

-And now I want you to be very attentive. In a while you hear a dialogue. You should fill the missing words.(сл.5)

-So, let's check how you have done this task. But at first I'd like you to change the papers with your face partner. (сл.5)

- Good job! Look at the smartboard. You should make the dialogue (сл. 6)

- Children, imagine that you're in a dark room. You should find the right answer on these questions (7-12)

- I'm so glad with your work, children. Thank you. And now take your clock buddies and meet your partner at 11 o'clock…So your task is - tell the dialogue

- (copy clap )Ok, good job. Take your seats. So, It's time for Talking Mat. Could you take away your staffs. Take the paper, colorful pencils, and clue. You'll get the envelope with the task. In each envelope there is a doll (a boy or a girl) and some clothes. On the envelope you see the words "winter, summer". In a while you should dress your dolls in winter's or summer's clothes. I believe you understand the task. If it's all right, then let's begin. And don't forget that you have 10 minutes

-(copy clap) So, dear friends, time is up. I want you to open the diaries and write down your homework. Home task is your projects 'Season's clothes'

I'm so gorgeous with your work. You were very active today that's why everyone gets a good mark for the lesson. I believe that the lesson was interesting and unforgettable for you. Thank you.

-Good morning, dear teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We're fine and you?

-It's 19th of November

-I put on a jacket, a cap, boots, a scarf and gloves, because it's autumn and it's cold today. Moreover it's cloudy and windy.

- Hi, my teammate. You're here. Why so late? Missed you, dear. You're back. Best of luck.

-Scarf and jacket

-Mittens and boots

-Cap and socks

-As for me it's clothes



Students write the words….

1.winter, summer clothes

2.boys', girls' clothes

3.at home, at school

1.Clothes we wear in a hot day: sundress, shorts, sandals, T-shirt, hat, dress

2. Clothes we wear in a cold day: cardigan, coat, fur-cap, sweater, lace-boots, gloves, trousers

3. Clothes we wear at school: uniform, blouse, trousers, tie, shoes, shirt, skirt

4. Clothes we wear at home: apron, T-shirt, slippers, gown, shorts

Выстраивают диалог в правильной последовательности

-Where'stheman? (at the clothes shop)

- What does he want to buy? (a shirt)

- How much does it cost? (15 pounds)

Встречаются с партнером в назначенное время и рассказывают диалог.

Ученики готовят поверхность стола: бумага, цветные карандаши, клей, конверты с заданиями

Read-Think-Round Robin

Number up

Copy clap

Sort Cards

Copy clap

Copy clap

Clock buddies

Talking Mat

Lesson's planning

Theme "Clothes"

Grade 4

The goals:


  • practical application of speech knowledge, skills

  • formation and activation of listening skills


  • development of general cognitive abilities;

  • development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization)

  • development of attention, language skills and listening skills.


  • fostering a culture of dialogue

  • education of tolerance, building skills to objectively evaluate their capabilities.

Problems of the lesson


  • help to expand horizons of students;

  • activate the interest to the foreign language;

  • foreground and develop the students' knowledge about the theme;

  • educate the listening skills, work in pairs and groups

  • initiate the students into Singapore's structures;

  • develop, improve vocabulary on the theme "Clothes"

  • develop grammar skills "Present Simple"

Means of teaching: Student's book, teacher's book "Starlight 4', V. Evans, K.M.Baranova, interactive and audiovisual means of teaching, timer, cards with exercises

Plan of the lesson.

  1. Organization

  1. The greeting

  1. Date

  2. Weather

  3. Greeting each other (Hi, my teammate….)

  1. Theme's definition - Think-Write-Round Robin

  1. Read the riddles

  2. Think the answers

  3. Write the answers

  4. Teacher ask the answers

  1. Announcement of the lesson's theme. Focus the students' attention

  1. The main phase

  1. Improvement of vocabulary skills

  1. Repeat the vocabulary "Clothes" -Number up

  2. Improve the vocabulary skills -Sort cards

  3. Improve the vocabulary skills using the exercises on the smartboard

  1. Develop of listening skills - the dialogue

  • Listening (twice)

  • Work with the dialogue

  • Fill the gaps

  • Make the dialogue in the right sequence

  • Answer the questions

  1. Improvement of dialogue skills - Clock Buddies

  2. Project "What kind of clothes do the girl (the boy) wear in summer(in winter)? " - Talking Mat

  1. Summing-up

  1. Appraisal of students' achievement

  2. Explain the home task (projects)

  3. Saying good-bye




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