- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'An Excursion to the Museum' (6 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'An Excursion to the Museum' (6 класс)
Урок в 6-м классе по учебнику "Happy English.ru"
авторов К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман
Тема урока: An Excursion to the Museum
Предмет: английский язык
Учитель по английскому языку: Маркина Марина Анатольевна
Школа: МБОУ «СОШ №6» г. Тулуна Иркутской обл.
Задачи: коммуникативно-практические: тренировать в чтении, аудировании, монологической и диалогической речи;
Лексические: активизировать лексику по теме «Музеи»;
Грамматические: тренировать в употреблении глаголов в настоящем простом времени, будущем простом времени, учить составлять общие вопросы;
Воспитательные: воспитывать волю, характер, соблюдать правила поведения в общественных местах;
Развивающие: расширить кругозор учащихся, развивать логическое мышление, тренировать память и внимание.
Оснащение: магнитофон, аудиозаписи, картинки, раздаточный материал, карточки, компьютерная презентация.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
Разговор с дежурным. What date is it today? What is the weather like today? Тема урока. Today we'll speak about museums and sleepovers.
2. Warming up. Фонетическая зарядка.
fat, mat, cat, Pat. Pat has a cat and a rat.
That fat black cat sat on a mat.
Mary and Clare have a hare and a pear.
[w] will, what, when, where, why,
Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why Willy, why Willy, why?
[ r] read, write, red, wrong, road.
Robert Rolly rolled around roll round.
If Robert Rolly rolled around roll round
Where is the roll round Robert Rolly rolled around.
She sells sea shells on the seashore.
Double bubble gum bubbles double bubbles.
3. Речевая зарядка.
What season is it now? What is your favourite season? Why?
4. We are going to the museum. First of all, let's decide where to go.
Here is some information about sleepovers at the museums. Let's read and before reading let's pronounce some words:
Museum, excursion, tour, sleepover, interesting, information, dinosaur, natural, history, story, tower, theatre. (Презентация).
Reading. (p.34 ex.3 учебник Кауфман, 6 кл.)
Do you agree that:
Only the Natural History Museum organizes sleepovers.
Museums organize sleepovers at Halloween time.
Children come to the museum alone.
Children must bring their sleeping bags and snacks.
Sleepovers begin at 10 pm.
After sleepovers children come home in the morning.
Museums organize sleepovers for fun.
Sleepovers can give new information and help you with your homework.
Моdel: Yes, I do. I agree with you. / No, I don't. I don't agree with you.
5. Now silent reading. (p.30-31 ex. 4). Read and answer the questions.
What's a sleepover?
Who organizes sleepovers?
Do children come for sleepovers alone?
What do children do in the evening?
Who comes at night?
What do monsters and witches do?
Do children like sleepovers?
Now try to tell us what you know about sleepovers at the Natural History Museum at Halloween time.
6. Аудирование.
Every time you go to the museum teachers instruct you: what you must do and what you mustn't do. Let's learn some rules of conduct. And tick the right sentences in your paper.
Code of Conduct
You mustn't speak loudly in the street and on the bus.
You mustn't hop on or hop off the bus. It's not safe.
You mustn't speak during the excursion.
You must follow the teacher and the guide.
During the excursion children must be attentive and careful.
You must listen to the teacher and to the guide carefully.
You mustn't run at the museum.
You mustn't go to the next hall alone. You can be lost.
(Раздаточный материал:
Be careful during the excursion.
You mustn't follow the teacher.
Don't be attentive.
You must speak loudly in the street.
You must go to the next hall alone.
During the excursion children must be attentive.
You can speak during the excursion.
You must listen to the teacher and to the guide.)
7. Turn the page and write some words you know about museums.
8. Зарядка под песенку. Now let's have a break.
9. Разыгрывание диалога (на основе упр.3 с.37).
L.: Mark, John, Sabby, where are you?
A.: Who are you? What do you want?
L.: My name is Lucy. I am here with my friends, but I can't find them.
A.: Let's try together. It's eleven o'clock. All the people are gone.
L.: I am lost! What am I going to do?
A.: Phone your friends.
L.: I can't phone them. I don't know their phone number.
A.: You have your friends' address, don't you?
L.: Yes, I do, but I can't go there. I am a tourist, I come from Russia. I don't know London.
A.: Don't cry Lucy! I am with you.
L.: Are you going to help me?
A.: Sure. Let's go.
10. Грамматика: повторение будущего простого времени. Let's see when we can go to the museum. Let's revise future actions.
Tomorrow in a day
Next week in two weeks
Next month in the future
Next year
11. Порядок слов в предложении. Word order.
Example: Peter will fly to London next week.
Will Peter fly to London next week? - Yes, he will. / No, he won't.
Карточки со словами для составления предложений.
We will visit museum next month.
Nick will come to my birthday party.
They will visit Oxford in a year.
I will go to the museum.
He will watch an interesting film tomorrow.
They will phone me in two days.
Ann will visit the Tower of London.
Tom will go to the museum next week.
Mary will take her sleeping bag.
Jim will meet his friends next month.
Предложения сначала утвердительные, а затем вопросительные по образцу, как в презентации.
12. Устная речь. Составление монолога. Ask your friend if he will go to the museum. Here is some information. (на раздаточном материале). Вопросы:
Will you go to …?
What is it?
Is it old?
What can the tourists see there?
(На раздаточном материале. Достопримечательности:
The Tower of London: famous museum, very old, Beefeaters, ravens.
Westminster Abbey: famous museum, very old, the Coronation chair, the tombs of kings and queens.
The Globe: a famous theatre, not old, Shakespeare, plays.
The Natural History Museum: famous museum, not very old, dinosaurs, animals, plants, minerals.)
13. Not only museums in London have sleepovers. Информация о музеях.
(К слайдам 28-30. Red zone. Children explore ever-changing planet, find out about the massive natural forces that shape it, the treasures we take from it, and what we can do to preserve it.
Green zone. Investigate Earth's ecology. Meet a dodo. Learn about the meteorites that shaped this planet. All this and more.
Blue zone. Experience the age of dinosaurs, meet the blue whale and discover the amazing facts about the life, the planet, our environment and evolution.
Orange zone. Explore the Wildlife Garden and see behind the scenes of the Darwin Centre.
A visit to the Museum is a great way for teachers to find stimulation for lessons.
Сollection of more than 70 million treasures from the natural world.
Through games and drama children learn animal behaviour, plants, food chains.
Small explorers of animals.
К слайдам 31-32. This is James, 12. He won the competition for the sleepover at the British Museum. He had an excellent time. He is interested in archaeology, in Egypt. He wants to become an Egyptologist. He went with his parents and sister Heidi. It isn't creepy. They watched a slide show about things in Egypt.
During the sleepovers they told stories about Pharaohs and Egypt.)
14. Разучивание песни "In Ten Years" c. 73 упр. 4.
15. Подведение итогов. Выставление и комментирование оценок, вручение грамот за лучшую работу на уроке.
Домашнее задание: с.71 № 2.