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КГУ «Гимназия «БЭСТ»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для вторых классов


в рамках внутришкольного постояннодействующего семинара «Проектирование учебного занятия на деятельностной основе»


Вейгель К.В.

Аксенникова М.В.

Шуман У.П.

Петропавловск, 2015год

- Welcome dear students and dear guests. We are glad to see you at our contest "On the road to a fairy-tale". We have three teams today, three groups of the forms 2B, 2C and 2D.

Today we are having a wonderful journey to the world of fairy-tales. Let's find out who is the best reader.

- There are various tasks we are to face on the road to a fairy-tale. The first one is "A magic wordsearch". Each group gets a handout with the puzzle and you are to find 10 words naming animals from different fairy-tales. (Elephant, frog, dog, rabbit, duck,chicken, fox, cat, hen, tiger).























































A Magic WordsearchPrintout 1

- The second task is called "Guess Who" - read the description of the character and name him or her.

1) He is round. He is yellow. A grandmother made him. He runs and sings a song. A wolf, a hare, a bear and a fox wants to eat him. Who is he? (Kolobok)

2) She is an old woman. She lives in a forest in a small old house. Children are afraid of her. Who is she? (Baba Yaga)

3) She is a little girl. She is very funny. She likes to run and play. Her best friend is a big bear. What is her name? (Masha)

4) He is a doctor. He loves animals and he helps animals when they are ill. Who is he? (Aybolit)

5) He is a funny Mouse. He lives in Disneyland. He has got many friends. His best friend is Minni. What is his name? (Mickey Mouse)

6) He is brown and has got big ears. His best friend is a crocodile. Who is he? (Cheburashka)

- Task number three -Cartoon time

You'll see five video clips where the parts of the cartoons are shown. Each group gets cards with the names of the cartoons - Rio, Planes, Cars, Winnie the Pooh, Ice Age and Shrek. If you know the cartoon, please raise the card with the proper name.

- I bet you are tired. Let's have rest and dance a little bit. (The dance from the cartoon Ice Age)

- Now we have two more tasks to get to a fairy-tale. The next task is called "Make a story". The story is called "Mark is afraid of the dark". It is divided into seven parts your task is to put these parts into the correct order.

a) Mark's father is a pilot. Mark wants to be a pilot too. He wants to fly into space.

d) But he is not brave. He is always afraid of the dark.

b) His father says, "You can't be a pilot, Mark. It's very dark in space and you are afraid of the dark."

f) "Come with me into the dark room. I am not afraid," says Mark.

e) "No, no," says his father. You must go there and stay there for ten minutes.

c) Mark wants to be a pilot very much. And he goes to the dark room.

g) Father is happy. His son is a brave boy and he can be a pilot and fly into space.

- To do the last task you are to remember all fairy-tales we've read. It's a matching game. Your task is to match the title of the fairy-tale with the main character and a picture for this tale.




The Little Red Hen

Why Hares Have Got Long Ears

Why Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox are not Friends

A Bicycle

- Finally we've found our way to a fairy-tale. Let's see what we have here. (Groups are presenting the sketches from the fairy-tales. )

Form 2C - "How the Elephant Got Its Trunk", an adapted version from a Story by Rudyar Kipling

NARRATOR 1: Long, l-o-o-o-ng ago, elephants did not have trunks. They had tiny noses.

NARRATOR 2: At that time, a very little elephant lived in Africa. He asked questions about everything.

Elephant: Hello! Why have you got so many spots?

Giraffe: What a silly question, young man!

Elephant: Hey, and you, why do you eat bananas?

Monkey: Oh, Little Elephant! Go on your way!

Elephant: And what does the crocodile eat for dinner? Do you know?

Butterfly: You ask too many questions! Go to the river and find out for yourself.

NARRATOR 1: Little Elephant had never seen a crocodile before, but he went to find one.

The river

ELEPHANT: Excuse me. Have you seen a crocodile around here?

CROCODILE: I am a crocodile. What do you want?

LITTLE ELEPHANT: Really? Will you answer my question: What do you eat for dinner?

CROCODILE: Come here, little one. I'll whisper the answer in your ear.

Elephant comes up to the crocodile

CROCODILE: I think I'll eat a little elephant for dinner today!

LITTLE ELEPHANT: Ow! Let me go! That hurts!

NARRATOR 2: A snake saw a Little Elephant.

SNAKE: Well, Little Elephant! Pull back! Pull back hard or Crocodile will drag you into the river and eat you!

(Little Elephant pulled back as hard as he could.)

SNAKE: I'll help you.

NARRATOR 1: Finally, Crocodile let the elephant go.

NARRATOR 2: Little Elephant was saved from Crocodile. But his nose was now five feet long!

LITTLE ELEPHANT: Thank you, Snake. You saved my life! Wow I like my nose; I can eat this big bunch of grass without bending down.

From picking fruit

To keeping cool,

My trunk's a very useful tool!

NARRATOR 1:And that's why today, all elephants have trunks instead of tiny noses.

Form 2 D - "Why brother Rabbit and Brother Fox are not friends"

Brother Rabbit doesn't like to work - "Oh, oh oh. I am not well. I can't work". He jumps and runs and plays. Suddenly he sees a well. He jumps into the bucket and the bucket goes down. Brother Rabbit is in the well.
Brother Fox comes up to the well. He sees Brother Rabbit in it and says - "Brother Rabbit, why are you in the well?"
Brother Rabbit- "I like it in here, in the well. I want to have fish for dinner."
Brother Fox - "I want to have fish for dinner, too".
Brother Rabbit - "then jump down into the well, too"
Brother Fox - "How can I jump into the well?"
Brother Rabbit - "You jump into the bucket".
Brother Fox jumps into the bucket, and the bucket with Brother Rabbit in it comes up.
Brother Rabbit - "You, silly brother Fox, goodbye!"

Form 2 B - "The Little Red Hen"

- This is the little Red Hen.

- Hello! My name is Jen. I am very clever and I have got a family. A little chicken.

- Jen the Hen has got a little son. He is yellow and he is very very nice.

- I like to run and jump very much!

- Jen the Hen has got three friends.

- Hello! I am a cat. My name is Pam or Pam the Cat. I am grey and very big. I live in Green Street.

- Hi! I am a dog. My name is Tug or Tug the Dog. I am black and white and I live in a dog-house.

- Hello! I am a Duck. My name is Chuck or Chuck the Duck. I am brown, I am big and I am a good swimmer. I live near the lake.

- Now let's give floor to our jury. Listen to the score of the game and get prizes. Thank you very much. You've done a great job today.


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