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  • Урок по теме 'Экология', 7 класс

Урок по теме 'Экология', 7 класс

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Краткое описание: Разработка урока по теме "Есть экологические проблемы в твоём родном городе?"УМК  Кузовлев В.П., 7 классЦель  урока: активизация  знаний по теме социокультурный аспект — знакомство с отношением британских детей к окружающей среде, знакомство с тем, как британские дети
предварительный просмотр материала

Урок по теме: Есть экологические проблемы в твоём родном городе?

(7 класс)

Зинченко Марина Григорьевна, учитель английского языка МОАУ СОШ №10, г. Оренбург

Цель урока: активизация знаний по теме

социокультурный аспект - знакомство с отношением британских детей к окружающей среде, знакомство с тем, как британские дети вовлечены в охрану природы, знакомство с реалиями и понятиями: eco-school, eco-friendly, three Rs, greenhouse effect.

развивающий аспект - развитие способности к догадке (по словообразовательным элементам, по аналогии с родным языком), логическому изложению, способности к антиципации, сравнению, перефразированию, развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, внимания; развитие умения осуществлять словообразовательный анализ слов;

воспитательный аспект - воспитание ценностного отношения к природе и всем формам жизни, развитие интереса к природе и природным явлениям;

учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков говорения; сопутствующая задача: совершенствование произносительных навыков, грамматических навыков говорения, развитие умения читать с полным пониманием прочитанного, развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации, умения делать выписки из аудиотекста.

Ожидаемый результат: Учащиеся должны быть способны обсуждать и выражать своё мнение по проблемам загрязнения окружающей среды, делать выводы.

УМК: «Английский язык» В. П. Кузовлев, Unit 4 Lesson 1

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор (презентация урока ), раздаточный материал

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие.

- Good afternoon children! I'm glad to see you. How are you?

2. Сообщение темы и целей урока.

- During our lessons we'll speak about ecology, ecological problems in our country and abroad. We'll talk about the influence of a man on the environment, the importance of keeping our nature clean.

You will find out how you can protect the environment and wildlife.

  1. Активизация лексических единиц в речи учащихся.

So let's begin. Look at the blackboard: you see the Russian words about ecology, translate these words in English. Let's work in chain.

Воздух- вода -экологические проблемы - загрязнять окружающая среда - мусор- стекло - пластик - спасать- Земля - живые существа- бумага-пруд- природа

(students say them to the teacher)

- Well done!

And now you'll listen to the British girl Mia who's speaking about her eco-school

(SB р.66 ех.1)

T: Answer the questions. What do her classmates at eco-school do? Is Mia eco-friendly? What does she personally do? What do you think?

T: So , Mia's friends do a lot to help nature. Do you do anything?

Here are some advices for you if you want to be eco-friendly.

Match the two pairs (SB р.67 ех.2)

Recycle old clothes. Take them to charity shops. Other people may reuse them. Reuse plastic shopping bags. Do not throw them away. Plastic bags spoil nature and destroy the planet. Don't leave glass and plastic bottles in the woods. Glass and plastic can be bad for wildlife. Do not use chemicals if possible. Some of them destroy ozone. Besides, they can cause health problems. Support a wildlife organisation. Environmental groups organize different projects to protect nature. Walk to school instead of going there by car. Pollution from cars damages people's health. Reduce energy use. Producing electricity also causes climate change.

  1. Работа с лексическим материалом

And now you will find out how you can protect the environment in our hometown.

You have to fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form (SB p. 68 ex.4.1))

Bin / damage / destroy / disturb / environment / glass / instead of / pollute / protect / recycle / reduce / reuse / spoil / throw / wildlife

What are your useful tips?

Protect nature. Take care of the environment. Always put garbage in a garbage bin, because garbage spoils the countryside. Recycle newspapers, glass and plastic bottles, and metal cans. Recycling helps to reduce pollution. Don't throw away things if you can reuse them. Don't pollute water. Don't throw garbage into the pond. Never draw or paint on trees. It will damage them. Plant flowers instead of picking them. Don't disturb animals. Don't destroy their homes. Create new places for wildlife.

T: Yes, you are quite right. The ecological situation is very serious in our country.

Now you'll listen to information about people in the UK which are recycling three times more litter than they were 10 years ago.

After that you'll see the presentation about ecological problems. Be ready to answer my questions.

(SB р.68 ех.5 )

People in the UK are recycling three times more litter than they were 10 years ago, but they could recycle three times more. A lot of British people say they voluntarily recycle newspapers, glass, cans and plastic bottles.

Usually British families have one bin for paper and card, one for glass, and another one for plastic. Some people recycle nearly everything (egg shells, tea bags). British people also recycle old clothes. They put them into charity bags or take them to charity shops. People should understand that other people can reuse clothes, books, CDs and many other things.

Q: What do they recycle? What do you , your family reduce, reuse & recycle? Why?

Right answers: newspapers, paper/card, glass, cans, plastic (bottles), egg shells, tea bags, old clothes, books, CDs and many other things.

T: How do you protect our nature?

P1: We must protect nature because we are part of it. I and my family are responsible for our town.

P2: I don't leave rubbish, I never pollute nature. In spring we can plant trees and flowers in the garden.

P3: I want to protect our nature. I don't throw away empty bottles and litter. So I can make nice bird boxes.

4. Заключительный этап

-подведение итогов урока

Well, children. We worked a lot today. We were talking a lot about the environment, about the problems of environmental pollution and what do people do and what must they do to protect nature.

After our discussion I want you to listen to the song which tells us about our beautiful world - the Earth. (L. Armstrong - What a wonderful world)

All of you tried hard. I hope you'll try to do your best to help the environment in future. The marks for today's lesson will be…(оценка работы учащихся)

-объяснение домашнего задания

- Your home task will be:

You have to read about one eco-friendly family (p.68 ex.7, Reader ex.1 АВ р.50 ех. 1)

- Thank you for the lesson. It's over. Good-bye.


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