- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме: 'Два американских президента'
Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме: 'Два американских президента'
Класс: 8 «А»
Тема: "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!"
Цели: 1) образовательная: совершенствование речевых навыков (монологическая речь), развитие умения читать (формирование грамматических навыков чтения), развитие умения воспринимать на слух (в записи) информацию в деталях.
2) развивающая: развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов на основе прочитанного и услышанного, способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации и способности осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные действия.
3)воспитательная: знакомство с фактами американской истории, связанными с президентами США, с тем, как американцы празднуют День Президента и чтят память своих президентов, помочь понять учащимся, каким должен быть политик в демократическом государстве, осознание реалий родной культуры и страны изучаемого языка.
- портреты президентов США: Дж. Вашингтона, А. Линкольна, H. Obama
- Видеофильм "Гора Рашмор. США" из серии "Великие творения людей".
- Аудиозапись текста "Wave the flag, Mr. President" (журнал "Speak Out", 2004, № 5, p.18 -19).
- Аудиозапись текста для аудирования, гимна США, песни "America The Beautiful".
- Презентация, выполненная в Power Point.
Предполагаемые результаты обучения:
-личностные: формирование осознанного, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к другому человеку, его мнению, мировоззрению, культуре, языку, вере, гражданской позиции, к истории, культуре, религии, традициям, языкам, ценностям народов мира
-умение самостоятельно планировать пути достижения целей, в том числе, осознанно выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения задач
-умение определять понятия, создавать обобщения, устанавливать аналогии, классифицировать, самостоятельно выбирать основания и критерии для классификации,
-устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логическое рассуждение, умозаключение (индуктивное, дедуктивное и по аналогии) и делать выводы
-предметные: научиться применять полученные знания английского языка на практике
Ход урока:
I. Орг. Момент.
Teacher: Good morning boys and girls. I am very glad to see you.
Pupils: Good morning.
Teacher: You may take your places.
Today we'll speak about the American Presidents.
II. Фонетическая разминка.
As you know, in February, Americans celebrate President's Day, which honors the birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and all other past presidents of the United States. That means when you get elected, there's automatically a holiday honoring you - no matter how good you are at job.
Two of America's greatest leaders, G. Washington and A. Lincoln, have been honored in different ways. G. Washington is still the only president to have a state named after him. Press the button to see it. The nation's capital, Washington, D.C., also has his name. Press the button again. Let s go further. You can see the street named after President Washington. Press the button and you'll see Washington s museum (Washington's house in Mount Vernon has been made into museum). There is also a bridge, a park named after Washington. One can see famous memorial to G. Washington in Washington, D.C. His portrait also appears on postage stamps, bills, and coins.
Press the button and you will see that Abraham Lincoln's home in Springfield, Illinois, has also been made into museum. There is a Memorial to A. Lincoln in Washington D. C. too. Press the button to see his statue. His portrait as well as G. Washingtons also appears on coins, moneys.
III Речевая разминка
Teacher: You know, Americans are not afraid to show how they feel, and when the feeling is patriotism, they get up and shout about it. They like to read and hear about the heroes of American history. They enjoy patriotic songs like "America the Beautiful". And the sight of their flag on important national occasions can bring tears to their eyes. Press the button, please. You see the American flag on your screens. So let us stand up too and sing the song "America the Beautiful".
Звучит песня "America The Beautiful"(music by Samuel Ward, words by Katherine Lee Bates). Один учащийся поднимает американский флаг, остальные ученики поют гимн.
America, the beautiful:
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed this grace on me,
And crown my good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
Teacher: Guys! Do you know who was the first American President?
Pupils: Yes, we do. G. Washington was the 1st American President
Teacher: But do you know who was the 16-thAmerican President?
Pupils: Yes, we do. Abraham Lincoln was the 1st American President
Teacher: Who was elected the 45-th American President in November 2008?
Pupils: Yes, we do. Barack H. Obama was the 44-th American President.
Teacher: Pupils, what kind of a person do you think the Americans expect their President to be?
Pupils: I think that the Americans expect their President to be very polite, kind.
-Why is it difficult to be a President?
-What are Americans proud of?
II. Аудирование текста "Wave the Flag, Mr. President».
Now you'll listen to the text "Wave the Flag, Mr. President" and check if your answers were right. Be ready to answer questions given on your screens. Let's read them. And before listening to the text pay attention to the new words from the text. Lets read them all together (Фонетическая отработка новых лексических единиц из текста, написанных на мониторе).
(good family man - хороший семьянин, to persuade - убеждать, to carry out - выполнять, confident - уверенный, to wave - развивать, to keep the prices down - снижать цены, powerful - могучий, сильный).
Уч-ся слушают аудиозапись текста. Script of the text:
"Wave the Flag, Mr. President."
Americans want to be proud of their President, as well as their country. They like him to be good looking, religious, and a very good family man. They want him to be strong, to be a good talker, and to be confident about the future. They expect him to keep the prices down at home and to keep the country looking powerful abroad.
A President has to make his job to look easy, and smile confidently when he speaks to the nation on TV. But in fact, his job is impossible one. He cannot do as much as he would like, or as the country expects him to do. He can make decisions, but he cannot always persuade people to carry them out.
One of the President's biggest difficulties is that every decision he makes must also be approved by Congress. But Congress can, and quite often does, refuse to give its approval. A President who knows how to get Congress on his side is likely to be a successful President.
Teacher: (контроль понимания прослушанного): Now let's check up if you guessed right.
-What kind of a person do Americans expect their President to be?
Pupil 1: I think that they like him to be good looking, religious, and a very good family man. They want him to be strong, to be a good talker, and to be confident about the future.
-Is it difficult to be a President? Why?
Pupil 2: I think that to be a President is difficult, because he cannot do as much as he would like, or as the country expects him to do. He can make decisions, but he cannot always persuade people to carry them out.
-What are Americans proud of?
Pupil 3: Americans want to be proud of their President, as well as their country.
III. Доклад учащихся о президентах Америки
Teacher: Today we honor two great American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln, remembered for his belief in democracy and equality of all men, and George Washington, known as the "Father of his country". (4 уч-ся было дано задание приготовить сообщения об этих президентах)
Pupil I: George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. When he was born, America was not a country yet. In belonged to England, a country across the ocean. People in America didn't want to belong to England so they fought a war to become a separate country. G. Washington was an American general in the war. America won the war and picked a new name for itself: the United States of America. G. Washington was elected to be its first president.
A legend is told about Washington as a boy. Young George had a new hatchet and with it he cut down a small cherry tree. When his father saw the tree, he was angry. "George," he said. "Did you do that?" George was afraid to admit that he did. But the boy decided to tell the truth. "Yes, Father," he said, "I cut down the cherry tree with my hatchet. I cannot tell a lie." G. Washington's father was proud of George for telling the truth.
Teacher: Well, now we will check how attentive was the rest while listening to you. Let's answer questions given on your screens
Where was G. Washington born?
Pupil 1: G. Washington was born in Virginia in a planter's family.
What things did he learn to do when he was a boy?
Pupil II: When he was a boy he learn to ride a horse, to hunt, sail and swim.
What did G. Washington do during the Revolutionary War?
Pupil III: G. Washington became Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War.
Why did people respect him?
Pupil IV: People respect him for his courage, honesty and wisdom.
Teacher: Now let's listen to the information about Abraham Lincoln.
Pupil Il: Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 in 1809. Things were different then. When Abe was a boy, he lived in a log cabin. A log cabin is a small house made out of logs cut from trees. His father cut down the trees and made the cabin.
There were no electric lights in the cabin because electricity hadn't been invented yet. So young Aby read books by firelight. Abe's family was poor. Often he went barefoot because he didn't have any shoes.
When A. Lincoln grew up, he studied hard and became a lawyer. Then he was elected to be a law-maker. In 1861, A. Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States.
During his presidency, A. Lincoln received several death threats, but he took very few safety precautions. He usually traveled without a guard because he thought that a president shouldn't be shielded from the public. Lincoln was assassinated while talking to the public at the Ford Theatre. It happened in 1865.
Teacher: Well, now we will check how attentive was the rest while listening to you. Let's answer questions given on your screens
In what kind of family was A. Lincoln born?
Pupil: A. Lincoln was born in the of pioneers.
How did little Abe teach himself to read?
Pupil: Young Aby read books by firelight.
Why did people like young Abe Lincoln?
Pupil: People like young Abe Lincoln because he was honest and excellent speaker.
Who gave Lincoln idea to become a lawyer?
Pupil IV: His friend people like young Abe Lincoln.
IV. Работа по карточкам
I'll give you cards now. You are to complete them.
Abraham Lincoln / George Washington
Age when he became President
V. Просмотр видеофильма «Гора Рашмор. США» из серии «Великие творения людей».
Teacher: As I have already said, there are different ways how the Americans honor their Presidents. One of them is Mount Rushmore. (Слайд с изображением гор). Now we'll watch a film about this Mount. Be attantive because then you'll do a test. And before watching it pay attention to the new words from the text. Let's read them all together.( inaccessible - неприступные, to immortalize - увековечить, outstanding - выдающийся, to depict - изображать, achievements - достижения, compatriots - соотечественники,enterprise - предпринимательство, dynamite - динамит).Press the button to start watching the film.
Mount Rushmore is 6,200-foot mountain in the state of South Dakota. The faces of four American presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt - are carved into the mountain. These faces, known as the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, are the largest carved figures in the world.
The memorial is the work of the sculptor Gutzon Borglum. The state of South Dakota chose Borglum for the job because he was famous for huge statues. But, even for Borglum, this memorial was a challenge.
Borglum began work in 1927.The only way to get up the mountain was on foot or on horseback. And Borglum and his helpers had to make the trip hundreds of time just to bring up the equipment they needed.
Borglum had prepared a smaller model of the faces. Points were measured on the model, and then transferred to the mountain to show where to remove rock and how much rock to remove. Workers then used drills and dynamite to remove rock and create the faces. This work was, of course difficult and dangerous, especially in the cold weather.
The Mount Rushmore Memorial took 14 years to complete. Borglum died shortly before it was done. His son finished the work. Finally, in 1942, the memorial was opened to the public. People were amazed. The faces of the presidents looked so real, and they were about sixty feet high - as high as a five - story building.
Teacher: Well, press the button, please. You can see a test on your screens. You are to circle the letter of the best answer.
VI. Test.
Now we will check how attentive you were while watching the film.
Circle the letter of the best answer
Mount Rushmore is-----
a memorial to a sculptor from South Dakota
a 6,200-foot mountain in South Dakota
a famous stone
a mountain in New York
Only the---------- of presidents are carved into the mountain
There are______ faces carved into the mountain.
Gutzon Borglum-----
was a sculptor
was one of the presidents of the USA
was a musician
was a writer
The models Borglum made-------
were sixty feet high
showed the helpers what to do
were unique
were destroyed
Borglum and his men used---------------
horses, drills, and dynamite
rock models and cold weather
Borglum's son------------
died before the work was done
continued his father's work
didn't like his father's work
died before his father
The Mount Rushmore National Memorial-----
is dangerous in cold weather
is as tall as five-story building
is destroyed
is not popular today.
The Mount Rushmore Memorial took ____ years to complete.
a) 24
b) 12
c) 14
d) 19
The memorial was opened in ______.
VII. Чтение.
Teacher: Let's read the text « How to become a president"
According to the US Constitution, a president must be elected every four years. To become a US president, you must be 35 years and older, be a US citizen born in the USA, and have lived in the USA at least 14 years. You can serve only 2 terms. This means you can be president twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933 was still president when he died in 1945.
According to the RF Constitution, a president must be elected every four years. To become a Russian president, you must be 35 years and older, be Russian citizen born in Russia, and have lived in Russia at least 10 years. You can serve only 2 terms. This means you can be president twice. In 2008 M. Medvedev was elected a President in Russia.
Now we will check how attentive you were while reading the text.
In Russia
In the USA
In Transnistria
To become a president you must be (age)
To become a president you must have lived in the country
You can serve (terms)
VIII. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: Dear guys! We've just learnt about one American holiday more. We hope you have learnt much interesting information about American way of life. Thanks to everybody for the work. Your marks for today are the following: … .
Remember please one very important thing: We live in different countries, speak different languages but in one thing we are the same: we are proud of our nations, traditions and leaders.
Good buy, see you tomorrow!