- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока по ФГОС по английскому языку
Конспект открытого урока по ФГОС по английскому языку
Конспект открытого урока в 6 «А» классе
Гимназия №33
Дата: 17.03.2016 г.
Учитель: Коткова Елена Андреевна
Тема: Adventures. A real adventurer - who is he?
Цель: Создание условий для формирования монологической речи (умения составлять предложения с опорой на схему)
Задачи: 1. Совершенствования навыков поискового чтения, монологической речи, аудирования,
(для детей: Выполнение упражнений, Составление рассказа; Знакомство с новой лексикой)
Ход урока.Орг. Момент
Речевая зарядка (Speech charging)
Фонетическая зарядка (Phonetic exercises)
Выявление темы урока, целеполагание, постановка задач занятия.
Good morning, my dear friends! I am very glad to see you again, too. Today we have guests in our lesson. Turn to them and welcome them! Say: Good morning!
Ok, thank you.
Sit down.
Let us start our lesson. What date is it today?
Who is absent in your English group?
What weekday is it today? What season is it now?
What weather is it today?
What can people do in this weather?
And now tell me, please: can adventures happen in this weather?
Why do you think so?
Look at the blackboard.
Who wants to make up the new words from these letters?
(учитель переворачивает листочки с буквами и закрепляет их на доске)
There are so many things in the world…
A,v,d,e,r,u,n,t,e is an y,x,r,o,t,e,a,r,i,d,a,n,r experience, of course.
Only exciting, thrilling and y,r,k,i,s events
Can help you dangerous, c,i,e,b,n,r,d,i,e,l situations feel.
And who is he - a real r,a,v,d,e,n,t,r,u,e?
Does this strong, extreme and r,e,b,a,v guy like doing sport
Or does he many characters, for example, P,o,I,I,h,c,n,c,o look like? (Всех героев-персонажей написать сюда)
And now listen and repeat after me the lines.
And now all together.
What is your opinion, have you remembered the pronunciation of these new words?
Look at the screen and these pictures, and this poem. How do you think, what the theme of our lesson is?
You are right.
And now try to define the aim of our lesson.
And what about the tasks of our lesson? What must we do to achieve this aim? (Учитель под диктовку обучающихся записывает цель и задачи учебного занятия на доску)
Good morning, good morning, good morning to you. Good morning, dear teacher. I am glad to see you!
Good morning!
Thank you, dear teacher.
Today is the 17th of March. … is (are) absent today. (-Nobody is absent. Everybody is here.)
It is Thursday today.
It is spring now.
It is sunny, cloudy, a little windy, a little cold. It is thawing.
People can go for a walk, do their hometask, go along the streets, sit at home, work, sleep and so one.
Of course.
Because adventures can happen in all weather.
(Обучающиеся пробуют составить слова из данных букв)
(Обучающиеся повторяют чтение за учителем по строчке, обращая особое внимание на новые слова)
(Обучающиеся по команде учителя читают фонетическую зарядку)
Yes, we have.
Adventures. A real adventurer - who is he?
To learn a real adventurer, to make a portrait of a real adventurer.
Do the exercises, make up our own stories about a real adventurer. Learn ant train, and remember new words and word combinations.
1 мин.
3 мин.
3 мин.
2 мин.
Основной этап.
Индивидуальная работа (Выявление дефиниции понятия «Приключение)
Заполнение ассоциограммы (фронтальная работа)
Парная работа (Описание искателя приключений из известных приключенческих фильмов, сказок, книг)
Работа в группах (Составление портрета истинного искателя приключений с описанием)
What does adventure mean for you? Try to answer. Open your Students books, page 128, ex.1.
What must you do in this task?
Who wants to translate this task?
How much time do you need to do this task?
And now check. Who has chosen the second definition of the word «adventure?»
And the third?
And what about the first? Why do you think so?
Look at the blackboard. Complete the mind map. Say what words are connected with the phrase «Adventures»?
(Ассоциограмма на доске, в середине которой слово - Adventures)
Think a little over, and then one by one come to the blackboard and complete this mind map.
And now we are going to describe real adventurers from the books and films. Work in pairs, please. You will get one picture of adventure character and the scheme of his description and words which you have to use in your descriptions. Make up short stories, please, 3-5 sentences. You may do this task in orally or in writing.
How much time do you need, 2 or three minutes?
Are you ready? Let us begin to check. What pair wants to stand up and present its work, its character?
And the others pupils will be asked next time, in the next lesson, ok?
Dear boys and girls, I see you are tired. Stand up and do some physical exercises. Listen and repeat the words and motions.
(Учитель включает видео с физкультминуткой)
And now we go on to work. It is time to define a real adventurer. At first I explain the task. Work in groups, please. Use all things which you can see on your tables. Using our exercises, new words, the schemes of descriptions you have to make up a portrait and description, of course, of a real adventurer in your opinion.
And then you will present your real adventures at the blackboard.
Are 6-7 minutes enough for you for doing this work? Ok, begin, please.
Are you ready?
What group wants to begin?
While one group is presenting its mini-projects, you will have to listen to them, of course, and notice mistakes in pronunciation, grammar, and definition of the real adventurer.
And who is the bravest in your class? Who wants to stand up and present one common real adventurer in your class using work in all three groups?
Maybe, something new.
I would like to translate this task. (Ученик переводит задание)
1 minute.
Nobody has chosen.
Nobody has chosen.
I have chosen the first definition because an adventure is an exciting and extraordinary experience, really.
(Обучающиеся выходят и по очереди заполняют ассоциограмму. В итоге должно получиться слово Adventurer.)
(Обучающиеся в парах выполняют полученное задание)
We think, 3 minutes.
(одна пара встаёт и с места презентует свой рассказ)
Ok, our teacher.
Обучающиеся встают и выполняют физкультминутку - повторяют слова и движения)
(Обучающиеся в группах работают над мини-проектом)
Yes, they are.
Not yet. And now we are ready.
(Группы по очереди презентуют свои мини-проекты. Потом все проекты вывешиваются на доску)
(один обучающийся встаёт и подводит итог - выбирает общие характеристики истинного искателя приключений и рассказывает про него)
2 мин.
3 мин.
5 мин.
2 мин.
13 мин.
1 мин.
Итог урока
Постановка домашнего задания
How have you worked today?
You will get small papers. Give marks yourselves.
Open your record-books and write down your hometask for the next lesson.
I suggest you to choose 2 your hometasks from the list of the hometasks.
Learn new words by heart;
Write a short com"">Make up an orally story - A real adventurer in my opinion.
What have we done today?
Did you like our lesson?
Have we achieved the aim of our lesson?
Have we solved tasks of the lesson?
What was the most interesting in our lesson?
What was the most difficult in our lesson?
How will be the knowledge of a real adventurer useful for you in your future?
1 мин.
1 мин.